Introduce Yourselves:

Hi everyone. I've been vaping for a few months now after smoking stinkies for the better part of my 42 years.. Anyway, I'm enjoying vaping, slowly getting into it discovering what mods, atomisers and juices I prefer has been quite a road.
Keen to browse some threads and find some of personal interest to respond to :)

Welcome to the forum @stratus - cool forum name
Congrats on the vaping - you are doing a great thing
Wishing you well for the journey from here
Feel free to ask questions as you go along
Hi everyone, I've been on the stinkies for 38 years stopped for 3 years and been back on them for 11 months, started vaping about 3 weeks ago and haven't looked back. Not up speed yet on all the terminology but I use what I think is a pen style that has variable voltage regulation and airflow regulation with a 16mah battery. I use a traditional tobacco flavour with 1.2mg nicotine mix. Hope to learn more on the forum, interested in producing my own juice. Will do some research on he forum to discover where to to get what and how the juice is actually made.

Welcome to the forum @JoeSmoke
Congrats on the vaping - you have done the hard part!
Dont worry about the terminology - you will get the hang of it soon.
Check out the sticky threads that are pinned at the top of the various forums, they often contain good material that helps you to understand the topic faster.

Regarding DIY, we have many experienced DIYers on here, just check out the DIY section
We also have several great DIY resellers as supporting vendors on the forum.

Peruse a couple of threads in the following subforum which will likely help your DIY efforts
Most welcome to the forum. Good setup that - time to start looking at a backup;). Love that Heavenly Peaches - one of the most authentic peaches around imo. Happy vaping.
Thanks Andre. I don't really think I need a backup. I've never been a cigarette smoker so I don't get the nicotine cravings. I smoke hubbly about once a week. I got into vaping for the taste and the clouds. My battery lasts me a day so I stick it on charge at night and unplug it just before I go to sleep. It's been working for me so far. If I ever need to I think I'll just get a 2nd battery and a battery charger
Hi all.

I'm Starting of on my vaping journey and have been trying to vape for two months.
Started with Twisp Edge, then Twisp Aero and then iStick Pico.
Still need to discover what, atomisers and juices I prefer.
I do know that I like flavor.
Still need to find a good MTL setup.
I currently own a Eleaf iStick Pico with the Melo3 Mini Atomiser.
Hi all.

I'm Starting of on my vaping journey and have been trying to vape for two months.
Started with Twisp Edge, then Twisp Aero and then iStick Pico.
Still need to discover what, atomisers and juices I prefer.
I do know that I like flavor.
Still need to find a good MTL setup.
I currently own a Eleaf iStick Pico with the Melo3 Mini Atomiser.

hey @FlavorGuy

welcome to the forum!
Hi all.

I'm Starting of on my vaping journey and have been trying to vape for two months.
Started with Twisp Edge, then Twisp Aero and then iStick Pico.
Still need to discover what, atomisers and juices I prefer.
I do know that I like flavor.
Still need to find a good MTL setup.
I currently own a Eleaf iStick Pico with the Melo3 Mini Atomiser.
Most welcome to the forum. The Melo3 Mini not good for MTL for you? Try a smaller bore drip tip and use either the ECR rebuildable unit (build your own coils with your own wicking) or the 0.9 ohm cCell ceramic coil units (they last a long time).
Happy vaping.
Hi all
I am Kinda new to the world of Vape. I have a few mates who vape and have used their Vapes. I am a ex smoker who is slowly starting up again with the odd ciggy here and there so wanting to Vape to stop the dirty stix. I was pointed to the forum by my local vape store as I mentioned I might be keen to start with a second hand unit which they said I could find a good deal on here. After giving it some serious thought I will be going back to the store and buying from new just because they were so damn helpful. Looking forward to taking in all the valuable information and enjoy this new Lifestyle
Hi all
I am Kinda new to the world of Vape. I have a few mates who vape and have used their Vapes. I am a ex smoker who is slowly starting up again with the odd ciggy here and there so wanting to Vape to stop the dirty stix. I was pointed to the forum by my local vape store as I mentioned I might be keen to start with a second hand unit which they said I could find a good deal on here. After giving it some serious thought I will be going back to the store and buying from new just because they were so damn helpful. Looking forward to taking in all the valuable information and enjoy this new Lifestyle
Welcome @TheVapeApe ! Best thing you can do for yourself if you suspect the smoking is coming back is getting into vaping! I'm always happy to see another Durbanite representing on the forums! What store did you visit? Do you remember what kit they suggested to you?
Welcome @TheVapeApe ! Best thing you can do for yourself if you suspect the smoking is coming back is getting into vaping! I'm always happy to see another Durbanite representing on the forums! What store did you visit? Do you remember what kit they suggested to you?
Hey Stosta
thought we not to mention stores but let say it was pretty rad SIR. They pretty much took me thru the whole range explaining the different types of kits and showing me entry level to fancy in all types. Going in tomorrow to have a final look and buy. maybe you want to send me a message with some advice or guidance
Hey Stosta
thought we not to mention stores but let say it was pretty rad SIR. They pretty much took me thru the whole range explaining the different types of kits and showing me entry level to fancy in all types. Going in tomorrow to have a final look and buy. maybe you want to send me a message with some advice or guidance
Oh no, we can mention them, but they just can't reply if it is as seen as pushing products ;) I would message you with some pointers, but have no doubts that the guys @Sir Vape will give you the BEST treatment and advice! They have a sterling reputation here, and have earned every bit of it, you're in good hands!
Hi all.

I'm Starting of on my vaping journey and have been trying to vape for two months.
Started with Twisp Edge, then Twisp Aero and then iStick Pico.
Still need to discover what, atomisers and juices I prefer.
I do know that I like flavor.
Still need to find a good MTL setup.
I currently own a Eleaf iStick Pico with the Melo3 Mini Atomiser.

Welcome to the forum @FlavorGuy
Congrats on the vaping.
I was also under the impression that the pico and melo mini is a great mtl setup but i havent tried it myself.
All the best and feel free to ask questions as you go
Hi all
I am Kinda new to the world of Vape. I have a few mates who vape and have used their Vapes. I am a ex smoker who is slowly starting up again with the odd ciggy here and there so wanting to Vape to stop the dirty stix. I was pointed to the forum by my local vape store as I mentioned I might be keen to start with a second hand unit which they said I could find a good deal on here. After giving it some serious thought I will be going back to the store and buying from new just because they were so damn helpful. Looking forward to taking in all the valuable information and enjoy this new Lifestyle

Welcome to the forum @TheVapeApe
All the best for your vape journey.
As for buying second hand versus new. Pros and cons to both. But if you can get advice from a store on the right new gear, thats probably best in most cases.
Enjoy your stay here and feel free to ask questions as you go
Good day all
I have been using a Twisp Edge since January and have come to realise that it does not meet all my requirements. I have started to browse around for other devices only to find a myriad of different avenues to travel down. I will be visiting my local shop over the weekend to start my vaping journey.
Hello hello.

Thought I'd post here as the discussion topic suggested... introducing myself :)

My name is Juanita, I'm from Cape Town, On Friday (10 May) is my 2 month vape anniversary & 2 months since i last touched a ciggy :) yey.
I started vaping on a kangertech toptank mini... love the vape :) and now i have an IPV5 mod and a double vision dripper :)
I'm having so much fun, feeling so much healthier, smelling sweeter & loving the vape life.

so greetings :)
Welcome to all our new forumites!! :D

Congrats on kicking those habits , enjoy the forums , ask a lot of questions and have great stay :)
Good day all
I have been using a Twisp Edge since January and have come to realise that it does not meet all my requirements. I have started to browse around for other devices only to find a myriad of different avenues to travel down. I will be visiting my local shop over the weekend to start my vaping journey.
Welcome Boktiet. That is the best thing to do. Most vape shops generally have friendly staff that will gladly help you with choosing a device
Hello hello.

Thought I'd post here as the discussion topic suggested... introducing myself :)

My name is Juanita, I'm from Cape Town, On Friday (10 May) is my 2 month vape anniversary & 2 months since i last touched a ciggy :) yey.
I started vaping on a kangertech toptank mini... love the vape :) and now i have an IPV5 mod and a double vision dripper :)
I'm having so much fun, feeling so much healthier, smelling sweeter & loving the vape life.

so greetings :)
Most welcome to the forum @Juani. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit. I presume you mean 10 June? You have V8 gear going there! Happy vaping.
Hozit all, Im new here. Name is Renier

bought my Ijust 2 about 4 weeks ago and this coming saturday i have stopped smoking cigarettes for 3 weeks. Im love the vaping.
Possibly getting a Subox mini tomorrow and will then start looking at tanks with rebuildable coils.

Nice forum you have!

Hozit all, Im new here. Name is Renier

bought my Ijust 2 about 4 weeks ago and this coming saturday i have stopped smoking cigarettes for 3 weeks. Im love the vaping.
Possibly getting a Subox mini tomorrow and will then start looking at tanks with rebuildable coils.

Nice forum you have!

Most welcome to the forum @StompieZA. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit - a huge achievement. And you have now done the hard yards. Your sense of taste should be coming back with a vengeance. Happy vaping.
Hozit all, Im new here. Name is Renier

bought my Ijust 2 about 4 weeks ago and this coming saturday i have stopped smoking cigarettes for 3 weeks. Im love the vaping.
Possibly getting a Subox mini tomorrow and will then start looking at tanks with rebuildable coils.

Nice forum you have!

Well done on the kicking of the stinkies! I generally approve of all forms of kicking, except soccer, that's just stupid.

I'm actually jealous that you get to experience that feeling of owning a Subox for the first time. I'm still obsessed with mine. I can remember that day when I first built the coil in fear. It semed so big compared to my Evod. Loading it up with Creme Citroen, and that first "Cloud", the taste, the delight of a 30-year-old man giggling like a school girl.

In short, BUY IT IT'S AWESOME! ;)
Thanks Andre!! :)

@Stosta , man you sound addicted to this vape thing! hahahaha but yeah im glad it was easier to quit with the help of my Ijust and cannot wait to start using the Subox. I recently took a puff with a Cuboid mini and man the taste compared to the Ijust is worlds apart but that could have also just been the quality of ejuice as im currently using Orion the belt and meteorite which im enjoying.

Thanks for the warm welcome!
Hey peeps
My name is Leslie I'm from Jozi

I can't say I've been a vaper for a certain time just that I've done it here and there and am looking to get Into the vape scene probably will end up being a mixture of a cloud chaser flavor junkie and a trick specialist (think that's the terminology)lol but who knows right anyway I'm great full for this forum as I'm very inquisitive and a SA forum helps

Thanks Andre!! :)

@Stosta , man you sound addicted to this vape thing! hahahaha but yeah im glad it was easier to quit with the help of my Ijust and cannot wait to start using the Subox. I recently took a puff with a Cuboid mini and man the taste compared to the Ijust is worlds apart but that could have also just been the quality of ejuice as im currently using Orion the belt and meteorite which im enjoying.

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Addict has such negative conotations... Let's go with serious ****ing enthusiast! You will see, hope you don't have any kids because soon you will be selling them into slavery for that new mod, or maybe 100ml of an international juice, knowing most kids these days, I would settle for a 10ml sample of flavourless PG ;)

Orion definitely have some quality juices, I really enjoy Asteroid from them!

Hey peeps
My name is Leslie I'm from Jozi

I can't say I've been a vaper for a certain time just that I've done it here and there and am looking to get Into the vape scene probably will end up being a mixture of a cloud chaser flavor junkie and a trick specialist (think that's the terminology)lol but who knows right anyway I'm great full for this forum as I'm very inquisitive and a SA forum helps


Hi Leslie from Jozi! Those are as close to the correct terms as you can get really ;) But don't worry, as long as you don't refer to vaping as smoking, or vape to smoke, no one will get too upset if you use the wrong words! ;)

This forum will blow your mind! Feel free to ask anyone anything! We are all here to help!