Name one thing from your childhood

I have a vivid memory of my Dad making me and my brother a bogey from a plank and some wheels off a pram. We took said bogey up our street which was on a hill and after the first couple of go's the big kids came and took it off us. Of course we went crying back to my Dad, who took a broom stick, smashed the head off the wall broke it in two, gave me and my brother a half each and told us to go get our bogey back. We were never bullied on our street again and that bogey lasted for years.
We crashed and fell of that thing many times and not once did we ever complain about the scrapes and bloody knees. Still got some scars there I think.
No 4.
Always wanted to own a 1,2 and 3.
We had a #1 and 2 but I was too young to remember much of it.
This Puch is the first bike I ever rode on (not the actual bike). I'm showing my age here. Since then I have owned about 15 bikes.

It goes along side my stack system

I really love the old stack system. It made good logical sense. You could mix and match components. Tape deck X with turntable Y and amp Z.

I remember that, as a student, whenever someone bought a new album we would all end up at a particular friend's garden cottage to listen to it. Usually after a pub crawl. He had an amazing stacked HiFi system.
Remember these? And we used to write little "poems" in them. I know that one of them was,
Roses are red
Violets are blue ... [and I can't remember what came next!]

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