KZOR's Recipe Archive : Mint Toffee

Should i stop posting recipes?

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Made a note! Thanks @VapeSnow! Missing 2 ingredients... or better still bring a small bottle with to the CT VApe Meet Baby! :p:D:b1::banana:

Im also missing two ingredients atm. Used them with my last menthol mix.

Atm im vaping on

1% Inwera Raspberry
0.5% Fa Lychee
2% Fa Strawberry
3% Tfa Strawberry Ripe
4% Fa Arctic Winter

Really enjoying this one fruity and nice and fresh!
I got about a zillion free recipes. Some of them are by Wayne Walker and I didnt need to put a hand up and go puhleeze. He kinda threw them at the webs at large. Some are from HIC, some from NotCharlesManson. Some of the best came from Rogue Zombie who really should start a juice line. All of them just giving without ego.
You sir, have just earned my very first dislike on this forum.
I'm in.
@KZOR myself and @kyle_redbull are in for you next one.

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Haha. There there. Lets wait to see when the next round is before we jump.
Must say I am impressed with your enthusiasm.
What @KZOR is doing is sharing his recipes some of which he sells. So lets thank him and wait patiently for the next one ;)
@blujeenz ....welcome m8. A little can go a long way. :)
I try to make most of my recipes shake and vape because I don't have the patience for steeping. :)
Yup I'm with you there. This steeping is for the birds. My problem is I like tobacco vapes and I battle to let them steep

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Yup I'm with you there. This steeping is for the birds. My problem is I like tobacco vapes and I battle to let them steep

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You guys have gotta learn to appreciate the whole "slow brewed, extra matured" vibe of steeping ;)
Hey well apologies for not replying to each response i have not much time for forums and so... i wont poke fun here again. Wasnt trying to make an actual point just an observation. Will stick to reading reviews etc.