All very good advice. Really helped/still helps me loads.. I just want to add a quick 2c since I'm just over a month off the stinkies now thanks to vaping. It has to be a mindset change when you want to quit. You have to commit, but it happens without you realizing it. I thought to myself let me give this a try and see if it works. 2 weeks in I couldn't even think of going back to smoking again. I jumped from trying to quit smoking to obtaining a new hobby and I love it. It took me about a week and a half to completely get over the triggers. For me it was after dinner with coffee.. Used to be my favorite smoke of the day, now I just drip some delicious desert and I have pudding after dinner in an instant and since I'm lactose intolerant, I can now vape deserts and milky things without fear
. Just keep at it, if you feel a trigger, just vape through it.