Introduce Yourselves:

So many new members.... :O Awesome.
Welcome to all.

I see Twisp being mentioned regularly by new members. Exactly what I would expect to see as their advertising makes them a first/introductory devise for a lot of people. There are also a lot of comments about Twisp, but I just wanted to say that I still use my Aero. I used it again this weekend when I needed a stealth device and it performed beautifully. I have absolutely no complains.

Enjoy the vape, the forum and especially whatever device deliver the vape you are looking for.
Hi guys. I'm farely new to this vaping game, but I'm loving it thusfar:):inlove: . I'm rocking an Eleaf ipower 80w tc mod with a Coilart Azeroth RDTA and a Geekvape Tsunami RDA. Coil building is a bit tricky but so far the coils I've built are chucking clouds and have decent flavour.
Hi guys. I'm farely new to this vaping game, but I'm loving it thusfar:):inlove: . I'm rocking an Eleaf ipower 80w tc mod with a Coilart Azeroth RDTA and a Geekvape Tsunami RDA. Coil building is a bit tricky but so far the coils I've built are chucking clouds and have decent flavour.

Welcome to the forum @Yaseen36
Congrats on the vaping. As long as you are enjoying it and not smoking then you're winning!
Enjoy your stay
Hi guys. I'm farely new to this vaping game, but I'm loving it thusfar:):inlove: . I'm rocking an Eleaf ipower 80w tc mod with a Coilart Azeroth RDTA and a Geekvape Tsunami RDA. Coil building is a bit tricky but so far the coils I've built are chucking clouds and have decent flavour.
Welcome @Yaseen36 !

Some cool kit you have there. The Azeroth has been calling me for a while but luckily for my wife and future family, I have managed to resist buying yet another tank!

Glad to hear the coil building is going well! It is really tricky the first 3 times, it then gets real easy! But then if you're looking for a challenge after that, you can start doing some pretty crazy things!

Lastly, what juices are you into? Enjoy your stay!
Welcome @Yaseen36 !

Some cool kit you have there. The Azeroth has been calling me for a while but luckily for my wife and future family, I have managed to resist buying yet another tank!

Glad to hear the coil building is going well! It is really tricky the first 3 times, it then gets real easy! But then if you're looking for a challenge after that, you can start doing some pretty crazy things!

Lastly, what juices are you into? Enjoy your stay!

Lmao yeah whoever said vaping was cheaper than smoking didnt know what they were talking about.

I've been enjoying the local juices, Orions range has been my favourite thus .
I'mreally looking forward to the Vape meet this weekend. Hopefully I'll pick up some good tips from the pros

Super stuff @Yaseen36
I see you have RSPV'ed already
Looking forward to seeing you there.
There will be lots of experienced vapers there - and lots of great vaping gear and juices

And its great that you RSVPed because you will get a forum name tag and also be in line to win a random giveaway prize!
Hi Guys. Been off the stinkies for 2 months now after smoking for 26 years. Tried vaping about seven years ago with one of those ego pens and Liqua Liquid. After about two weeks of smoking and vaping simultaneously managed to get of the stinkies. Stayed of the stinkies for two months and then we moved. Ran out of liquid and could not find a vendor near me so of to the shop to by some smokes. Due to no vendor near me and shipping cost being to expensive when ordering juice on-line I continued with the stinkies. In 2015 I tried the Twisp but just could not get away from the stinkies. When i started smoking three packs a day I decided things cannot continue like this. Did a bit of research on-line and to my surprise saw that vaping industry has boomed over the last two years and that there were vaping shops near me now. Went to the vape shop and picked up an Eleaf Ijust S and a bottle of Orion Milky Way Juice. Went home, put in the 0.3 ohm coil, filled up the E-Cig and as instructed waited the 5 minutes for the coil to soak. After the 5 Minutes I fired it up and took my first draw. I nearly coughed my lungs out. Tried again, same thing happened. After browsing the net for answers and educating myself about mouth to lung and straight to lung and the amount of power the new devices have I decided to try it again. After my first successful draw I was in heaven. The amount of flavor and smoke was insane. Quit the stinkies that same day. Finished the 100ml bottle in five days. Went back to the shop and picked up another bottle. After the forth bottle I did a bit of math and realized this is going to way more expensive than smoking the stinkies and my budget just did not allow for this. Went to the shop and bought a box of stinkies. Lit the first one and it tasted horrible. Hell no, I needed to make a plan so I could continue vaping. Did a bit of research and decided to make my own e-juice. Been vaping my own juice now for two months and it is cheaper than the stinkies and no more coughing in the mornings. Happy vaping all !!!
Hi Guys. Been off the stinkies for 2 months now after smoking for 26 years. Tried vaping about seven years ago with one of those ego pens and Liqua Liquid. After about two weeks of smoking and vaping simultaneously managed to get of the stinkies. Stayed of the stinkies for two months and then we moved. Ran out of liquid and could not find a vendor near me so of to the shop to by some smokes. Due to no vendor near me and shipping cost being to expensive when ordering juice on-line I continued with the stinkies. In 2015 I tried the Twisp but just could not get away from the stinkies. When i started smoking three packs a day I decided things cannot continue like this. Did a bit of research on-line and to my surprise saw that vaping industry has boomed over the last two years and that there were vaping shops near me now. Went to the vape shop and picked up an Eleaf Ijust S and a bottle of Orion Milky Way Juice. Went home, put in the 0.3 ohm coil, filled up the E-Cig and as instructed waited the 5 minutes for the coil to soak. After the 5 Minutes I fired it up and took my first draw. I nearly coughed my lungs out. Tried again, same thing happened. After browsing the net for answers and educating myself about mouth to lung and straight to lung and the amount of power the new devices have I decided to try it again. After my first successful draw I was in heaven. The amount of flavor and smoke was insane. Quit the stinkies that same day. Finished the 100ml bottle in five days. Went back to the shop and picked up another bottle. After the forth bottle I did a bit of math and realized this is going to way more expensive than smoking the stinkies and my budget just did not allow for this. Went to the shop and bought a box of stinkies. Lit the first one and it tasted horrible. Hell no, I needed to make a plan so I could continue vaping. Did a bit of research and decided to make my own e-juice. Been vaping my own juice now for two months and it is cheaper than the stinkies and no more coughing in the mornings. Happy vaping all !!!
Awesome intro! A warm welcome to you @Budget_Vapor ! Nice to have someone else from my area on the forums, (although Inchanga is a bit far away, it's close enough). Well done on quitting the stinkies, and on managing to make your own juices! I tried that and it was never very succesful for me!

We have a huge DIY community on here, they are always going on about all sorts of acronyms and percentages, and they are always willing to help, and love it when people share their creations!

Glad to have you on board!
Hi Guys. Been off the stinkies for 2 months now after smoking for 26 years. Tried vaping about seven years ago with one of those ego pens and Liqua Liquid. After about two weeks of smoking and vaping simultaneously managed to get of the stinkies. Stayed of the stinkies for two months and then we moved. Ran out of liquid and could not find a vendor near me so of to the shop to by some smokes. Due to no vendor near me and shipping cost being to expensive when ordering juice on-line I continued with the stinkies. In 2015 I tried the Twisp but just could not get away from the stinkies. When i started smoking three packs a day I decided things cannot continue like this. Did a bit of research on-line and to my surprise saw that vaping industry has boomed over the last two years and that there were vaping shops near me now. Went to the vape shop and picked up an Eleaf Ijust S and a bottle of Orion Milky Way Juice. Went home, put in the 0.3 ohm coil, filled up the E-Cig and as instructed waited the 5 minutes for the coil to soak. After the 5 Minutes I fired it up and took my first draw. I nearly coughed my lungs out. Tried again, same thing happened. After browsing the net for answers and educating myself about mouth to lung and straight to lung and the amount of power the new devices have I decided to try it again. After my first successful draw I was in heaven. The amount of flavor and smoke was insane. Quit the stinkies that same day. Finished the 100ml bottle in five days. Went back to the shop and picked up another bottle. After the forth bottle I did a bit of math and realized this is going to way more expensive than smoking the stinkies and my budget just did not allow for this. Went to the shop and bought a box of stinkies. Lit the first one and it tasted horrible. Hell no, I needed to make a plan so I could continue vaping. Did a bit of research and decided to make my own e-juice. Been vaping my own juice now for two months and it is cheaper than the stinkies and no more coughing in the mornings. Happy vaping all !!!
Most welcome to the forum. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit - a huge achievement - I know as I was on 4 packs a day after some 38 years. Happy vaping and DIYing.
Thank you all. Usually just read the forums, never post. Happy I made the leap to posting.

Welcome @Budget_Vapor
Glad you started posting
Interacting with the awesome people on this forum is how one learns.
I started doing that 3 years ago and am still learning every day - lol
If you are anywhere near Joburg this Saturday - take note of the upcoming ECIGSSA JHB Vape Meet.

ECIGSSA JHB Vape Meet - Saturday 3 December - NewsCafe Sandton - starts at 11h00

There is a lot happening at this upcoming meet:
  • 9 vendors
  • cloud chasing comp
  • lots of random giveaway prizes (to those that RSVP and are there on the day)
  • a photo competition.
And LOTS of vapers from the forum. So there will be a lot to chat about and lots of vaping going on!

The excitement is building...

Thank you all. Usually just read the forums, never post. Happy I made the leap to posting.

I don't post much here these days, but if there is one thing I can tell anyone here, it's that you get as much out of a forum as you put in. The more you get involved the more you will get out. It's that simple, and it's the same for any forum, anywhere.


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Hi Everyone, I'm Reinette, I had been smoking Stickies my hole life until my husband @Quakes introduced me to vaping. I thought it would me difficult but I must say...... I LOVE VAPING :) It's the best, never knew it would be so easy. I will never go back to stinkies ever again. We have been vaping for 3 years now and loving it. It's nice to be on the form and hope to get to know you all :)
Hi Everyone, I'm Reinette, I had been smoking Stickies my hole life until my husband @Quakes introduced me to vaping. I thought it would me difficult but I must say...... I LOVE VAPING :) It's the best, never knew it would be so easy. I will never go back to stinkies ever again. We have been vaping for 3 years now and loving it. It's nice to be on the form and hope to get to know you all :)
Welcome to the best forum ever @Reinette , and good job on getting her to quit the cigs and join us on here @Quakes ! Always nice to have new blood! 3 years is a long time, so you must know a thing or two about vaping. What kit are you using? And what juice?
Welcome to the best forum ever @Reinette , and good job on getting her to quit the cigs and join us on here @Quakes ! Always nice to have new blood! 3 years is a long time, so you must know a thing or two about vaping. What kit are you using? And what juice?
Howzit @Stosta , We started vaping the small swisp devices - Just to get of the Stinkies. So at that time we didn't go big into vaping until about a year ago. She use the Presa 100W with some clone dripper with dual claptons - She wants the Limitless RDTA now. Juice she use? well DIY juice. I mix for us :)
I just live reading this thread. So amazing how so many different people from different backgrounds and experiences kick the stinkies and move on to vaping for whatever reason. I really enjoyed reading @Budget_Vapor intro, took me on a little journey and as I was reading it I was thinking to myself, this guy should DIY and what do you know, he already does.

So welcome @Yaseen36 @Reinette and all the other vapers to the forum and congratulations on kicking the stinkies. If you are anything like me you are going to have an incredible time here.
Hi Guys. Not sure were to post, so many threads. Looking at buying my first mod. Thinking about getting the Eleaf Ipower 80w TC 5000mah box mod. The functionality of this mod plus the fact that you don't need to buy batteries and a charger seems very appealing to my budget minded brain. What do you guys think about this mod and what BUDGET REBUILDABLE Tank and Dripper will go nicely with this.
Hi Guys. Not sure were to post, so many threads. Looking at buying my first mod. Thinking about getting the Eleaf Ipower 80w TC 5000mah box mod. The functionality of this mod plus the fact that you don't need to buy batteries and a charger seems very appealing to my budget minded brain. What do you guys think about this mod and what BUDGET REBUILDABLE Tank and Dripper will go nicely with this.
You probably will get more responses if you start your own thread in this forum.