Just took my first hit off a dripper


Just took my first hit off a dripper...
submitted 6 hours ago by styx66

So I've made my way up the gear ranks, starting way down with a kanger emow, to a ego one, now to a couple 40w reg boxes. But every time I thought about trying an RDA, I just couldn't get past the idea that I'd have to keep refilling it all the time. I wanted the convenience of the tank, no way around it.

But my hunger grew. More clouds, my brain said. More flavor while you're at it! So I started trying some more advanced things in my Subtank, but wasn't having much luck. Put together a clapton the other day and it was good. Ramp up is slow but i'm waiting on some lower guage wire.

But it didn't stop. The only other thing I could do now was give an RDA a try at least. It couldn't be that much different. I was sure it was better but still wouldn't be worth sacrificing the convenience of a tank. I ordered a Velocity Clone from fasttech a few days ago. It's all I could think about. I wanted it sooner. I hit up my B&M on the way home from work today and picked up the Tobeco version. Everyone asleep? Time to play. Built a few really terrible coils (never done anything like this, just the subtank deck), rolled up some scottish rolls, loaded it up with my favorite juice, cranked up my wattage......

WTF guys? How could this not have been more clearly communicated what a completely different world this is? I feel like someone must have felt seeing their first color film in the theater after a life of black and white. It's like the difference between seeing a baseball game on TV for years and then finally going to a game and coming out of the tunnel and seeing the massive beautiful green field and it's immensity and vibrance. I actually got a nic buzz from it which I never did from my tanks.

I just took a drag off my other mod with a tank on it. Felt like sucking air through a stir stick. How can I go back to a tank now?

Plus this guy has such a happy little face looking at me all the time.... Hit me! Hit me!

I'm just giddy at the moment and I can't believe I didn't try this sooner. Just wish I could go over 40w! Sigh... More gear to order!

I wouldn't have ever made these improvements in QOV without all your help. I may not post a lot but I read every day and learn so much. Thanks!!!!!


source: https://www.reddit.com/r/electronic_cigarette/comments/3lj88m/just_took_my_first_hit_off_a_dripper/

And that is why I'm starting a friend off with a mech mod and a dripper. He took a few hits of mine and was impressed. Not gonna bore him with a tank. Explained squoking to him and he's up for that after the dripper.
I went from a cig-a-like, to a kayfun and then on to a dripper. Never used the kayfun again and up to date I could not find a tank that satisfies me. Even the Billow V2 falls short.
Just took my first hit off a dripper...
submitted 6 hours ago by styx66

So I've made my way up the gear ranks, starting way down with a kanger emow, to a ego one, now to a couple 40w reg boxes. But every time I thought about trying an RDA, I just couldn't get past the idea that I'd have to keep refilling it all the time. I wanted the convenience of the tank, no way around it.

But my hunger grew. More clouds, my brain said. More flavor while you're at it! So I started trying some more advanced things in my Subtank, but wasn't having much luck. Put together a clapton the other day and it was good. Ramp up is slow but i'm waiting on some lower guage wire.

But it didn't stop. The only other thing I could do now was give an RDA a try at least. It couldn't be that much different. I was sure it was better but still wouldn't be worth sacrificing the convenience of a tank. I ordered a Velocity Clone from fasttech a few days ago. It's all I could think about. I wanted it sooner. I hit up my B&M on the way home from work today and picked up the Tobeco version. Everyone asleep? Time to play. Built a few really terrible coils (never done anything like this, just the subtank deck), rolled up some scottish rolls, loaded it up with my favorite juice, cranked up my wattage......

WTF guys? How could this not have been more clearly communicated what a completely different world this is? I feel like someone must have felt seeing their first color film in the theater after a life of black and white. It's like the difference between seeing a baseball game on TV for years and then finally going to a game and coming out of the tunnel and seeing the massive beautiful green field and it's immensity and vibrance. I actually got a nic buzz from it which I never did from my tanks.

I just took a drag off my other mod with a tank on it. Felt like sucking air through a stir stick. How can I go back to a tank now?

Plus this guy has such a happy little face looking at me all the time.... Hit me! Hit me!

I'm just giddy at the moment and I can't believe I didn't try this sooner. Just wish I could go over 40w! Sigh... More gear to order!

I wouldn't have ever made these improvements in QOV without all your help. I may not post a lot but I read every day and learn so much. Thanks!!!!!


source: https://www.reddit.com/r/electronic_cigarette/comments/3lj88m/just_took_my_first_hit_off_a_dripper/

I remember thinking "why would anyone not use a tank"? I thought I'd never drip, but 17 RDAs later.....
I remember thinking "why would anyone not use a tank"? I thought I'd never drip, but 17 RDAs later.....
oh hell don't say that love the dripper i have so far can't afford more lol
guzy im looking for a good dripper ne one that can help me and tell me where to find it
guzy im looking for a good dripper ne one that can help me and tell me where to find it
that's is something of personal preference i suggest looking for a vape shop and get some advice face to face for that
My favorites so far, in no particular order:

CLT v3
Dripping is awesome, lots of flavour and clouds if you want it.
I love my Reo because it takes the shlep out of dripping.

Sent from my G3 using my finger
guzy im looking for a good dripper ne one that can help me and tell me where to find it
Anglecigs .com has some good clones at cheap prices.Some good affordable authentic RDAs are the Sapor,Mad Hatter,CLTv3 and Mutation v4.
And that is why after thinking I would never use a mech again after a regulated mod I now exclusively use reo's.
Nice find @Alex.
When Gazza piff'ed my very first dripper, it changed my world, that Atomic RDA set the standard for me and I have never looked back.
My Reo keeps it all alive ;-)
Anglecigs .com has some good clones at cheap prices.Some good affordable authentic RDAs are the Sapor,Mad Hatter,CLTv3 and Mutation v4.
thanks but is there ne thing in SA
How is the sapor though?
OMG...I need to try dripping now! Can you use a dripper on a regulated temp mod...like a Snowwolf? A dude from a popular Vapeshop said that "with a dripper, juice can get into the device easily and then bye bye device".

Is this true...and if so are there ways around this?
OMG...I need to try dripping now! Can you use a dripper on a regulated temp mod...like a Snowwolf? A dude from a popular Vapeshop said that "with a dripper, juice can get into the device easily and then bye bye device".

Is this true...and if so are there ways around this?
I don't see why not. You can use a dripper.
Only thing is not to overdrip as there will be serious spitback and juice splutter out the air holes.
You could look at a rogue rda to avoid any kind of leaks.
OMG...I need to try dripping now! Can you use a dripper on a regulated temp mod...like a Snowwolf? A dude from a popular Vapeshop said that "with a dripper, juice can get into the device easily and then bye bye device".

Is this true...and if so are there ways around this?

With vaping, it's almost inevitable that there will be juice in or around the 510 connection at some point, as long as you take care to minimize the inevitable you should be good. Discovering how many drops a particular dripper will take before flooding is a trial and error kind of thing.
I love my Sapors. Top air flow so no leaking!
Thanks Andre,this will be my first attempt at dripping. How's the flavour on it?I'm more after the flavour than clouds

Edit: where did you buy yours
Thanks Andre,this will be my first attempt at dripping. How's the flavour on it?I'm more after the flavour than clouds

Edit: where did you buy yours
For me the flavour is great - I prefer it above the Velocity. Got mine from Sir Vape here. Also available here from Complex Chaos, which is closer to you, so might be less expensive.
OMG...I need to try dripping now! Can you use a dripper on a regulated temp mod...like a Snowwolf? A dude from a popular Vapeshop said that "with a dripper, juice can get into the device easily and then bye bye device".

Is this true...and if so are there ways around this?
To be honest the guy that told you that was probably a moron, or he thought you were.

Yes it will more than likely be more messey than using a tank but to get into your mod and break it?!

You would have to be the messiest person on the planet or just vape with juice all over your hands. Get a dripper

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
Have sub box to..
What dripper are you talking here and can you share what coil build and watts you running at as i would love to try this out

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Just did my first setup with. REM Atty clone on a subox kit. First coils built too. Loving it. Don't think I'll be vaping anything else for a while.