New stock Arriving at Vape King on 07-11-2014:
Cloupor T6 in blue:
Cloupor ZNA 50W:
Kangertech Aerotank Turbo:
Vulcan RDA Clone by Infinite:
Cartel 26650 Mod Clone by Infinite:
Aspire K1 BVC Clearomizer:
Innokin U-Can:
Then we have restocks of the following:
Nautilus Mini
BVC coils for Nautilus Mini
Kanger Dual coils (1.5 1.8 & 0.8 ohms)
Emow Mega
Mini Protank replacement glass (Blue)
Iclear 30S Coils
Iclear 30B Coils
Nitecore I2 Intellichargers
Solar charging case
Kangertech Singles coils for protank/evod
MVP 2.0
Magma RDA
Restock of Suicide Bunny including 18MG - ETA Is Wednesday next week
We are also busy redesigning the Vape King branded Starter Kits - We will leave you guessing until they arrive however I can guarantee they are going to be something very special! - ETA 2-3 weeks
Cloupor T6 in blue:

Cloupor ZNA 50W:

Kangertech Aerotank Turbo:

Vulcan RDA Clone by Infinite:

Cartel 26650 Mod Clone by Infinite:

Aspire K1 BVC Clearomizer:

Innokin U-Can:

Then we have restocks of the following:
Nautilus Mini
BVC coils for Nautilus Mini
Kanger Dual coils (1.5 1.8 & 0.8 ohms)
Emow Mega
Mini Protank replacement glass (Blue)
Iclear 30S Coils
Iclear 30B Coils
Nitecore I2 Intellichargers
Solar charging case
Kangertech Singles coils for protank/evod
MVP 2.0
Magma RDA
Restock of Suicide Bunny including 18MG - ETA Is Wednesday next week
We are also busy redesigning the Vape King branded Starter Kits - We will leave you guessing until they arrive however I can guarantee they are going to be something very special! - ETA 2-3 weeks