Kayfun Clone O Ring Replacements/substitutes


Guy on the end of the Vape cloud
Hey guys!

Ive really screwed up and I need assistance in coming up with a solution.

Decided to rise out my Yeahsmo clone a few minutes ago as I prepared to put in an improved coil and during the excitement and my stupidity I have rinsed and flushed the O ring between the chimney and the top cap down the drain!;(

The kit didnt come with an extra oring for that pipe and now I am pretty muched screwed.


Anyone have an idea where in the Centurion area I can find another one and if possible an alternative to tide me over till I find a replacement?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Yeah, this is one thing were SA suppliers are a bit limited - it's bringing in replacement parts
Yeah check your p-trap, that is if you haven't let a lot of water through after dropping the o-ring.
@BansheeZA bought a little bag full of o-rings locally... after we dremilled out some smaller ID o-rings to make them fit.. maybe he can give you the sizes that you need @Mklops
Hey guys!

Thanks for all the great tips, I will remeber that for if this happens at home but here at work is a different story. With the amount of employees just within the planning office, Im scared I might catch some type of std from working on their drainage system!:sick:

The good thing is I have come right. The one plus side of working in the manufacturing sector is that we have maintenance departments.

Had the bright idea and went down to ask and within 5 minutes I know have an extra 4 O rings plus a replacement!:party::party::party:

Thanks anyway for the info and advice, much appreciated!
I can always find out the exact dimensions of the O ring and order a bag thereof through our supplier base if anyone is interested.

We have connections to some cool suppliers and can also buy things for personal use.

In terms of the free stock I just got, had to pull a personal favor and have already taken all our current supply, so for the moment these things are worth triple their weight in gold tripled to me since they are so scarce!

With that being said I can spare a ring for someone in dire need such as I was!
For those of you that would like to know:

The O ring is a ID 4.47 with width of 1.78
yes please. Measure it. thickness, and OD if it fits over, ID if it fits in. Is it silicone?
PS: thanks!

Anyone vape stuff suppliers could stock o-rings without importing them, we just need specs. Just as a convenience. If you go to a seals and bearing supplier, they typically sell them in 50s, have minimum order qty. Sometimes you can get lucky, they just give you a few.
also have the yeahsmo and bought like 10 of them monday morning at a bearing place with a sample only to find the new ones to be too hard to compress. but being the ''ek modify n ding maklik'' type of guy i grabbed the dremel and opened the inside up just enough to fit.
also found a oring in my pcp airgun spares kit that worked perfectly. will give the sizes later on when i get my hands on my vernier.

luckily im not scared to build something. have modified a few offroad trailers,built a alu canopy and rocksliders for the bakkie and also a 270degree swing open self standing awning. those interested i can post some pics.

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Just another note, I have tested it and the unit seals 100% plus the into fits snuggly into the centre with no problems and with ease.
also have the yeahsmo and bought like 10 of them monday morning at a bearing place with a sample only to find the new ones to be too hard to compress. but being the ''ek modify n ding maklik'' type of guy i grabbed the dremel and opened the inside up just enough to fit.
also found a oring in my pcp airgun spares kit that worked perfectly. will give the sizes later on when i get my hands on my vernier.

luckily im not scared to build something. have modified a few offroad trailers,built a alu canopy and rocksliders for the bakkie and also a 270degree swing open self standing awning. those interested i can post some pics.

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Yes, start a 4x4 thread here: http://www.ecigssa.co.za/forums/hobbies/
thanx andre. was looking for a sub like that

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Further info for suppliers:

Seal Centre in Pretoria:

O ring-ID 4.47 Width 1.78

Black rubber - R80 /100 units
Silicone - R150/100 units

Tel: 012 379 6170

Awesome, thanks for the info @Mklops. Wonder if I can get those little seals that are used in the mpt2 coils from them as well. Will contact them.
so it's really 4.47 x 2.78 ? i was thinking that might be compression when measuring it. me not good at measuring o-rings with Vernier, maybe because i've only done it a few times.
That isn't from measurement from the standard material codes on our inventory system, according to me these are accurate as we order them for our CNC machines and thus I believe it to be accurate as these machine can be very finiky without the right spares.
as stated the original is id 4.47 x 1.78 and the other one i found that also works perfect is id 5x1.5

edit: the tank orings are 17 x 1
having abit of trouble finding them

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