I did not want to nor intend to get involved in an argument about this, but calling people idiots for wanting to, by any and all means, quit a habit that causes one to take in 7000 odd chemicals every time you light up, and then managing to do it by replacing that habit with something that causes ingestion of only four chemicals, albeit in a little higher concentration, does NOT sit well with me.......I smoked 40+ Stuyvesant filter for more than 20years. Never did I need to go to a doctor, or had any nic attacks or could not sleep. So obviously there is a problem? Regulations are set on products, to keep idiots harming themselves.
A few weeks of cigarettes is great, but does not mean you have kicked the habit, the longer you need this high nic fixes, the further you will be from kicking the habit. Read this forum, many of the regular members that has been vaping for years still smoke or fall back to smoking.
I will put money on it that this sudden nic salts frenzy is tobacco companies boosting it to keep everyone hooked
Everyone may do as he/she pleases, but if you dont stop your addiction, by simply changing its name. Then you still addicted to the same thing and fall back at any time

@Crazyj used a 30ml bottle in three weeks and i used one 7ml pod and one Beserker tank in this past week, so let's call it 10ml of 25mg salts for argument sake

If i was still smoking this past week, i would have smoked 15 stinkies a day, Chesterfield soft, which means i would have taken in 135mg of tar per day and 945mg over the week

Also if you consult Dr google on the side effects of quitting smoking, there is a list as long as my arm, which includes headaches, nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbances, muscle aches, etc etc etc

Are there idiots out there that abuse mechanical mods and nic salts, that end up in hospital or the morgue? Yes quite a few i suspect, but i venture a guess that neither me nor @Crazyj or anyone else that quits with salts fall into that category

So go ahead and call me and idiot again......

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