Most welcome to the hobbyists' forum. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit - an awesome achievement! Your taste buds should be starting to wake up around now, which makes all dem flavours even more awesome. Happy vaping.Hello everybody!Pretty neat forum you guys have here, thanks for having me!
Im a fairly new vaper (about 2 weeks now) kicked cigs the day i bought the vape and havent looked back since. When a friend told me I can actually vape zoo biscuits and glazed donuts i threw my money at it straight awayStarted with a Smok Stick V8 to see how it goes and so far so good, definitely see this as becoming more of a hobby and will hopefully be upgrading to bigger better equipment one day soon, especially intrigued by making my own juices eventually but still have lots to learn, and thats why I find myself here now.
Looking forward to our future discussions!