My mother has it, she's 63, over weight and diabetic, so I'm kinda hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. She caught it because her moronic friend doesn't believe in it, and allowed some workers on the to the property without masks, workers who ride the taxi COVID hot boxes every day, now 3 people in the house have it. I hope her friend gets it, I really do, so maybe he'll believe it's real.
Really just god damn stupid.
On another note, I've been chain vaping quite a bit, and my blood pressure seems to be spiking (well spiking for me as I usually have low blood pressure), and my heart rates been up. I've cut down drastically, but every time I take a few puffs it seems to start going up again, I tried 0 nic and that doesn't do anything, so I fear my vaping days are over (or rather I hope its just nicotine and I'm not developing high blood pressure because I can't actually deal with anymore health issues).
Hope she's going to be OK @Feliks Karp, as well as the other 3 people. Keep us posted.