Late night Owls

I waited the entire day to bump up this thread,now im going to sleep!
I waited the entire day to bump up this thread,now im going to sleep!

Another of my New Year's Resolutions is to go to sleep at a "normal" time - before I turn into a pumpkin, at the very least. I've truly become a night owl and I'm quite happy to go to sleep around 2 a.m. and then sleep until 10 a.m. That's not a problem for me - the problem is that other people and events don't fit in with my routine ;-) The story of my life - out of sync with the rest of the world :rofl:
I'm usually asleep by 10pm. Been busy this week setting work goals for 2018 so been up late most nights. I battle in the morning if I'm not asleep by 10pm
@Slick , decided to wait up and beat your time by 5 minutes :D, just joking.

Watched paranormal and then dropped locust1 at girlfriends, camping by the sea, travel safely I hope. Missing the little boggers 20 th birthday :party: because of this, they grow up so fast, enjoy them while they are small. One less mouth to feed, just stuck with locust2, the "small" one, all 6 feet in his dainty no 12 shoes. Let the good times roll!,,
What is to be considered as a normal bed time? Anyone?

I would say around 10-ish, but in Cape Town summer it's difficult to achieve, since our sunset is between 7.30 and 8, which doesn't leave much time until 10, does it? I think that's what my problem is right now.
I would say around 10-ish, but in Cape Town summer it's difficult to achieve, since our sunset is between 7.30 and 8, which doesn't leave much time until 10, does it? I think that's what my problem is right now.
True, with sunset at 8 it is still light until 9 causing my body clock the recognize 9:30 as early evening. Bed at ten seems just wrong.
@Raindance @Hooked , any time before your alarm goes off to start the next day.:cool:
That is kind of what it feels like going to bed around one and the puppy waking me up at first light to go outside to make wiewie and poopie.... And unlike me that needs a cuppa or two to boot up and get all apps running properly, she seems to have her OS running from a solid state drive.
That is kind of what it feels like going to bed around one and the puppy waking me up at first light to go outside to make wiewie and poopie.... And unlike me that needs a cuppa or two to boot up and get all apps running properly, she seems to have her OS running from a solid state drive.

@Raindance That's brilliant!!!!
Another of my New Year's Resolutions is to go to sleep at a "normal" time - before I turn into a pumpkin, at the very least. I've truly become a night owl and I'm quite happy to go to sleep around 2 a.m. and then sleep until 10 a.m. That's not a problem for me - the problem is that other people and events don't fit in with my routine ;-) The story of my life - out of sync with the rest of the world :rofl:

EDIT I was determined to start off 2018 on the right foot so last night (31 Dec) I went to sleep at 11:30 lol.
Ten o clock. Lets see what this early to bed thing is all about. Up since 4:30 and back to the salt mine tomorrow....

Good night all.

I started off so well with my New Year's Resolution to go to sleep early - and that's what I did on the 31st of Dec. Since then it's been back to about 1a.m. Ah well ... it's IS early - early in the morning!
Wednesday night I was doing stuff (mostly Internet) and then, feeling sleepy, decided it was time for bed. Looked at the time - it was 5 a.m. Thursday morning!!! I thought my phone was wrong, so checked another phone, the microwave and a clock in the lounge. I just couldn't believe it!! Today, of course, I feel like hell - it catches up with me not the day after, but the second day after. Does that happen to anyone else? So ... it's 10 p.m. and I'm calling it a night - an early one for me!
Wednesday night I was doing stuff (mostly Internet) and then, feeling sleepy, decided it was time for bed. Looked at the time - it was 5 a.m. Thursday morning!!! I thought my phone was wrong, so checked another phone, the microwave and a clock in the lounge. I just couldn't believe it!! Today, of course, I feel like hell - it catches up with me not the day after, but the second day after. Does that happen to anyone else? So ... it's 10 p.m. and I'm calling it a night - an early one for me!

@Hooked, That only happened to me several years back when i was addicted to this game i used to play on my iPad when i got it.

Played it with headphones on

There were several nights that i thought birds were tweeting in the game and i was shocked. It was a combat game but at the time i was so immersed that i thought the programmers put birds in it. Until i realised that it was the birds tweeting outside. And often i was standing on the balcony because i was still smoking at the time. Several 5am shock realisations.
It's 3.30 a.m. and I'm still awake ... still on the computer ... it's all the fault of Heaven Gifts, who were (are?) running a comp on our forum, where multiple entries are allowed - I managed to post 400 entries. The draw is today TG - I can get my life back again. Then, of course, I had to check the forum to see if there was any Breaking News e.g. any new comps. And FB as well. I need a secretary. Any volunteers?
It's 3.30 a.m. and I'm still awake ... still on the computer ... it's all the fault of Heaven Gifts, who were (are?) running a comp on our forum, where multiple entries are allowed - I managed to post 400 entries. The draw is today TG - I can get my life back again. Then, of course, I had to check the forum to see if there was any Breaking News e.g. any new comps. And FB as well. I need a secretary. Any volunteers?
Have you looked into macrame?