Introduce Yourselves:

Hi to all, and greetings from Cape Town

New to the this vaping phenomenon. really battled to get going, had so many problems with my two devices, gave up, but so sick of the cigs that I went back to my devices, have two Twisp clearo's, not really happy with these and really want to upgrade. Saw the Aero model, done so much reading on the web and was quite shocked to see the comments of many regarding vaping and what is actually available here in South Africa. Before I rush out in the morning, currently on leave recovering from major dental surgery, another reason to stay away from my "camels", any advice from the learned members would be so appreciated. I really want to vape away but so tired of the "little" amount of "smoke", just so disheartened.

Good to be here and looking forward to learning from all the members.


Most welcome to the forum.
From your comments I would suggest something like the following for you for proper clouds. An iSTick 50W battery, which should give you enough power going forward. And awesome battery life of 4400 mAh. With that a Kanger Subtank Mini, which comes with 0.5 ohm and or 1.2 ohm coils. Maybe start with the 1.2 ohm coils. Also a rebuildable deck for the not too distant future. This setup should be flexible enough to serve you for some time.
Shout if you have any questions. Happy vaping.
Here is a picture of that combo. Taken from this post.

Welcome @CameronN

Congrats on giving up smoking after 15 years...the first stretch is a bit rough, but once you get over that you'll never look back - well, maybe a glance ;)

There are a ton of options for upgrading, and it sounds like you definitely need to - the most important part of switching to vaping from smoking is a consistent and satisfying vape, and from the sounds of it that is not what you are getting. As to what to get, you could give the new Twisp Aero a try. It is a rebranded Ego One and it is an amazing vape - guaranteed. Or, you could save some money and just get a Ego One. Both of these will give you a very consistent and satisfying vape and will deliver more than enough nicotine to keep you off the cigarettes :D

There are so many other options too, but it might be a bit much to take in after only two weeks of vaping. But feel free to look around and ask as many questions as you need.

Best of luck and enjoy the forum :)
Welcome @Calvin

Congrats on being lured into a better way of life - what a happy surprise :D

The hobby side of vaping, and the awesome community, is something that contributes greatly to the loss of desire for smoking - at least it was in my case. Glad to hear you are enjoying it as well :)

Great setup, and juice...and Vape Club is amazing :rock:

Enjoy the forum ;)
Welcome @theyettie

Best of luck finding a setup that gets you off the cigarettes permanently - it's worth the effort :)
Follow the advice (and/or links) given and I'm sure you'll be vaping up a storm soon enough and never look at a Camel (heavy/light) ever again :)

Enjoy the forum :)
Welcome @DarkSide

Sorry to hear that you are struggling, but if you follow @Andre 's advice you will be vaping up a storm in no time ;)

The Twisp Aero is a fantastic little device too - it is so unlike any other Twisp device. It is basically a high end device from another manufacturer (Joyetech) called the Ego One which they have had modified slightly and rebranded. The vape off it is right up there with the SubTank, and the total device is tiny in size. It also produces massive clouds if that's what you are after :D

Best of luck finding your perfect setup, and enjoy the forum

Attention all members, especially newer members that may not know

VapeCon 2015 is taking place on 30 May 2015 in Fourways, JHB.

This is SA's first vape convention. Lots of vapers and retailers will be there. It is going to be fabulous!
There will be competitions and prizes as well as great deals on vape gear and juice.
Whether you are starting out, just curious or an advanced vaper - come along and have a jol with us.

Check out this thread -
Or the VapeCon website -
Hey Guys.
Cameron here. Great forum!
Smoked for 15 years, 20 a day...
Been vaping for a little over two weeks now and have not had a cig since I bought my twisp... :)

Now for some advice... there is a lot on this forum (that is way above me)
The twisp is great, but it seems inconsistent... I want a machine that tastes the same every time I drag it. Consistent clouds, consistent flavour. Consistent nicotine. I find myself puffing on this thing a lot to maintain. I have changed the coil and I clean it regularly (once a week) Something that lasts throughout the day, that I can charge over night.

Should I just wait and get used to the twisp or should I upgrade to a better unit?

Any advice will be appreciated
Thanks in advance
Well done on your two weeks mate in the coming weeks you'll feel your taste buds come back to life! and the lungs feel better also! the Twisp is what I started on also and got me through the first twelve months of no cigs, the main thing with the twisp is the mouthpiece pull it off and dry any drips or liquid that are present in the top piece and blow out the mouthpiece, its pretty much the only thing other than the coil that can interfere with the quality of vaping the twisp, which in my humble opinion is a great starting point..
Welcome to the forum @brett Franklin, there is a lot of info on DIY Juice in this section of the forum:

Take your time, go through it all at your own pace, it can be a bit daunting at first but you'll pick it up pretty quick.

btw, I have edited your signature, it's never a good idea to advertise your cell phone number in any public space online.
Cheers mate I didn't give the number a second thought ;-)
Hi Guys

THANKS for all the advice from the members on this forum and a Big “Shout-Out” to VapeMod in Kenilworth for all the amazing assistance and advice, really happy with my set-up, the Grandmaster flavour really appropriate as every cough in the store was truly a masterpiece, even the car guard asked me if I was okay, coughing away happily in my vape filled car.
Getting the hang of it now, truly a fantastic “lung lubricant" and "jooce". I purchased the black eLeaf iStick 50W with a nice sleeve, Arctic Sub-Ohm tank with a box of 0.5 coils.

Thanks again to all.


Hi Guys

THANKS for all the advice from the members on this forum and a Big “Shout-Out” to VapeMod in Kenilworth for all the amazing assistance and advice, really happy with my set-up, the Grandmaster flavour really appropriate as every cough in the store was truly a masterpiece, even the car guard asked me if I was okay, coughing away happily in my vape filled car.
Getting the hang of it now, truly a fantastic “lung lubricant" and "jooce". I purchased the black eLeaf iStick 50W with a nice sleeve, Arctic Sub-Ohm tank with a box of 0.5 coils.

Thanks again to all.


Way to go, enjoy. Those sleeves are great.
Hi people name's Thaakir. I'm off the stinky for a month now can't stand the smell of it anymore.... vaping made it easier to stop, but that cravings still hit pretty hard
Hi All

Well not much to say as I am still trying to get into vaping. (hope that's what its called) I was on the stinkies for 20 years and then stopped cold turkey. The mrs also stopped cold turkey after an operation she had 3 years ago. Sadly about 2 years after stopping life got a bit much and I fell back on the cancer sticks.

I have just really wasted my money by buying 2 different flea market devices and what I am now assuming after lurking for 2 or 3 days some fake juice. I did not know there was so may devices out there and a community of local supporters. I have stayed of the stinkies for about 3 weeks now. I am having a real hard time but that I am sure is more related to the gear I have and I really don't want to get back onto the coffin nails.

Well i will be checking out the store in a bit, I am on a real tight budget and a total noob so before I go asking a million silly questions I am going to try and educate myself a bit.

oh the gear is escape and that's about all I know. Being from China mall I have no faith on anything the packaging says.
Hi All

Well not much to say as I am still trying to get into vaping. (hope that's what its called) I was on the stinkies for 20 years and then stopped cold turkey. The mrs also stopped cold turkey after an operation she had 3 years ago. Sadly about 2 years after stopping life got a bit much and I fell back on the cancer sticks.

I have just really wasted my money by buying 2 different flea market devices and what I am now assuming after lurking for 2 or 3 days some fake juice. I did not know there was so may devices out there and a community of local supporters. I have stayed of the stinkies for about 3 weeks now. I am having a real hard time but that I am sure is more related to the gear I have and I really don't want to get back onto the coffin nails.

Well i will be checking out the store in a bit, I am on a real tight budget and a total noob so before I go asking a million silly questions I am going to try and educate myself a bit.

oh the gear is escape and that's about all I know. Being from China mall I have no faith on anything the packaging says.
Most welcome to the forum. Yeah, the China mall gear and jooses will make it very hard on you. Browse around and shout if you have any questions. All the best.
PS: Consider going to the VapeCon on Saturday. You will get great personal advice and some great specials there.
Hi All

Well not much to say as I am still trying to get into vaping. (hope that's what its called) I was on the stinkies for 20 years and then stopped cold turkey. The mrs also stopped cold turkey after an operation she had 3 years ago. Sadly about 2 years after stopping life got a bit much and I fell back on the cancer sticks.

I have just really wasted my money by buying 2 different flea market devices and what I am now assuming after lurking for 2 or 3 days some fake juice. I did not know there was so may devices out there and a community of local supporters. I have stayed of the stinkies for about 3 weeks now. I am having a real hard time but that I am sure is more related to the gear I have and I really don't want to get back onto the coffin nails.

Well i will be checking out the store in a bit, I am on a real tight budget and a total noob so before I go asking a million silly questions I am going to try and educate myself a bit.

oh the gear is escape and that's about all I know. Being from China mall I have no faith on anything the packaging says.
Greetings nemo

Glad you decided to join the community!
To decide to stop smoking is an easy decision to make in one's mind but a lot harder to practice. Each of us here have a story to tell on their vape journey. We are just pleased you decided to do something about it!

This a a very supportive community with lots of helpful members and vendors. Combined they make an awesome group of friends and family. Any questions on anything vape related, no matter how small or silly it may seem, May just help someone else in reading the responses.

Good luck and welcome!
First, congrats on giving up the cigs...a month is a great achievement :clap:

The first few months are a bit rough as there are moments where the cravings creep back in, but after that it keeps getting easier and easier until one day you realize you no longer crave it at all - that is a wonderful day :D

What I would usually do when those bad cravings hit, was to vape like a madman - just keep puffing away like crazy - until the craving subsides. Sometimes it worked better than others, but nearly 10 months in now and I can guarantee you it will be worth struggling through those moments :)

Higher nicotine juices, as well as flavours that your really enjoy tend to help as well - also upgrading your devices to something with better nicotine delivery does wonders :)

Enjoy the forum, and the vape :D
I was moving with a twisp clearo for a while and yesterday I managed to get an aspire atlantis unfortunately for now I'm still using twisp juice but the flavour is absolutely amazing now.
This is the combo


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Welcome @nemo

Congrats on getting off the cigs, for the second time - it'll be better this time, as soon as you get the gear sorted out ;)

Unfortunately, there is a lot of crap out there - but luckily you found the forum and can now proceed to be completely overwhelmed :p

Good luck with the research, and please feel free to ask as many questions as you want, we do not consider any of them stupid, ever :)

As @Andre said, going into a store and talking to them should get you sorted out in no time ;)

Enjoy the forum and best of luck :D
Thanks Guys, much appreciated was just informed that we have a function to attend Saturday :confused:
Well I will browse around as I am sure many of my questions have been answered already they are rather general.

The one question I am sure is asked on a regular basis is the most difficult to answer and the simplest .... don't you just love those.
I am on a tight budget (aren't we all) and would like if possible to get a "starter kit" to replace the hardware and a bottle of juice I only have about R400 - R600 to spend to get started with which does not appear to be much looking at the prices.
Any way let me get back to browsing around and see what I can find seeing I cant make Saturday now.