Agree with every single aspect of this postOh good, this again.
Yeah, I don't agree with you at all. Here's why.
This is probably a fruitless exercise, but nevertheless, here goes:
1) DIY'ers are DIY'ers because they mix their own juices. They don't buy the majority of their juice. They mix it. If there would suddenly be a law or force of nature or something that magically prevented DIY'ers from cloning Frosteez, then they'd clone something else. They wouldn't suddenly start buying Frosteez, for goodness sake.
2) People who don't DIY aren't making cloned recipes, and so they're still buying their juice.
Whether something is cloned or not makes very little difference to actual sales.
Implying that it's morally wrong to clone local juice while it's fine to clone international juice is not a valid or a sound argument in any way, shape or form either. In fact, it's weird.
3) DIY'ers identify reference flavour profiles that they want to mix / emulate / simulate / clone / strive towards / whatever word doesn't trigger you. They do this because:
a) they really like the reference flavour and thinks it's amazing; and
b) because they're DIY'ers, which is a legit hobby, they want to push themselves towards developing a mix that resembles a successful juice line - it's a strong feeling of accomplishment and a testimony to their skills and experience as mixologists; and
c) it's what they do, it's what they enjoy, it's what they love doing. They're not harming sales, they're not harming people, they're not skinning kittens.
I mean, gosh. Commenting in a thread dedicated to DIY endeavour about how DIY-cloning is morally wrong is ridiculous. I mean no offense to you, DirtyD, but honestly now. No one's going into the vendor forums and saying "omg you guys are morally wrong for selling this juice at R8 per 1ml if it can be made for 70c per 1ml". If you don't like the practice, I'm not entirely sure why you would comment in an arena where you know it's just going to get a "ugh not again" response. Live and let live, man. Life's too short to start heated debates that never have any clear winners and will never be resolved. Our ECIGGSA community is too small to have infighting and bickering about every little thing
I wish people would stop being triggered for everything.
Live and let live.
PS: I say "they" when I talk about DIY'ers, but for the record (and as most of you know), I'm an avid DIY'er myself and include myself when referring to this group.