Nominations - Top Local Juices 2017. Joining just to nominate


Vaping Enthusiast
Kempton Park
I do not think it is in the Spirit of the competition to join this forum just to nominate a juice.
Surely it would be better if only persons who were members at the time when the nominations were opened are allowed to nominate (and later vote).

I find it distasteful.

[Distasteful :rofl: .......................I'm wasted on here. ;)]

Only users with 50 posts or more can vote. Sorts it out easily

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The situation is being monitored. Action will be taken if required.
I don't see the problem. I just did a very unscientific scan and there didn't seem to be an undue prejudice in favor of a specific juice.

Also, although this is the first post for some members, they joined the forum before the threads were started. Some even last year.

It's not like there is a prize for nominating a flavour (is there @Andre who is not a staff member, thus really donating his time even more generously than the administration team )

When it comes time to actually vote, then yes, some rules admin to avoid ballot stuffing would be good.

The real question, how do we get these peeps to participate more, rather than point at them and sneer?
The situation is being monitored. Action will be taken if required.

Thank you @Andre

And just to conitnue on from what Andre said,

the ECIGSSA Juice awards is a fantastic initiative that Andre has offered to continue driving this year after he very ably drove it last year. The outcome of this initiative not only highlights the most favoured local juices amongst us forumites but it gives some credit to those juicemakers that work so hard in making us the tastiest juices that keep us going. Not only that, the results also serve up a great menu of local juices as recommendations for newer vapers.

Andre has offered to drive this and we as the ECIGSSA Admin and Mod team are very grateful for that. Not only is he giving his time but he is also highly capable and very fair. Dont forget that Andre was a very instrumental part of the Admin and Mod team when this forum started. That said, we are working with him closely on this and are in discussions as a team at all times.

We are monitoring this initiative very closely and are currently looking at ways to make it fairer - in the spirit of the forum. Not going to say too much now, but rest assured that we are going to do our best to make it fair and get the best outcome for all.

Just a message to those new members who have joined, @craigb is right - get involved in the forum - dont just nominate a juice and then disappear. This is a great community and we would like all new members to take part and improve their vaping journey.

I do not think it is in the Spirit of the competition to join this forum just to nominate a juice.
Surely it would be better if only persons who were members at the time when the nominations were opened are allowed to nominate (and later vote).

I find it distasteful.

[Distasteful :rofl: .......................I'm wasted on here. ;)]

Please see this thread, @DaveH.