Lockdown diaries - COVID-19 matters!

What are you going to be doing during the lockdown?

  • At home. I’m non essential

    Votes: 70 41.2%
  • Working. The virus doesn’t scare me

    Votes: 41 24.1%
  • On standby

    Votes: 10 5.9%
  • Working from home. Too essential to take any risk!

    Votes: 66 38.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
WUHAN 2019
However the theory that the virus might have come from a leak in a laboratory "requires further investigation, potential with additional missions involving specialist experts," Dr Tedros said on Tuesday.

"Let me say clearly that as far as WHO is concerned, all hypothesis remain on the table," he added.

The virus was first detected in Wuhan, in China's Hubei province in late 2019. An international team of experts travelled to to the city in January to probe the origins of the virus.

Their research relied on samples and evidence provided by Chinese officials but Dr Tedros said the team had difficulty accessing raw data and called for "more timely and comprehensive data sharing" in the future.
Doctors can now prescribe ivermectin as treatment for Covid-19
7 April 2021

"The Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, finally issued an order yesterday allowing for medicine that contained ivermectin as an active ingredient to also be used for the treatment of Covid-19 if so prescribed by a doctor... Judge Cassim Sardiwalla now formally made the settlement an order of court...

“Patients can then use this prescription to buy ivermectin from any pharmacy where it is available,” said Barend Uys, the head of research at AfriForum...."
1 in 3 Covid-19 survivors suffer mental, neurological problems: study
7 April 2021

"Paris, France - One in three people who overcome Covid-19 suffer from a neurological or psychiatric diagnosis six months on, according to the largest study so far published on the mental toll that long-Covid takes on survivors.

Authors said the research, printed Wednesday in The Lancet Psychiatry journal, proved that Covid-19 patients were significantly more likely to develop brain conditions than those suffering from other respiratory tract infections.

Studying the health records of more than 230,000 patients who had recovered from Covid-19, they found that 34 percent were diagnosed with a neurological or psychiatric condition within six months.

The most common conditions were anxiety (17 percent of patients) and mood disorders (14 percent).

The authors also examined data from more than 100,000 patients diagnosed with influenza and more than 236,000 diagnosed with any respiratory tract infection.

For 13 percent of patients the disorders were their first diagnosis of a mental health issue.

Incidence of neurological disorders such as brain haemorrhage (0.6 percent), stroke (2.1 percent) and dementia (0.7 percent) was lower overall than for psychiatric disorders but the risk for brain disorders was generally higher in patients who had severe Covid-19.
They found there was overall a 44 percent greater risk of neurological and mental health diagnoses after Covid-19 than after flu, and a 16 percent higher risk than with respiratory tract infections.

Paul Harrison, lead author from the University of Oxford, said that while the individual risk of neurological and psychiatric orders from Covid-19 was small, the overall effect across the global population could prove to be "substantial".

"Many of these conditions are chronic," he said...

Patients hospitalised with severe Covid-19 were at great risk of developing long-term conditions, according to the analysis.

For example, 46 percent of patients who needed intensive care were diagnosed with neurological or psychiatric conditions within six months of recovery.

The data showed 2.7 percent of people needing intensive care suffered a subsequent brain haemorrhage, compared to 0.3 percent of people who weren't hospitalised.

And nearly 7 percent of those needing ICU care suffered a stroke, compared with 1.3 percent of patients who didn't..."
Emirates extends SA ban for the second time in a week.
8 April 2021

"... Emirates, once again, extended its ban on outbound flights from South Africa in April. The flag carrier of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) initially hoped to lift the ban on 8 April and later pushed back its return date to 15 April.

On Thursday, just days after it announced one postponement, Emirates confirmed that flight suspensions would continue until at least 22 April.

“Emirates’ flights from South Africa will remain suspended until 22 April 2021, in line with government directives that restrict the entry of travellers originating from South Africa, into the UAE,” the airline said in statement.

“Daily passenger flights to Johannesburg will operate as EK763, however outbound passenger services on EK 764 remain suspended. Customers who have been to or connected through South Africa in the last 14 days will not be permitted on any Emirates flights bound for Dubai.” ...
US and UK tourists may be the first to return to SA in serious numbers - but only from 2022
8 April 2021

"US and UK tourists may be the first to return to South Africa in serious numbers, but only from 2022, according to South African Tourism, government’s marketing arm tasked with attracting visitors to the country.

The prospect of near-term travel to South Africa remains “very low” among 24 priority markets, according to the organisation’s “Road to Recovery” report which tracks Covid-19 caseloads, vaccination numbers and border restrictions.

The country’s battered tourism industry is only likely to begin its real recovery when key source markets achieve their Covid-19 vaccination goals and ease restrictions on re-entry..."
A lighthearted but interesting chat about what we learned and where we are going

Police minister Bheki Cele says that the South African Police Service has made over 400,000 arrests due to the violation of Covid-19 regulations.

Responding in a recent written parliamentary Q&A from the EFF, Cele said that a total of 411,309 people have been arrested for breaching regulations since lockdown began at the end of March 2020 until the end of February 2021.
Police minister Bheki Cele says that the South African Police Service has made over 400,000 arrests due to the violation of Covid-19 regulations.

Responding in a recent written parliamentary Q&A from the EFF, Cele said that a total of 411,309 people have been arrested for breaching regulations since lockdown began at the end of March 2020 until the end of February 2021.
He may say that with a degree of pride, but it's a serious indictment of the heavy-handed methods adopted by the SAPS and the regulations put in place.

Snowpiercer, the prequel.
"This Bill Gates-funded chemical cloud could help stop global warming"
"Thousands of planes would fly at high altitudes, spraying millions of tons of particles around the planet to create a massive chemical cloud that would cool the surface."
Full article and video:

The increased - and increasing - number of rocket launches will have a similar effect. Cloudy emissions are largely carbon and aluminium microparticles and would reduce the planetary albedo. Some scientists have already voiced concern about this, never mind adding to the mix.

Want to see the bUt cHeMtRaIlS comments about this!

Edit: increase the planetary albedo. What was I thinking?
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Snowpiercer, the prequel.
"This Bill Gates-funded chemical cloud could help stop global warming"
"Thousands of planes would fly at high altitudes, spraying millions of tons of particles around the planet to create a massive chemical cloud that would cool the surface."
Full article and video:


Has nobody watched the Matrix or any other movie where the human race decides to do something with the sky to stop AI from taking over (or who has read Inferno by Dan Brown)... it never ends well for the humans... Like Vic would say: "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!"

Conspiracy Theorist having a field day with this one for sure, I can imagine the next headline being "Gates could not get his nanites in us with his vaccines, now he wants to put it in the air..."
Sincere condolences to Queen Elizabeth and family on the death of her husband Prince Phillip. Sympathies to those of a British identity, for whom his death will be felt as a great loss.

Boris Johnson led tributes to Prince Philip, who was married to the Queen for 73 years, saying: “He helped to steer the royal family and the monarchy so that it remains an institution indisputably vital to the balance and happiness of our national life.”
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Sincere condolences to Queen Elizabeth and family on the death of her husband Prince Phillip. Sympathies to those of a British identity, for whom his death will be felt as a great loss.

Boris Johnson led tributes to Prince Philip, who was married to the Queen for 73 years, saying: “He helped to steer the royal family and the monarchy so that it remains an institution indisputably vital to the balance and happiness of our national life.”

Limited visitation now allowed at WC hospitals
9 April 2021

"Limited hospital visitation will be allowed to commence under strict safety precautions after the Western Cape health department recently adjusted its guidelines amid Level 1 lockdown regulations.
Covid-19 positive and patients under investigation will, however, not be allowed any visitors, but exceptions will be made for those who are terminally ill.

According to the department, all adult patients, who are not terminally ill, will not be allowed visitors and their families will be updated on the patient’s condition by phone...

Amended visitation guidelines
According to the amended visitation guidelines, visitors and escorts are only allowed at health facilities “under special circumstances”, such as the rapid deterioration of a patient’s condition, where loved ones are allowed to say their final farewells.

For outpatients, one escort is allowed for paediatric, disabled, vulnerable or weak patients.

At emergency units, one escort may accompany a paediatric patient into an emergency room, while one or two family members are allowed at a time for terminal patients.

Disabled or vulnerable patients may have one escort, depending on the situation, while all other patients are allowed one escort, who will remain in the waiting room if space allows.

Adult inpatients will be limited to 30 minutes visitation per visitor, over a period of one hour per day, while terminally ill patients are allowed to be visited by loved ones for 30 minutes per day, with more people and longer times at the discretion of the ward manager.

The critically ill are allowed one designated visitor once per day.

Paediatric inpatients are allowed one parent/caregiver, who can alternate with another parent/caregiver, while more family members are allowed for terminal patients for 30 minutes, one person at a time. More people and longer time slots will be allowed at the discretion of the ward manager.

Mothers may remain with the neonatal patients or visit regularly, while a birthing partner or a designated person may visit daily for 30 minutes, with longer visitation at the discretion of the ward manager.

In terms of maternity and labour, Covid-19 patients in labour are not allowed birthing partners, while those who test negative are allowed one during active labour, if sufficient space and privacy are available.

Those undergoing C-sections are not allowed birthing partners in theatre, but are allowed to visit for 30 minutes in the postnatal ward..."
Nice start to the weekend - loadshedding from 10.00 till 17.00 - it will be take aways tonight , apparently the cables burned or something ...
Beer is lukewarm so not for consumption , A few surviving ice cubes will sacrifice their life so we can have ... G and t's at least.;)