More discussion on clones

Vendors can commemt on any thread @Pixstar
They are just not allowed to promote their products and services in the general forum
If they would like to discuss general issues on the topic of this thread without promotion, they are welcome to
Oh ok thanks for clarifying that. I was confused :snooze:
Gee Wiz! talk about beating a dead horse!

Clones are bad, unless you like them, then they are awesome. Forgeries made to mislead, always suck.

Everybody sold them until they could afford to admit the error of their ways. Enough said.

What does that mean? I'm as sober as any white male on a Friday with load schedddingsh....
You mean you are struggling to stand up straight but other than that alll is well.

OK admins at least give @Daniel a second to read before you delete.
Gee Wiz! talk about beating a dead horse!

Clones are bad, unless you like them, then they are awesome. Forgeries made to mislead, always suck.

Everybody sold them until they could afford to admit the error of their ways. Enough said.


Power bru!

You summed up 20 pages of BS....

I'm done. Thanks for this

Power bru!

You summed up 20 pages of BS....

I'm done. Thanks for this

We are definitely locking the door this time cause we keep finding you back inside here....
I was honestly hoping for a decent comments from vendors and punters alike and even more so from the ncz pro party but it seemed its only the select few that gave reasonable feedback.
So much for starting a movement and having to look for the guys you standing up for!!!
Ok guys this is my last post
Due to administrative differences between me and the powers that be i have requested that they delete my account with immediate effect as i want no further part of this forum going forward.
No one else comments...
We don't want to waste our time typing something we feel strongly about that might get deleted again.
And that is my main reason for not being as active anymore.
This forum is, at times, run with an unhealthy iron fist ..... my opinion.
This had led to a divide months ago which is truly unfortunate as it once thrived with activity.
That, even if it is factual, which could slightly tarnish someone in their camp is quickly swept under the rug.
@BioHAZarD ...... if you're account get's deleted then it will truly be a very sad day for this forum.
You have been a SENSIBLE and valuable contributor to this forum for a very long time.