Name one thing from your childhood

But seriously... my oupa told me if I unscrew my bellybutton my buttcheecks will drop off...
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Gilbert the Golliwog was dropped in the 1990s after the books were accused of racism. He was replaced by Martha Monkey.

Miss Rap the schoolmistress, who spanked naughty children with a slipper, was replaced by Miss Prim.

Mindful of the homosexual complications of changing language, Noddy and his friend Big Ears no longer enjoy "gay times in the woods." They do not sleep together anymore or complain about "coming over all queer" when not well.

But Big Ears survived a barrage from the politically correct lobby who felt the name was insulting to aurally challenged children who risked being bullied in the playground.

Gilbert the Golliwog was dropped in the 1990s after the books were accused of racism. He was replaced by Martha Monkey.

Miss Rap the schoolmistress, who spanked naughty children with a slipper, was replaced by Miss Prim.

Mindful of the homosexual complications of changing language, Noddy and his friend Big Ears no longer enjoy "gay times in the woods." They do not sleep together anymore or complain about "coming over all queer" when not well.

But Big Ears survived a barrage from the politically correct lobby who felt the name was insulting to aurally challenged children who risked being bullied in the playground.

Funny, but sad.