Informal awesome vape breakfast gathering

Another informal breakfast gathering this morning

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In attendance was @Paulie, @johan, @thekeeperza , @Rowan Francis , @devdev , @Yiannaki and myself.

As always, a blast from the start to after lunchtime! Lots of laughter and good times.

There was plenty juice and so many devices. Interestingly, the number of Reos has dwindled. We need @Rob Fisher up here to help with the Reo count. Lol. Nevertheless, it was a vapefest of note with so many juices loaded in so many devices. A tasting extravaganza! I think the star of the show was @Paulie's Guava!

And on a sad note, we bid farewell to @johan, who has been a strong pillar in our community. Wishing you well for Ireland johan and may you have lots of health, wealth and happiness on that side!

What a superb morning it was :D

@Paulies guava was the star of the show

And it was a pleasure to have one more vape with @johan before he goes to Ireland.
@r0gue z0mbie, funny that you mention it, I told someone today (busy developing a guava e-juice) that a guava flavor and net tobacco flavor go extremely well together.