Introduce Yourselves:

Hi @free3dom - great post on the new Kanger Subox!
As @Andre said, thanks for taking the time to position it like this for the newbies

I know you will do another more in depth review thread, but may I just ask you - what did they change to the airflow and how tight is the mouth to lung setting ? Is it very tight like the Evod1, normal tightness like the RM2 or "loose-ish" like the restrictive lung hit on the Lemo1?

Also, when i tried my subtank mini with the supplied stock OCC coils, I wasnt too impressed with the flavour on both resistances. I think it was 1.2ohms and 0.5ohms. (I think I had one of the first ones). Are these coils different? And how does the flavour compare?

As per the picture @ET posted you can see the hole is fairly small - but what you don't see is that there are TWO of those holes (one on each side). So the draw is not nearly as tight as an Evod or RM2. It'd say it's about the say as a Mini Protank 3. But when I want a tighter draw I simply block one side with my finger - it works really well both ways ;)

As for the new 1.5 Ohm MTL coils the flavour so far has been spectacular. I'm not sure how it compares to the old 1.2 Ohm coils as I never used one of those, but I suspect that the closed off airflow helps concentrate the flavour. These new coils are also vertical coils (both the 1.5 and 0.5) so that might help as well.
A quick FIY for all the new vapers or those looking to upgrade from their first devices.

For the longest time we've been struggling to recommend a good starter kit that will last someone starting out for longer than a month. The defacto standard has become the Eleaf iStick 30W paired with a Aspire Nautilus Mini. The problem here was that they were sold separately and the Nautilus is quite an old device with no room to grow as your vaping needs change.

Then the KangerTech Subox appeared on the horizon and by all accounts it was set up to be exactly what a beginning vaper needs - while staying relevant for a good long time through their vaping journey. I've been recommending this device for a while now, but it was untested by me personally. That changed today :)

Early this morning I received my Subox Mini and have been vaping on it exclusively for about 2 hours. And now I can definitely say that this is the best starter kit out there, and it will grow with you as you expand your vaping horizon.

The mouth-to-lung feature (using the 1.5 Ohm coil and smallest airflow setting) surpasses that of the Nautilus Mini by quite some margin. Mouth-to-lung is when you draw the vapor into your mouth before inhaling it, and is the recommended way when starting out as it provides a better throat hit (similar to a cigarette) and allows your lungs time to acclimate to vapour before throwing large amounts at it.

The device is also amazingly solidly built - this surprise me more than anything since I thought it would feel a bit cheap (considering the cost of about R1000). It also looks fantastic.

These will be freely available from next week from pretty much all the vendors and if you are a new vaper, or looking to upgrade from a basic starter kit, I highly recommend this :)

Just not that "battery not included". It takes an 18650 battery (preferably the 2800mAh Efest or 2500mAh Samsung 25R types) which most of the vendors sell as well (they run about R150-R200 per battery). And as you start vaping more you can buy extra batteries and a charger and just swap out batteries as needed.

Once you reach a level where you want to customize your vape, and RBA deck is included which allows you to build your own coils - this saves you a bundle on ongoing costs and lets you play around with finding your perfect vape :D

Here is a link to the thread on here about the Subox Mini kit.

Here are some pictures:

View attachment 29579
View attachment 29577
View attachment 29578

Looks good, i would want a white one for myself.. Just waiting on Vape King now :)
Hi, I'm new to vaping. Actually am excited about my boyfriend vaping cause there's no more smoke smell in the place. His mouth tastes good when I kiss him if he uses spearmint especially. :hug:I might just vape 0% to stay in style... i like the vape culture and want to design sleeker pipes, less bulky and more femimine :oops: but on the hunt for better batteries always. And making home made vape...? anybody doing that yet?
Hi, I'm new to vaping. Actually am excited about my boyfriend vaping cause there's no more smoke smell in the place. His mouth tastes good when I kiss him if he uses spearmint especially. :hug:I might just vape 0% to stay in style... i like the vape culture and want to design sleeker pipes, less bulky and more femimine :oops: but on the hunt for better batteries always. And making home made vape...? anybody doing that yet?

Welcome to the forum @Viv
Thanks for joining. Many positives to vaping indeed!
As for DIY, there is a growing group of experienced DIy mixers on the forum. Check out the DIY forum (under the E-liquids section). Also, this thread is a great introduction:
Welcome @Viv

Glad to hear your BF switched and you no longer have to put up with that awful smell (and taste) - that's a win for both of you :rock:

It would be awesome if you designed some more feminine vape devices...there's definitely a massive untapped market for them ;) Have a look at this site for some inspiration :)

There are quite a few members on here who vape 0mg juices, and more and more vendors are catering to their needs - vaping is growing at an insane pace.

As for making your own juices, DIY is great fun and will cost you very little if you make 0mg juices (nicotine being the most expensive component in juice making) - and even with nicotine it's really cheap. Read through the thread @Silver posted above (it's how I got started) and soon you'll be "cooking up a storm" :D Also feel free to ask if you have any questions, there are a lot of very experienced DIYers on here and the vendors who make commercial juices are very helpful as well :)

I see you are in Midrand - if you (and your other half) feel like it we are having a Vape Meet next Sunday (28th) at Harvard Cafe. Everyone is welcome and it's just great fun. See this thread for the details :)

Enjoy the forum
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Hey all! I'm from cape town , got my first device from vape africa and got hooked, i litterly stopped smoking in 3 weeks.

I recently went to vape mob and got my first mech, running a copper penny mod with a clt v2 dripper, also have a aspire atlantis v2 tank.

I've vaped beard juices (they are awesome juice) also love rocket sheep.

I'm looking at making my own juice (well try to).... any advice and tips and where to find the vg pg liquid and nic would be great.

Then i'm also looking at buying a istick 50w just to have a regulated device and it looks and feels awesome.

Yea sooo, hopefully with some advice and tuts i will be vapeing my own juice!

Thanks all.
Hey all! I'm from cape town , got my first device from vape africa and got hooked, i litterly stopped smoking in 3 weeks.

I recently went to vape mob and got my first mech, running a copper penny mod with a clt v2 dripper, also have a aspire atlantis v2 tank.

I've vaped beard juices (they are awesome juice) also love rocket sheep.

I'm looking at making my own juice (well try to).... any advice and tips and where to find the vg pg liquid and nic would be great.

Then i'm also looking at buying a istick 50w just to have a regulated device and it looks and feels awesome.

Yea sooo, hopefully with some advice and tuts i will be vapeing my own juice!

Thanks all.
Welcome to the forum. Congrats with kicking the stinkies.

Rocket sheep is definitely a winner

Skyblue and Vapor Mountain are both registered vendors here and will be able to provide everything you need to get you started on the DIY'ing

Sent from my Note 4
Hey all! I'm from cape town , got my first device from vape africa and got hooked, i litterly stopped smoking in 3 weeks.

I recently went to vape mob and got my first mech, running a copper penny mod with a clt v2 dripper, also have a aspire atlantis v2 tank.

I've vaped beard juices (they are awesome juice) also love rocket sheep.

I'm looking at making my own juice (well try to).... any advice and tips and where to find the vg pg liquid and nic would be great.

Then i'm also looking at buying a istick 50w just to have a regulated device and it looks and feels awesome.

Yea sooo, hopefully with some advice and tuts i will be vapeing my own juice!

Thanks all.
Welcome and congrats on kicking the stinkies, Check this thread for lots of info on the DIY mixing and as @BioHAZarD said skyblue has a nice starter kit that helps save on the initial purchase. Some of the members here have also posted recipes. Who knows we be looking at the next juice master in no time :)
Hey all! I'm from cape town , got my first device from vape africa and got hooked, i litterly stopped smoking in 3 weeks.

I recently went to vape mob and got my first mech, running a copper penny mod with a clt v2 dripper, also have a aspire atlantis v2 tank.

I've vaped beard juices (they are awesome juice) also love rocket sheep.

I'm looking at making my own juice (well try to).... any advice and tips and where to find the vg pg liquid and nic would be great.

Then i'm also looking at buying a istick 50w just to have a regulated device and it looks and feels awesome.

Yea sooo, hopefully with some advice and tuts i will be vapeing my own juice!

Thanks all.

Welcome to the forum @Delaray69
Congrats on the vaping! Great thing you are doing

As for making DIY juices, there are three great retailers registered on this forum that sell DIY ingredients
They also have different flavours, so check them all
Also check out the DIY section on the forum.

As for the iStick50, i have it and I love it. Great feel in the hand and superb battery life. I can vouch for it.

All the best with your vaping
Welcome @Delaray69

Congrats on kicking the cigs, well done :clap:

As the others have said, SkyBlue is your best bet for getting everything you need initially for making your own juice, and the thread pointed out by @nemo (written by @Derick from SkyBlue) will teach you everything you need to get going. The other vendors have great flavours that you can buy later on to augment your DIY mixing. DIY is a really fun hobby, with the added benefit of yielding juices that you can actually vape - it is highly recommended :)

There are also a bunch of threads on DIY on here, so feel free to poke around. And ask if you have any questions as there are some amazing juice makers on here that will be able to assist with almost any issue or provide advice when needed - and they're very friendly too :D

As for the iStick 50W, it's a nice little device. As an alternative you can also look at the Smok M80 - it's slightly more expensive but also provides more power, similar battery life. There are many other great devices available in the same range so have a look around and visit the vendor sites, and ask if you need any further advice.

Enjoy the forum, and best of luck with the juice making :)
Thanks all!

I've been looking at the starter kit from skyblue, looks like a very good starting point.

Also spent most of my time reading the tut that @Derick has posted, very helpful, as for the recipes.... believe me i will be going through them lol

Thanks once again for the friendly greeting and advice, makes me as a total noob feel welcome!
Hi guys.
My name is Yusuf.
I started vaping last year to get myself away from using a hookah too often. It has become a hobby for me as I generally love tinkering and am a big fan of huge clouds (find them very soothing for my mind).I am still vaping strong and occasionally use my hookah for parties etc. vaping has saved my lungs and I'm better for it.
Keep on vaping!
@Average vapor Joe Welcome to the forum and to the world of "cloud chasing", true what you say, there is something soothing and/or peaceful about "pushing out the clouds", only downside is that you have to keep buying "new toys" to do this, but then again, rather spend the hard earned money on vaping and bottled waters than ciggies.
Hi guys and gals,

Been hanging out on the forum for some time now and i think its about time i introduced myself. My names Kashif, been vaping for about 3 months now. I started out on a twisp clearo and quickly progessed from there to owning a small collection of mods, mechs, drippers and RBA's :rofl:. I also ventured into DIY'ing my own juice as my wallet couldnt hold up with the amounts of juice i was vaping :giggle: (Big thanks to @Melinda and @Derick at Skyblue, you guys are absolutely awesome :rock:). I dont know if vaping has become a hobby or a habit but i absolutely love it :rofl: Keep them clouds chuckin!!:rock:
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Welcome @Cloudasaurus

In addition to being a great resource for information, this forum also serves as a support group for vape gear addicts :p
Happy to hear you are enjoying it though - and even if your wallet isn't, your lungs probably are ;)
DIY is definitely a lifesaver when it comes to vaping like a steam train, which I seem to be doing more and more these days - now is it because I need to or because I now have lots of affordable juice available, I don't know :D

Enjoy the forum :)
Welcome @Cloudasaurus

Hope you enjoy your stay with us. @Derick and @Melinda definitely are awesome. They really do provide an awesome service to us.

I can relate to going the DIY route

Sent from my Note 4
Hi guys.
My name is Yusuf.
I started vaping last year to get myself away from using a hookah too often. It has become a hobby for me as I generally love tinkering and am a big fan of huge clouds (find them very soothing for my mind).I am still vaping strong and occasionally use my hookah for parties etc. vaping has saved my lungs and I'm better for it.
Keep on vaping!

Welcome @Average vapor Joe
Congrats on the vaping and saving your lungs
Enjoy the forum
Hi guys and gals,

Been hanging out on the forum for some time now and i think its about time i introduced myself. My names Kashif, been vaping for about 3 months now. I started out on a twisp clearo and quickly progessed from there to owning a small collection of mods, mechs, drippers and RBA's :rofl:. I also ventured into DIY'ing my own juice as my wallet couldnt hold up with the amounts of juice i was vaping :giggle: (Big thanks to @Melinda and @Derick at Skyblue, you guys are absolutely awesome :rock:). I dont know if vaping has become a hobby or a habit but i absolutely love it :rofl: Keep them clouds chuckin!!:rock:

Welcome to the forum @Cloudasaurus
Nice name! Lol

Congrats on the vaping and the DIY. You sound like you are doing well!
Keep it up

Enjoy the forum and let us know how its going
Hi guys and gals,

Been hanging out on the forum for some time now and i think its about time i introduced myself. My names Kashif, been vaping for about 3 months now. I started out on a twisp clearo and quickly progessed from there to owning a small collection of mods, mechs, drippers and RBA's :rofl:. I also ventured into DIY'ing my own juice as my wallet couldnt hold up with the amounts of juice i was vaping :giggle: (Big thanks to @Melinda and @Derick at Skyblue, you guys are absolutely awesome :rock:). I dont know if vaping has become a hobby or a habit but i absolutely love it :rofl: Keep them clouds chuckin!!:rock:
Most welcome. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit. An awesome achievement. No doubt this is a hobby of note. Happy vaping.