Innokin Itaste Vv (800 Mah) Versus Vision Spinner (1300 Mah)

Those 650 mah batts are great for occasional vaping but yes, they do go flat quickly.

ive noticed they do also get weaker as they run flat.

My experience with the Spinner is that it keeps up the power nearly all the way through
Yeah 650mah doesn't last that long.. I use it for work cause I vape more at home. When out and about the 1300mah is my friend and confidant. Especially when at the pub, one tends to suck on the vape for much much longer than an ordinary working day.
Hi Silver (sounds like an old western ...:))

Pity I didn't read this sooner - my Innokin should arive tomorrow. To be honest, I viewed the iTaste VV as more of a 'mini-mod' than a battery, considering it offers similar function to its bigger brothers. I also assumed that the variable wattage control would ensure a constant power level until flat, sorry to hear that wasn't your impression.

As a comparrison, I have a Kanger 650 mAh Twist battery, which looks similar to the Spinner in appearance. The Kanger also has a rubbery feel coating which is pleasant to hold. One drawback with the Twist I have experienced is that it is fairly easy to accidently alter the voltage, since although the dial is fairly stiff, it doesn't have any sort of ratchet to prevent unintended movement. Is the Spinner similar?

The other feature I liked on the Innokin is the pass-through power capability - I spend a good deal of my day in front of my pc, and the ability to plug in and carry one when the battery is dead sounded very good. How long does the Spinner take to charge?

A 650 mAh battery usually gets me through 8 hours at the office, so I figured the larger capacity in the Innokin would more than suffice. I have seen 1000 mAh Twists on an international site, but they're not available locally that I have seen.

Looks like another battery in my future - thanks for the review!
Hi Silver (sounds like an old western ...:))

Pity I didn't read this sooner - my Innokin should arive tomorrow. To be honest, I viewed the iTaste VV as more of a 'mini-mod' than a battery, considering it offers similar function to its bigger brothers. I also assumed that the variable wattage control would ensure a constant power level until flat, sorry to hear that wasn't your impression.

As a comparrison, I have a Kanger 650 mAh Twist battery, which looks similar to the Spinner in appearance. The Kanger also has a rubbery feel coating which is pleasant to hold. One drawback with the Twist I have experienced is that it is fairly easy to accidently alter the voltage, since although the dial is fairly stiff, it doesn't have any sort of ratchet to prevent unintended movement. Is the Spinner similar?

The other feature I liked on the Innokin is the pass-through power capability - I spend a good deal of my day in front of my pc, and the ability to plug in and carry one when the battery is dead sounded very good. How long does the Spinner take to charge?

A 650 mAh battery usually gets me through 8 hours at the office, so I figured the larger capacity in the Innokin would more than suffice. I have seen 1000 mAh Twists on an international site, but they're not available locally that I have seen.

Looks like another battery in my future - thanks for the review!

Hi @360twin , thanks for the feedback. Always great to hear when folk read and (hopefully) benefit from my experiences.

To answer your questions:
- the Spinner voltage dial doesnt have a ratchet system, but the dial is quite stiff. After 3 months of use, its still stiff. I cant recall it ever being unintentionally changed. Hasnt been a problem for me.
- the Spinner does take quite a while longer to charge than the iTaste vv. I havent measured it accurately but its about 3 hours

The Innokin iTaste VV is a much fancier battery/mod than the Spinner. It has variable power, a LCD screen, USB passthrough and a resistance reader. It also has a puff counter which is quite nifty and useful, since it gives you an idea of where you are in your battery life. I like that a lot.

But let me say the following with regard to these advantages:
- as for variable power, its a nice feature, but most of the coils are of similar resistance and its really simple to calculate power and set the voltage on the Spinner. In any event, i dont really change the power much. I find it actually easier to spin the dial on the Spinner than use the buttons on the iTaste
- the LCD screen is nice, but i dont need it much, other than for the puff counter
- USB passthrough is a great feature, but i have never used it ;). I just have an extra battery always charged. When one goes flat i put it on charge and connect the other. I suppose there are good uses for USB passthrough, maybe in an emergency or in a car, but i havent used it yet.
- the resistance reader was useful, this was my first resistance reader i had. Since then i got a dedicated ohm reader unit from SkyBlue which doubles as a base to build coils on my IGO-L, so i dont use the resistance reader on the iTaste VV anymore.
- the puff counter is very useful for me. It gives me an indication of how much battery life is remaining. I get about 230 to 250 puffs at 7.5 watts. My puffs are about 3 to 4 seconds long. So if i am going out for a short trip to the shops and my puff counter is at say 100, i know i am ok. But if its say at 180, then i rather change for a fresh battery. This is the only drawback of the Spinner in my view. You dont know where you are in the battery life. Thats why i have 2 of them ;-)

For me, the main thing is the capacity, after all, thats what a battery is for. And the Vision Spinner lasts way longer. I have 2 of them and they are going strong 3 months or so in. I also prefer the feel of the Spinner in my hand and the way it fires. I find the fire button on the iTaste doesnt feel as good when i press it. But thats just my personal preference.

For someone who is going to get only 1 battery, i think the itaste VV is great. It has all the features and the USB passthrough in case it goes flat and you are near a PC or a plug. So i can fully understand your purchase.
Hi Silver (sounds like an old western ...:))

Pity I didn't read this sooner - my Innokin should arive tomorrow. To be honest, I viewed the iTaste VV as more of a 'mini-mod' than a battery, considering it offers similar function to its bigger brothers. I also assumed that the variable wattage control would ensure a constant power level until flat, sorry to hear that wasn't your impression.

As a comparrison, I have a Kanger 650 mAh Twist battery, which looks similar to the Spinner in appearance. The Kanger also has a rubbery feel coating which is pleasant to hold. One drawback with the Twist I have experienced is that it is fairly easy to accidently alter the voltage, since although the dial is fairly stiff, it doesn't have any sort of ratchet to prevent unintended movement. Is the Spinner similar?

The other feature I liked on the Innokin is the pass-through power capability - I spend a good deal of my day in front of my pc, and the ability to plug in and carry one when the battery is dead sounded very good. How long does the Spinner take to charge?

A 650 mAh battery usually gets me through 8 hours at the office, so I figured the larger capacity in the Innokin would more than suffice. I have seen 1000 mAh Twists on an international site, but they're not available locally that I have seen.

Looks like another battery in my future - thanks for the review!
I have not tried the Innokin, but our Vision Spinners are now 8 months old and still going strong - not one hiccup.
I have never considered brining the iTaste VV in due to its small MAH and the fact the one that I got from eciggies didnt even last 3 months. It just doesnt make sense at its price point. Normal twist makes more sense.
Damn! I really wish that I'd seen this sooner :( Oh well, it has just been delivered, so I guess I'm stuck with it now. I've read a lot of good reviews on other sites; this and Innokin's reputation made me go ahead with the purchase.

Perhaps Gizmo had a faulty one (*hopes*) and I will have better luck. I am a bit of a 'tinkerer', so maybe I can repair it if and when it does go on the blink. Either way, I will report back sometime in future for the benefit of others.

On the positive side, if it does pack up soon, it gives me reason to go for a MVP as a replacement ;) These have had very good reviews here.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the iTaste, I quite like it and it has been working well for me since I got it. Hasnt packed up or anything. I do think it does the job. Its just that my preference is to have two Spinners.

Put it this way, I wouldn't hesitate to buy another Spinner. But I wouldn't buy another iTaste. I don't regret having it though.

Am loving the MVP. It is really a nice device with MASSIVE battery capacity. Just make sure you like the shape in your hand, since it's a box and not a tube. I like the shape, it stands up nicely on a surface, more securely than any of the tubes. But it is a little bit bulkier to put in a pocket or a car centre console etc...
Oh, I forgot to mention one more thing

I think there is no perfect device. There are devices that meet one's needs and do it well, but they will more than likely have one or two shortcomings...

I think many of us (myself included) fall into the trap of thinking something else is better. It may be, but it may also have shortcomings in other areas.
Would be cool if local resellers could offer rental devices, obviously we would pay a deposit and rental fees but would allows to make a more informed decision on what device we would like as we would get to try them out in our own personal environments
I think there is no perfect device. There are devices that meet one's needs and do it well, but they will more than likely have one or two shortcomings...

100% @Silver but I do think the MVP with a Nautilus on top comes pretty close. :p But that being said I'm still searching and want to play with more goodies! But once again you are on the button of course!
Well, first impressions are not too bad. Silver - I see what you mean about the buttons, they rattle slightly if you jiggle it, but this doesn't detract from the percieved quality (for me, anyway, it creates the impression of jewelry).

The unit fits nicely in my hand (the standard EVOD battery is too short imo), but doesn't have the nice-to-feel rubbery coating of my black EVOD VV. The satin black finish feels durable, but time will tell.

I find the fire button easy to locate and use - I battle with the standard silver EVOD as the button is small and matches the surface almost exactly, making it sometimes difficult to locate. The VV is better, as the button is larger and slightly recessed due to the rubber coating. The Innokin's button stands proud of the body making it easy to locate, and I like the battery level indicator light (why doesn't everyone implement this?)

The square shape felt a bit strange at first, but I guess it won't roll anywhere (I've had a couple of close calls with the EVOD), and it's good advice to not place it button-down anywhere to avoid unintentional firing if something is placed on top of it. And it looks terribly cool with the Mini ProTank 2 on top!

I'm not sure about the puff-counter though - my kids have been nagging for years for me to quit, and now say I'm vaping too much. I've just finished my first tank since 3.00pm today, and the puff meter reads 198, so perhaps they're right - I never would've guessed that amount (~5 secs each at 7W). At least the meter is still reading 'green'.

The wife and I now both have spare batteries, and with hers being silver, no more mix-ups (she loves Menthol, and that is a bit of a shock when you're expecting something fruity). The combination of silver and black is also a personal favourite, and matches a lot of my other possessions

The durabilty question will remain for a while, but seeing that I'm generally very gentle with things, perhaps I'll have a better experience than Gizmo (not saying he isn't :)). If it does pack up soon though, I'll definitely be back for a rant to warn others.

Time to refill :D
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@360twin ....when I was using the ZMax first, there was a puff counter. I was shocked how fast one accumulates the puffs. I ended up +/- 500 puffs per day, and I never felt that I overdid the vaping. If you do 100 or 1000 a does not matter. It is way healthier then doing just 1 stinky!
Well, first impressions are not too bad. Silver - I see what you mean about the buttons, they rattle slightly if you jiggle it, but this doesn't detract from the percieved quality (for me, anyway, it creates the impression of jewelry).

The unit fits nicely in my hand (the standard EVOD battery is too short imo), but doesn't have the nice-to-feel rubbery coating of my black EVOD VV. The satin black finish feels durable, but time will tell.

I find the fire button easy to locate and use - I battle with the standard silver EVOD as the button is small and matches the surface almost exactly, making it sometimes difficult to locate. The VV is better, as the button is larger and slightly recessed due to the rubber coating. The Innokin's button stands proud of the body making it easy to locate, and I like the battery level indicator light (why doesn't everyone implement this?)

The square shape felt a bit strange at first, but I guess it won't roll anywhere (I've had a couple of close calls with the EVOD), and it's good advice to not place it button-down anywhere to avoid unintentional firing if something is placed on top of it. And it looks terribly cool with the Mini ProTank 2 on top!

I'm not sure about the puff-counter though - my kids have been nagging for years for me to quit, and now say I'm vaping too much. I've just finished my first tank since 3.00pm today, and the puff meter reads 198, so perhaps they're right - I never would've guessed that amount (~5 secs each at 7W). At least the meter is still reading 'green'.

The wife and I now both have spare batteries, and with hers being silver, no more mix-ups (she loves Menthol, and that is a bit of a shock when you're expecting something fruity). The combination of silver and black is also a personal favourite, and matches a lot of my other possessions

The durabilty question will remain for a while, but seeing that I'm generally very gentle with things, perhaps I'll have a better experience than Gizmo (not saying he isn't :)). If it does pack up soon though, I'll definitely be back for a rant to warn others.

Time to refill :D
If YOU feel that you vape too much, maybe look at your nic content and up it a bit. Personally, I could not care a ****, I vape as much as I like and feel good about it, but if your nic content is too low you do tend to go through juice like water, which can become somewhat expensive.
Quick update; reached 270 puffs at 1/4 of the way through a second tank and it started to show red, so I turned it off. This on the charge it came with, which I assume was full. I noticed no degradation of output, but I'm using a lower wattage than Silver. First impressions remain good.

If YOU feel that you vape too much...

Not at all! I can't get enough, and have bought lower nic juices because I'm having trouble falling asleep on 18mg :p I don't recall ever enjoying smoking this much, and I used to roll mild cherry pipe tobacco in hemp papers, which was really good.

I agree with Tom - I haven't had a 'stinky' since I quit in December, before I started vaping, and have no intention of doing so. I could always feel when I had smoked too much, but with vaping I seem to always want more. It is a bit costly, but mixing my own will help.
Not at all! I can't get enough, and have bought lower nic juices because I'm having trouble falling asleep on 18mg :p I don't recall ever enjoying smoking this much, and I used to roll mild cherry pipe tobacco in hemp papers, which was really good.
I agree with Tom - I haven't had a 'stinky' since I quit in December, before I started vaping, and have no intention of doing so. I could always feel when I had smoked too much, but with vaping I seem to always want more. It is a bit costly, but mixing my own will help.
Yip, first few months of vaping I halved my nic content after work hours so I could sleep.
Quick update; reached 270 puffs at 1/4 of the way through a second tank and it started to show red, so I turned it off. This on the charge it came with, which I assume was full. I noticed no degradation of output, but I'm using a lower wattage than Silver. First impressions remain good.

Not at all! I can't get enough, and have bought lower nic juices because I'm having trouble falling asleep on 18mg :p I don't recall ever enjoying smoking this much, and I used to roll mild cherry pipe tobacco in hemp papers, which was really good.

I agree with Tom - I haven't had a 'stinky' since I quit in December, before I started vaping, and have no intention of doing so. I could always feel when I had smoked too much, but with vaping I seem to always want more. It is a bit costly, but mixing my own will help.

The battery come partly charged generally. I usually pop them on charge immediately in general circumstances but when my SVD and battery cape I could not wait, popped that suck in and I was what I thought was vape heaven till I started building my own coils, now wow what a difference.. Innokin products with a RBA on top is where it's at.
Yip, first few months of vaping I halved my nic content after work hours so I could sleep.

That would explain why I am not sleeping, I go ballistic on the vape when I get home and only stop seconds before my head hits the pillow.
Quick update; reached 270 puffs at 1/4 of the way through a second tank and it started to show red, so I turned it off. This on the charge it came with, which I assume was full. I noticed no degradation of output, but I'm using a lower wattage than Silver. First impressions remain good.

Not at all! I can't get enough, and have bought lower nic juices because I'm having trouble falling asleep on 18mg :p I don't recall ever enjoying smoking this much, and I used to roll mild cherry pipe tobacco in hemp papers, which was really good.

I agree with Tom - I haven't had a 'stinky' since I quit in December, before I started vaping, and have no intention of doing so. I could always feel when I had smoked too much, but with vaping I seem to always want more. It is a bit costly, but mixing my own will help.

Great to hear you had a good first impression @360twin !
Enjoy it. Loved reading your comments and posts
270 puffs is great for a factory charge.
Lets see how it does on your first full charge.
Remember, the puff counter resets when you turn it off and on (3 fires if i remember correctly)
That would explain why I am not sleeping, I go ballistic on the vape when I get home and only stop seconds before my head hits the pillow.

I have had this same problem... :confused:
That would explain why I am not sleeping, I go ballistic on the vape when I get home and only stop seconds before my head hits the pillow.
Just lower you nic content drastically in the evenings, then you can vape away mindlessly and still go to sleep.
You still loving that nautilus Rob?
How often do you have to change coils? Can you tell if the flavour is going off?
You still loving that nautilus Rob?
How often do you have to change coils? Can you tell if the flavour is going off?

Yebo yes Silver! I use the Nautilus Tanks 98% of the day and night and only use the mPT2's for a quick change to other juices for a change and to let stinkies test...

I'm really impressed by how long the coils are lasting... I'm on about tank refill number 5 and the coil is still going strong... so far so good and no taste change as yet... I need to get a notebook and actually record refills and coil changes because I haven't been and just change coils when I feel there is a taste degradation... haven't had it on the Nautilus and just changed the coil once when changing juices...