Innokin Gladius Quick Review


Experienced Vaper
Hi all

so long story short. On Monday my Aspire Nautilus Mini was stolen so I needed to urgently get a new clearomizer that doesn't break my budget. Since my vendor didn't have the Nautilus mini in stock and I didn't want a Kangertech I decided to give the Gladius a shot. Well at R250 with 3 coils I thought it wasn't a bad deal. Here are my impressions:

Overall: A solid tank that isn't quite on the level as Aspire but a good choice for a price conscious beginner.


1. Good value for money
2. Blows nice clouds and has a nice open draw even at the smallest airflow setting
3. Flavour is good - especially if you new to vaping
4. Nice solid design
5. Coils can be rebuilt


1. Original drip tip can feel a bit long (drip tip on pic is not the original)
2. I feel coils are a bit of a hit and miss. When they work they work well but they come loose when you fill up the tank. If a bit of juice gets into the coil the atomizer will misbehave. Also have a feeling the coils wont last too long
3. While flavour is good I don't think it brings out the different components of the juice as well as the Nautilus. This is probably not an issue if you buy single flavour juice.
4. The whole filling and unscrewing process can be a bit of a fiddle as usual with tanks of that size

Nice review @saiman and thanks for sharing your findings

Interestingly, i made a note once after listening to one of Pbusardo's reviews on some mod he was reviewing where he had the gladius on it - and he said it has a nice tight draw

I like my tight draws for mouth to lung so I made a note about this Gladius to hopefully check it out someday

Interested to read that you felt it had a nice open draw even at the smallest setting. What setting on the Nautilus mini does that compare to?

PS- have moved the thread to the Clearomiser review sub forum
Thanks so much @Silver . The open draw is when you compare it to say tha Nautilus or protank. I would say the smallest setting on the Gladius compares to the second smallest setting on the aNm
But compared to a subtank for example even the gladius seems tight as hell.
Thanks for your impressions @saiman. The Gladius has been around for some time now and I haven't seen too many people using them or saying much about it. For the price it seems to be a pretty good buy ;)

Bonus points for rebuildable coils! :D