Item: Juggerknot MR
Age: Few months
Price: Trade / sell - R500
Payment Methods Accepted: Cash/GEO/EFT
Warranty: None
Packaging: Yes
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: 9/10
Location: Fourways JHB
Reason: Need a single 21700 Squonk
Shipping: C&R on buyer
Will trade for a clean 21700 Squonk and can add cash or sell.
Age: Few months
Price: Trade / sell - R500
Payment Methods Accepted: Cash/GEO/EFT
Warranty: None
Packaging: Yes
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: 9/10
Location: Fourways JHB
Reason: Need a single 21700 Squonk
Shipping: C&R on buyer
Will trade for a clean 21700 Squonk and can add cash or sell.