Introduce Yourselves:

Thanks for the quick reply. Found one vendor selling it for R400, so will probably go for it.

If I order a few spare coils, is there any significant difference between the 1.5 ohm that it comes fitted with and the 1.8 ohm?

Thanks, Scotch

Not sure @Scotch
Have only tried the 1.5 ohm coils. Got my mom a pack of 1.5 ohm replacement coils

I doubt there would be a big difference between the two. But I haven't tried the 1.8 ohm coils so I can't say for sure
First off, thanks for the juice offer, that's very kind of you!

(Not sure if my questions below should be posted as a new thread as don't want you to feel obligated to answer them all).

Anyway, my concern now is whether if I've made a mistake in ordering the Pico 75w and Melo tank without first trying one (unfortunately no supplier nearby).

Should have worked this out, but I'm definitely a mouth-to-lung guy and not sure I'll ever be able to change at this late stage. So I'm pretty sure I should have got a kit that's not sub-ohm. I'm finding the Melo, with 3mg juice, a 0.6 ohm coil and closed down to max is still too "loose" or airy for me.

Tried various wattages, swopped the drip tip for a narrower one from my Justfog clearomizer, changed juice, but still getting very little flavour or satisfaction.

So my dilemma is now this:
1. Stick with the Melo but get some compatible 1.8 ohm coils, use higher nic juices, and turn the watts down. Probably most cost-effective, but might still not work for me.
2. Keep the Melo (in case I ever do get into direct lung vaping) and buy something more suited to MTL that I can use with the Pico. Nautilus Mini seems highly rated, but that's another R500, plus spare coils.

I see there's an Aspire K3 Clearomizer Tank that's described as a Nautilus Mini alternative (R200), takes the Kanthral BVC 1.8 ohm coil - but it has fixed airflow.

(As an aside, what's working best for me right now is my JustFog C14 clearomizer with the wider Melo drip tip plus a filter from a cig in the opening of the mouthpiece - reduces lung hit and some flavour, but it's seriously smooth. If I could replicate that smoothness yet keep the flavour, I'd be happy).

So really need some help and pointers as to where I go from here - Melo with new coils, or a tank that'll fit the Pico but is designed for MTL.

Thanks a stack.

The Pico is a great kit so I wouldn't stress that you have bought the wrong thing. Moving from something like a Justfog device to the C14 is definitely going to take some getting used to, and I think you'll find that in the end you'll use the Melo more as you get used to it.

I have used the Melo, but it was so many tanks ago that I can't remember the draw on it. I would suggest trying out the higher ohm coils before getting another MTL tank. Good MTL tanks are few and far between. I never tried the Nautilus as I'm too stingy to buy coils and like to build my own, that is why I fell for the Subtank Mini. The beauty of the Subtank is that you can get commercial coils too, but as @Silver suggested, if you want to use commercial coils then think about the Nautilus X.

It's also nice to have more than one tank option, in case you are tired of a juice, you can just change the tank over instead of emptying out, cleaning, and re-filling a single tank.
Hi All,

Name's Scotch (it's a nickname) from Curry's Post in the KZN Midlands.

Have read many of the threads here and I'm amazed at the astoundingly helpful community and the valuable advice and info generously shared.

I'd like to tap into that generosity and humbly ask for advice. I'm a failed vaper - been on and off since about 2009 - but determined to try again. (Mods, if my questions should be on Ask Vape Veteran forum or elsewhere, I apologise).

Still smoking about 8-10 cigs a day, with occasional vaping on a Justfog C14. Prior to that have tried other pen-type e-cigs, starting, I think, with something called the M201 Kit, then disposables, plus a few others.

I'm ancient and have smoked for years, so am addicted to nicotine (don't have a problem with that) but hate the effects of smoke and poisons in my lungs. Also means I'm a mouth to lung smoker.

Anyway, after reading many of the threads here, now have a shiny new 4ml Eleaf Pico Mini 75w Kit, LG HG2 battery, plus spare Vaporesson cCell 0.6ohm coils.

It's so different from anything I've tried before that I feel totally intimidated. I'd greatly appreciate any advice on charging the battery for the first time, how to prime the wicks, recommended wattage and juice.

Not concerned about big clouds, just want some satisfying flavour and a throat hit that's not too harsh.

I have the following juices, bought over a period of time: Twisp Toasted and Twisp Cherry, both pure VG, 18mg; 1 x Liqua Berry Mix, VG and PG (50%?), 18mg; 1 x Vape Elixir Incognito, 70 VG / 30 PG, 12mg; 1 x AraMax Apple, 50/50, 3mg.

From what I've read, it sounds like I should opt for lower nic strength plus higher VG levels for max smoothness and flavour. None of the juices above satisfy these criteria. I guess I could do some mixing, but this could produce some odd flavours.

Apologies for the ramble, but I'm encouraged by the helpful folk here to stick my neck out.

Thank you.

Hello @Scotch and welcome to the forum... I'm gonna jump right into my opinion as I'm having a hard time with detailed typing currently due to the fact that i can only use one hand.

keep the pico and melo tank set up... get a spare battery that u can keep fully charged to swap out when the current battery in use dies off, that way you're able to vape non-stop. use the melo tank as a dedicated subohm tank for 3-6mg nicotine @25-30W, high vg juice direct lung hits.

number next...
just buy it.... 5 clips wont make or break you anyway in the grand scheme of things. i suggest the nautilus mini as i have just recently purchased one and my short version opinion/review... it works like it supposed to. the nautilus tank will sit on the very same pico mod, in place of the melo, at around 15W on the 1.6/1.8ohm coils and your 18-24mg nicotine juices depending on the throat hit you're looking for. its the closest to a real cigarette you're going to get.

as for priming the coils... do nothing... the easiest way to prime a coil, until someone can actually physically show you how to prevent flooding and gurgling. just fill the tank as normal with the new coil and let it sit for 4-8 mins untouched. then take a pull or 2 without pressing the fire button and ensure the airflow is wide open. then adjust the airflow to your desired setting and vape away. dont worry about the clouds... dial in the flavor, throat hit and airflow to get the most out of your vaping style...

and then....
the clouds....

they will come!!!
Hi everyone... my name is Tanja and I'm an alcoholic... oops... sorry... wrong forum! Hahaha

I've got a very basic setup... kangertech subox mini c ... with a nano tank...

I'm just here for the juice...

I love vaping on different juices all the time... love having variety... I love specials!

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Hello @Tanja and welcome to the forum... Variety (and alcohol) is the spice of life.... having a basic set up is an integral part of vaping... My K.I.S.S rule... keep it simple stupid...
Hi everyone

Got into vaping a few days ago, purchased an iJust 2 Kit

I prefer coffee juices, but as I try more I hope to find other tastes

Hello @FatManK and welcome to the forum... coffee is awesome... but the possibilities are endless... try frappe tho, im not usually one for vaping coffee but this flavor was awesomely creamy smooth... just like how i like my real signature coffee in the mornings, while welcoming everyone to the forum.
Thank you Raindance! I'm way too confused with all these different things... only been vaping about 5 months now... so will see where this journey takes me... for now I will stick to being the consumer and not the scientist...

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

I've built, mixed, wicked, coiled, tinkered and toyed for a very, very long time.... however, my go to set up that's forever in my pocket or hand is the smok alien kit with big baby beast tank... i prefer the commercial for its simplicity/reliability/leak-proof qualities. its just such a no-brainer... and convenient for travelling which i do a lot of...
Not sure @Scotch
Have only tried the 1.5 ohm coils. Got my mom a pack of 1.5 ohm replacement coils

I doubt there would be a big difference between the two. But I haven't tried the 1.8 ohm coils so I can't say for sure

I've tried both.... no significant difference. i prefer nautilus mini though cause its a tighter draw (closer to cigarette)... and we all know how cigarette smokers love sucking on something stiff (**,
Im Thaabit, been smoking for like 10 yrs or so and been vaping for about 2 yrs, not that much of a newbie with vaping but definitely a newbie to vape forums.
Current regulated devices is a RX200s, RX300, Minikin V1, and Kanger Kbox 200. Unregulated devices is only a Broadside Mech. I must admit that the main reason for me joining is because I sort of need to rip on vendors

Im Thaabit, been smoking for like 10 yrs or so and been vaping for about 2 yrs, not that much of a newbie with vaping but definitely a newbie to vape forums.
Current regulated devices is a RX200s, RX300, Minikin V1, and Kanger Kbox 200. Unregulated devices is only a Broadside Mech. I must admit that the main reason for me joining is because I sort of need to rip on vendors

Most welcome to the forum. Rip away and stay!
Hello @Aptorian and welcome to the forum... I'm pretty sure that all the answers you're looking for will come to you thick and fast because the options are endless. In my opinion though, I would highly advise a much simpler approach to vaping at first until you find your groove. That being said, I tend to recommend the PICO mod with an extra 18650 battery and a baby beast tank with the smaller coil options. This set up will allow room for adaptation as well as growth in a sense that its easy to fill when you're low on juice, batteries are easily replaceable, various pre-built coil sizes different styles of vaping (from conservative juice consumption to cloud chucking).

Either way, good luck with it bro

Thanks for this! After a visit the a shop it seems like this was the best combo of size and everything required!
Thanks for this! After a visit the a shop it seems like this was the best combo of size and everything required!

Ah you're most welcome good sir... this is what the forum is all about. feel free to ask as you please....

remember... there are no stupid questions... only stupid people who dont ask the questions that i know the answers to (**,
Im Thaabit, been smoking for like 10 yrs or so and been vaping for about 2 yrs, not that much of a newbie with vaping but definitely a newbie to vape forums.
Current regulated devices is a RX200s, RX300, Minikin V1, and Kanger Kbox 200. Unregulated devices is only a Broadside Mech. I must admit that the main reason for me joining is because I sort of need to rip on vendors


Hello @thaabit and welcome to the forum... rip in peace bro lol
Hello @Scotch and welcome to the forum...
i suggest the nautilus mini as i have just recently purchased one and my short version opinion/review... it works like it supposed to. the nautilus tank will sit on the very same pico mod, in place of the melo, at around 15W on the 1.6/1.8ohm coils and your 18-24mg nicotine juices depending on the throat hit you're looking for. its the closest to a real cigarette you're going to get.
Thanks Amir - you've just convinced me! (Sorry, don't know how the @Amir link thing works).

Spent some time reading up on the Nautilus X, which looks a great little tank, but many users say it doesn't match the Mini for flavour (although most agree that there's a big improvement when fitted with the 1.8 ohm coils - but not sure if these are available in SA). Also the short drip tip apparently can get hot and is not easy to replace.

Replacement coils for the Mini are widely available, drip tip is easy to swap, and it remains a favourite for many MTL vapers so, at least in my case, looks my best option.

Will order one and report back in due course. Thanks again for the advice.
The Pico is a great kit so I wouldn't stress that you have bought the wrong thing. Moving from something like a Justfog device to the C14 is definitely going to take some getting used to, and I think you'll find that in the end you'll use the Melo more as you get used to it. It's also nice to have more than one tank option, in case you are tired of a juice, you can just change the tank over instead of emptying out, cleaning, and re-filling a single tank.
Thanks for the recommendations. After a bit of thinking and reading reviews, have decided to go for the Nautilus Mini rather than the X and will definitely keep the Melo - might end up preferring it in due course, never know!
Thanks for the recommendations. After a bit of thinking and reading reviews, have decided to go for the Nautilus Mini rather than the X and will definitely keep the Melo - might end up preferring it in due course, never know!

Nautilus Mini is great @Scotch !
@Amir has given super advice
Enjoy and let us know how it goes
Thanks Amir - you've just convinced me! (Sorry, don't know how the @Amir link thing works).

Spent some time reading up on the Nautilus X, which looks a great little tank, but many users say it doesn't match the Mini for flavour (although most agree that there's a big improvement when fitted with the 1.8 ohm coils - but not sure if these are available in SA). Also the short drip tip apparently can get hot and is not easy to replace.

Replacement coils for the Mini are widely available, drip tip is easy to swap, and it remains a favourite for many MTL vapers so, at least in my case, looks my best option.

Will order one and report back in due course. Thanks again for the advice.

Glad I could help @Scotch
Hi all my name is Deon, been vaping for 6 months now. Started off with a Eleaf iPower mod and I am currently using the G-Priv.
Hi everyone, my name is Juandré. Been vaping from last year August, made the switch from cigarettes to vaping in November. Started out on a cupti, currently I'm using the tarot pro, with a pro tank 4.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi everyone, my name is Juandré. Been vaping from last year August, made the switch from cigarettes to vaping in November. Started out on a cupti, currently I'm using the tarot pro, with a pro tank 4.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats on the switch, just keep at it and you will never look back

Welcome the forum, pull up a chair
Im Thaabit, been smoking for like 10 yrs or so and been vaping for about 2 yrs, not that much of a newbie with vaping but definitely a newbie to vape forums.
Current regulated devices is a RX200s, RX300, Minikin V1, and Kanger Kbox 200. Unregulated devices is only a Broadside Mech. I must admit that the main reason for me joining is because I sort of need to rip on vendors

Welcome aboard @thaabit ask, rip, teach and brag as much as you like!