My first step into RDA's! Any advice?

I have also found that 0.8 to 1.2 ohm is a good base for the magma, and you don't need an big ass mod to run those builds, so you get the best of both worlds, as the Magma, in my opinion, still has some of the best tasting flavor for the wiking, make sure you don't over saturate your wick, you can taste a clear difference when you newly wicked a coil, from that of a coil that is a day old... the new one hits harder... as long as you don't over juice your wicks... the magma has awesome airflow and caters for some very nice coil builds...i'm actually considering drilling mines airflow holes, thy feel to small coming back of the plume veil... almost feels like it has to much of a restrictive airflow... but that might just be me.. think i'm going to drill out the holes on mine tomorrow, get it up to something like 3 mils..

Have a look also at rip tripper's post on you tube with regards to the magma.... The magma however would be perfect if you are limited in the amount of amps you setup can push... so to get the most, stick to between 0.8 and 1.2 ohm, that should be a good base for this RDA, especially with micro coils.. Do not go to nano on this RDA, I cant see it working to successful at all... but who knows, hehe
Personally my magma is my daily rda, I use it almost exclusively on the ipv2. I wrap single coils of between 1.6 to 1.8 ohm and vape at 18 to 20 watts. This is what works for me. I change rayon every two or three days, and dry burn the coil once before i change it.

It is a very reliable setup for me and I don't carry anything else to work or anything. No backup. I have a Sony vtc5 battery in the ipv which lasts me two days per charge.

I also have a plume veil v1.5 and a veritas, but I could not build these to match the flavour and heat the magma generates.