Hi Ecigssa members, In this review i take a look at the Aladdin MTL RTA from Kaees. The KAEES Aladdin MTL RTA was supplied for the purpose of this review by Pearl from Cigabuy.

Kaees have a pretty solid track record of manufacturing decent rebuildable tanks and here we have their latest MTL RTA, the Aladdin. The Aladdin has two parallel track clamp style terminals and gives the choice of using a single airflow hole or a series of different sized holes using a cyclops adjustment. With it's unique looking top cap with bayonet style fitting and horned shaped 510 drip tip the 304 Stainless Steel constructed RTA is well worth a look!
In The Box

1 x Spare 4ml Glass Tube
1 x Hex driver
1 x User Manual
1 x Spare Parts

The Aladdin comes in quite basic cardboard packaging but on opening a very unique looking little RTA is on show. I received the Gunmetal version which comes with a matching 304 Stainless Steel horn shaped 510 drip tip, the colour options are Rainbow, Blue, Gunmetal, Black and Stainless Steel, all come with matching horn drip tip. The stand out aesthetic feature is the Minaret Crown top-cap looking very Middle Eastern, we also have the usual abstract Kaees Lion logo on the small chamber that can be seen through the glass. On the bottom we have both a narrow cyclops slot that can be lined up with a series of holes and a single airflow hole for airflow adjustment. The base see's printed branding and safety stamps, we also have a protruding, Gold plated 510. This is quite a low price compared to many RTA's yet the build quality, machining and threading is excellent.

Aladdin Specs and Features:
Size: 53.7 x 22mm
Capacity: 2ml (straight glass) 4ml (bulge glass)
Drip Tip: 510 drip tip
Material: Food-grade 304 stainless steel
Quick lock system and half-circle ON/OFF on top cap
Two paralleled tracks with one post each on its build deck
Airflow adjustment system and 304 SS horn type drip tip
Thread: 510
Colours: Rainbow, Blue, Gunmetal, Black, Stainless Steel

The Aladdin's Various Parts
The Aladdin comprises of a horn shaped stainless Steel 510 drip tip that fits into a top-cap that is shaped like a Minaret Crown. The base section houses a deck which is raised enough for me to class as a floating deck. We have a standard Gold plated pin installed and a 2ml straight glass which when the tank is screwed together is secured and sealed top and bottom with o-rings. Underneath the top cap we have the fill plate with filling ports with attached small chamber underneath, the chamber screws onto the outside of the deck to fasten the tank. We also get a spare 4ml bulge glass, spare screws, o-rings and a hex driver. There is no second drip tip included although it's a standard 510 fit so you can install your own. Also no coils or cotton is included which is a pet hate of mine as it's my opinion every rebuildable should come with what is needed to do at least one build. As mentioned the Aladdin is quite a cheap price but surely they still could of threw a small pad of cotton and a coil in the box.

The Airflow
How the airflow is controlled is what we have seen many times in the past. When you remove the airflow control ring there is a series of 5 different sized holes, the sizes are 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.2mm, 1.3mm and 1.4mm and then looking at the airflow control ring we have a narrow cyclops slot followed by a single 1.4mm hole. The airflow control ring once fitted runs on a track so has stoppers both ends and we can line the cyclops slot up with either all 5 holes, 4 holes, 3 holes, 2 holes or just the last hole. If we keep turning the airflow control ring the slot is no longer in play and we can use the single 1.4mm hole to line up with one of the different size airflow inlets.
If you were to remove the pin and didn't see the solid outer end you could be mistaken at first glance to think it was a BF pin as it has 2 holes towards the top (one either side) and then it's hollow with the top open. The air comes in through the hole or holes on the base and then enters the pin through the mentioned side holes. The air then travels the small distance through the rest of the hollow pin and out the top and through the small outlet hole on the deck positioned underneath where your coil will be placed.
When looking inside the chamber it has a low ceiling and has some doming, also with the large post walls either side the chamber will be very reduced which should encourage flavour.

The Aladdin MTL RTA employs a bayonet style fitting which is becoming more and more common. Just a quarter of a turn and the top-cap is off, when securing again it's just a quarter turn and job done! The fill plate has 2 large kidney shaped fill ports more like you would expect with a subohm tank rather than a MTL RTA so no issues with filling whatsoever, cracking job!

The Deck and Build
The deck looks a bit different due to having large rectangular walls facing each other with a slot towards the end of one side in each wall. This gives a thin section of wall for the screw to clamp the wire against while the screw is fastened from the side through the much thicker section of wall so the screws are recessed quite a way inside these wall sections so the hex tool needs pushing quite away inside the opening before it contacts the screw.
I haven't looked at any other reviews of the Aladdin but i have a feeling having the screws recessed will give a few reviewers an easy con but i actually like the way it's done as when the tool contacts the screw it's automatically lined up so bites immediately so tightening and loosening the screws is a doddle.
In fact i love this deck for how easy it is to build on, you can just lay your coil in place and your leads fall in the terminal slots then simply tighten your screws, then with a coiling rod or fit for purpose tool position your coil centrally over the airflow outlet.
When it comes to trimming your leads there is two horizontal cutouts in the thin wall sections which you can bend your access leads into before trimming as this directs the leads to where there will be more space between them and the fitted chamber to prevent shorting. Personally being very happy with how flush my cutters snip the leads didn't bother and left these redundant but they are there if you wish to use them.
It's raised enough to be classed as a GTA style floating deck so wicking is also a doddle, just cut your cotton ends bow tie style (not too long) and just poke them through the round juice channels so they are not going to suffocate the flow, once the cotton is saturated gravity will allow the cotton to find it's own level.
The pictured build is one of two builds i did, its using a superfine MTL Fused Clapton Ni80 ID 2.6, 32ga*2+38ga 6 wraps which came out to 1.25ohms which i experimented with different airflow options. I also used a simple round wire coil with 3.0ID i wound myself using 26ga Kanthal wire that came out at 0.78ohm which i vaped loose MTL (airflow fully open).

How it Vapes and My Thoughts!
After a long period where MTL vapers were mostly ignored 2019 has seen a resurgence of MTL products which has been long overdue. I both vape restricted lung and i also like a loose MTL at times and although most MTL products suit me those products that give the full MTL draw spectrum are still a rarity.
The Aladdin MTL RTA is one such tank being 100% MTL giving a loose MTL (forget getting a restricted lung hit) with all 5 holes open right down to an extremely tight draw. I mainly experimented with the slot adjustment as when using the single hole the draw was just far too tight for me but at the same time it brought a smile to my face as i'm thinking those true Mouth To Lung vapers are going to love this.
Looking at how the airflow is controlled, the small single outlet underneath the coil and domed low chamber ceiling there is nothing new to expect anything special but the Aladdin shocked me as it made my e-liquid sing bringing the back notes to life. I am a fan of the berserkers and Vapefly MTL offerings but for me the Aladdin out performs them, i'm finding it a bit special.
The tank isn't noisy but at times with certain airflow set-ups seems as if it's trying to whistle but it's not turbulence as the airflow is as smooth as a baby's bum. Being more into a loose draw i just used 3mg for the most part but even with 6mg when trying a tighter draw it gave quite a satisfying throat hit (although that's not really what i'm looking for these days), i also tried some 20mg 50/50 nic salts that worked great and all liquids including my DIY 70VG wicked like a dream, i have also had no flooding or leaking whatsoever. To finish my pro's for the Aladdin both doing a build and filling the tank is as quick and easy as it gets.
So are there any cons? just a couple which are firstly the lack of what you receive as a coil, cotton and alternate drip tip would bring it more into line with what i would expect. The only other con i have is when you tighten the tank down on a device the airflow control ring sits flush so also tightens to the device meaning i needed to loosen the tank off slightly, then hold the RTA still with one hand while adjusting the airflow with my other but the quality of the flavourful vape the Aladdin produces i can overlook this issue.
I must say i prefer the look with the straight glass so have been sticking to that but for a genuine MTL RTA the Aladdin ploughs through e-liquid far quicker than expected so i am probably going to switch to the 4ml bulge glass.

The best MTL RTA i have used to date, i rarely actually recommend products leaving it up to the reader to read and watch many reviews as well as doing there own research, but on this occasion i highly recommend the Aladdin MTL RTA, giving it two thumbs up!
Excellent build quality (best from Kaees so far)
Unique looking
Aesthetically pleasing
5 colour options
Bayonet top-cap fitting (needs just quarter turn)
Large kidney shaped fill ports
Filling quick and easy
Spare 4ml bulge glass included
Very easy to build
GTA floating style deck
Wicks like a dream
Full MTL spectrum, super tight to loose
Airflow adjustment slot and individual hole allows micro management
No leaking or Flooding experienced
Flavour a bit special
Smooth airflow across the board
Do not receive coil or cotton
Do not receive alternate drip tip
Airflow control ring fastens tight on device
Thirsty for MTL RTA

I would once again like to thank Pearl from Cigabuy for supplying the KAEES Aladdin MTL RTA for the purpose of this review.

Kaees have a pretty solid track record of manufacturing decent rebuildable tanks and here we have their latest MTL RTA, the Aladdin. The Aladdin has two parallel track clamp style terminals and gives the choice of using a single airflow hole or a series of different sized holes using a cyclops adjustment. With it's unique looking top cap with bayonet style fitting and horned shaped 510 drip tip the 304 Stainless Steel constructed RTA is well worth a look!
In The Box

1 x Spare 4ml Glass Tube
1 x Hex driver
1 x User Manual
1 x Spare Parts

The Aladdin comes in quite basic cardboard packaging but on opening a very unique looking little RTA is on show. I received the Gunmetal version which comes with a matching 304 Stainless Steel horn shaped 510 drip tip, the colour options are Rainbow, Blue, Gunmetal, Black and Stainless Steel, all come with matching horn drip tip. The stand out aesthetic feature is the Minaret Crown top-cap looking very Middle Eastern, we also have the usual abstract Kaees Lion logo on the small chamber that can be seen through the glass. On the bottom we have both a narrow cyclops slot that can be lined up with a series of holes and a single airflow hole for airflow adjustment. The base see's printed branding and safety stamps, we also have a protruding, Gold plated 510. This is quite a low price compared to many RTA's yet the build quality, machining and threading is excellent.

Aladdin Specs and Features:
Size: 53.7 x 22mm
Capacity: 2ml (straight glass) 4ml (bulge glass)
Drip Tip: 510 drip tip
Material: Food-grade 304 stainless steel
Quick lock system and half-circle ON/OFF on top cap
Two paralleled tracks with one post each on its build deck
Airflow adjustment system and 304 SS horn type drip tip
Thread: 510
Colours: Rainbow, Blue, Gunmetal, Black, Stainless Steel

The Aladdin's Various Parts
The Aladdin comprises of a horn shaped stainless Steel 510 drip tip that fits into a top-cap that is shaped like a Minaret Crown. The base section houses a deck which is raised enough for me to class as a floating deck. We have a standard Gold plated pin installed and a 2ml straight glass which when the tank is screwed together is secured and sealed top and bottom with o-rings. Underneath the top cap we have the fill plate with filling ports with attached small chamber underneath, the chamber screws onto the outside of the deck to fasten the tank. We also get a spare 4ml bulge glass, spare screws, o-rings and a hex driver. There is no second drip tip included although it's a standard 510 fit so you can install your own. Also no coils or cotton is included which is a pet hate of mine as it's my opinion every rebuildable should come with what is needed to do at least one build. As mentioned the Aladdin is quite a cheap price but surely they still could of threw a small pad of cotton and a coil in the box.

The Airflow
How the airflow is controlled is what we have seen many times in the past. When you remove the airflow control ring there is a series of 5 different sized holes, the sizes are 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.2mm, 1.3mm and 1.4mm and then looking at the airflow control ring we have a narrow cyclops slot followed by a single 1.4mm hole. The airflow control ring once fitted runs on a track so has stoppers both ends and we can line the cyclops slot up with either all 5 holes, 4 holes, 3 holes, 2 holes or just the last hole. If we keep turning the airflow control ring the slot is no longer in play and we can use the single 1.4mm hole to line up with one of the different size airflow inlets.
If you were to remove the pin and didn't see the solid outer end you could be mistaken at first glance to think it was a BF pin as it has 2 holes towards the top (one either side) and then it's hollow with the top open. The air comes in through the hole or holes on the base and then enters the pin through the mentioned side holes. The air then travels the small distance through the rest of the hollow pin and out the top and through the small outlet hole on the deck positioned underneath where your coil will be placed.
When looking inside the chamber it has a low ceiling and has some doming, also with the large post walls either side the chamber will be very reduced which should encourage flavour.

The Aladdin MTL RTA employs a bayonet style fitting which is becoming more and more common. Just a quarter of a turn and the top-cap is off, when securing again it's just a quarter turn and job done! The fill plate has 2 large kidney shaped fill ports more like you would expect with a subohm tank rather than a MTL RTA so no issues with filling whatsoever, cracking job!

The Deck and Build
The deck looks a bit different due to having large rectangular walls facing each other with a slot towards the end of one side in each wall. This gives a thin section of wall for the screw to clamp the wire against while the screw is fastened from the side through the much thicker section of wall so the screws are recessed quite a way inside these wall sections so the hex tool needs pushing quite away inside the opening before it contacts the screw.
I haven't looked at any other reviews of the Aladdin but i have a feeling having the screws recessed will give a few reviewers an easy con but i actually like the way it's done as when the tool contacts the screw it's automatically lined up so bites immediately so tightening and loosening the screws is a doddle.
In fact i love this deck for how easy it is to build on, you can just lay your coil in place and your leads fall in the terminal slots then simply tighten your screws, then with a coiling rod or fit for purpose tool position your coil centrally over the airflow outlet.
When it comes to trimming your leads there is two horizontal cutouts in the thin wall sections which you can bend your access leads into before trimming as this directs the leads to where there will be more space between them and the fitted chamber to prevent shorting. Personally being very happy with how flush my cutters snip the leads didn't bother and left these redundant but they are there if you wish to use them.
It's raised enough to be classed as a GTA style floating deck so wicking is also a doddle, just cut your cotton ends bow tie style (not too long) and just poke them through the round juice channels so they are not going to suffocate the flow, once the cotton is saturated gravity will allow the cotton to find it's own level.
The pictured build is one of two builds i did, its using a superfine MTL Fused Clapton Ni80 ID 2.6, 32ga*2+38ga 6 wraps which came out to 1.25ohms which i experimented with different airflow options. I also used a simple round wire coil with 3.0ID i wound myself using 26ga Kanthal wire that came out at 0.78ohm which i vaped loose MTL (airflow fully open).

How it Vapes and My Thoughts!
After a long period where MTL vapers were mostly ignored 2019 has seen a resurgence of MTL products which has been long overdue. I both vape restricted lung and i also like a loose MTL at times and although most MTL products suit me those products that give the full MTL draw spectrum are still a rarity.
The Aladdin MTL RTA is one such tank being 100% MTL giving a loose MTL (forget getting a restricted lung hit) with all 5 holes open right down to an extremely tight draw. I mainly experimented with the slot adjustment as when using the single hole the draw was just far too tight for me but at the same time it brought a smile to my face as i'm thinking those true Mouth To Lung vapers are going to love this.
Looking at how the airflow is controlled, the small single outlet underneath the coil and domed low chamber ceiling there is nothing new to expect anything special but the Aladdin shocked me as it made my e-liquid sing bringing the back notes to life. I am a fan of the berserkers and Vapefly MTL offerings but for me the Aladdin out performs them, i'm finding it a bit special.
The tank isn't noisy but at times with certain airflow set-ups seems as if it's trying to whistle but it's not turbulence as the airflow is as smooth as a baby's bum. Being more into a loose draw i just used 3mg for the most part but even with 6mg when trying a tighter draw it gave quite a satisfying throat hit (although that's not really what i'm looking for these days), i also tried some 20mg 50/50 nic salts that worked great and all liquids including my DIY 70VG wicked like a dream, i have also had no flooding or leaking whatsoever. To finish my pro's for the Aladdin both doing a build and filling the tank is as quick and easy as it gets.
So are there any cons? just a couple which are firstly the lack of what you receive as a coil, cotton and alternate drip tip would bring it more into line with what i would expect. The only other con i have is when you tighten the tank down on a device the airflow control ring sits flush so also tightens to the device meaning i needed to loosen the tank off slightly, then hold the RTA still with one hand while adjusting the airflow with my other but the quality of the flavourful vape the Aladdin produces i can overlook this issue.
I must say i prefer the look with the straight glass so have been sticking to that but for a genuine MTL RTA the Aladdin ploughs through e-liquid far quicker than expected so i am probably going to switch to the 4ml bulge glass.

The best MTL RTA i have used to date, i rarely actually recommend products leaving it up to the reader to read and watch many reviews as well as doing there own research, but on this occasion i highly recommend the Aladdin MTL RTA, giving it two thumbs up!
Excellent build quality (best from Kaees so far)
Unique looking
Aesthetically pleasing
5 colour options
Bayonet top-cap fitting (needs just quarter turn)
Large kidney shaped fill ports
Filling quick and easy
Spare 4ml bulge glass included
Very easy to build
GTA floating style deck
Wicks like a dream
Full MTL spectrum, super tight to loose
Airflow adjustment slot and individual hole allows micro management
No leaking or Flooding experienced
Flavour a bit special
Smooth airflow across the board
Do not receive coil or cotton
Do not receive alternate drip tip
Airflow control ring fastens tight on device
Thirsty for MTL RTA

I would once again like to thank Pearl from Cigabuy for supplying the KAEES Aladdin MTL RTA for the purpose of this review.
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