HI Guys Mikhail here. also know as Micky or MickyDI've been vaping for 2 months now and I've been loving it.
i used to use twisp and a mate of mine told me to try vapes so i researched it and o dam i just saw things about it blowing up and so on, i immediately backed out until i tried one and o did i love it so got my hand on a V8 stick (Noob Stick) and learnt fast started wicking my own coils and so on now im running through a bottle of flavor every 3 to 4 days 35ML.
loving the vape world and got lots of question to ask and would love to be apart of a community of vapers and people to help along my joy Vaping.
Peace Vapers
Welcome to the forum @MickyD
You are part of a great community of passionate enthusiast vapers here
Feel free to ask questions as you go along