New article on Dailymail

Badly researched, badly written, and badly presented. Official figures state 2.6 million vapers in UK as we stand. No mention of recent reports from ASH, NHS or Royal College of Physicians (London). Another case of fodder for the sheeple, a complete load of bollocks and should be viewed as such. Whatever happened to objective journalism? Am in UK at moment, is voting day for referendum regarding leaving EU and am dismayed at the gutter press stance on things regarding this. Saddens me that the general IQ of the masses in the UK is now on a par with a rather dense piece of building material.
If they only realised how many more toxins people breath in when walking on a busy street! This is just fear mongering and if they were really worried about peoples health then there are many more things in our modern world that need to be addressed first. When reading this nonsense it would be good to remember that the daily mail is not worth the paper its written on...
I would love to see their 'growing evidence'...tabloid journalism is a joke

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