Item wanted: Looking for internals, meaning display, + and - button, fire button, of any broken mod or "drawer based, might throw away mod" that can/was able to handle up to 150w output
Price Preference: You decide what you want for it
Condition: Any really, as long as the display is working
Age of the item: Really does not matter
Location of item: Preferably Cape Town area, willing to pay for shipping if offer is "okay"
I'm looking for this item to do my own DIY project. I don't really like buying "off the shelf" items, so would prefer building/designing my own thing.
Hope someone has something lying around.
PS: Not looking for freebies, make me a price and I will consider
Price Preference: You decide what you want for it
Condition: Any really, as long as the display is working
Age of the item: Really does not matter
Location of item: Preferably Cape Town area, willing to pay for shipping if offer is "okay"
I'm looking for this item to do my own DIY project. I don't really like buying "off the shelf" items, so would prefer building/designing my own thing.
Hope someone has something lying around.
PS: Not looking for freebies, make me a price and I will consider