Nosebleeds and Bad PG/Concentrates

Lord Vetinari

Elite Vaper
Hi All,

I hope this is the right section, as it seems where all the real info is collected. I have heard rumors on the DIY scene of nose bleeds and other ill effects caused by bad quality PG and fake concentrates.

Has anybody got any confirmed reports of this? Has any body had experience with such things happening? I have not found any myself but I think it is important to ask around a bit before dismissing it as pure BS. It is being spoken about on social networks but in a vague friend-of-a-friend's-aunty-heard-it-from-the-barber kinda way.

Nope nothing. Been DIY'ing for almost two years. Nothing of the sort.
Hi All,

I hope this is the right section, as it seems where all the real info is collected. I have heard rumors on the DIY scene of nose bleeds and other ill effects caused by bad quality PG and fake concentrates.

Has anybody got any confirmed reports of this? Has any body had experience with such things happening? I have not found any myself but I think it is important to ask around a bit before dismissing it as pure BS. It is being spoken about on social networks but in a vague friend-of-a-friend's-aunty-heard-it-from-the-barber kinda way.


Is this local or overseas if I may ask?
I have much more frequent nosebleeds since moving over from Twisp to proper vapes but I don't know if it is attributed to poor PG and concentrates. I think it is just the Vapour drying out the sinus? I suffer terribly with my sinus so eager to here any solutions (have tried the nose sprays and sinus washing but nothing)
Same here in like a year and I have supported most vendors. So IF there is a dodgy supplier it will be easy to spot, just make small orders first time. Thanks everybody.
Don't know about fake or poor quality products but I do know that cutting the VG base with 5% distilled water will stop the extreme dry sinus symptoms.

Of course that's if you diy. I know lots of vendors don't cut some H2O into their juices which in this dry weather will exacerbate nose bleeds etc.
I have ordered from SkyBlue, BLCK Vapour, Vapeowave and Atomix and no nosebleeds for me, they sell good quality VG, PG, Nic and Concentrates
Been DIYing since the early 1600's :D and never came across it.

I've never tried it but I believe a drop of saline will also help with sinus effects.
A mate of mine got a nose-bleed while Twisping. But only because I klapped him when he told me I'd get popcorn lung from my DIY juice.

I've had the opposite of @OnePowerfulCorsa since vaping. My sinuses don't feel dry at all. Although I've found that I do get more thirsty and my mouth often feels dry, my nasal passages and tip of my nose are always slightly wet. I told my gf it's a sign of good health and she said "Only if you're a dog". We had a good laugh about it but then I realised that I have been sniffing people's butts and burying stuff in the garden rather a lot lately. That could just be the Bobtail, though.
I have much more frequent nosebleeds since moving over from Twisp to proper vapes but I don't know if it is attributed to poor PG and concentrates. I think it is just the Vapour drying out the sinus? I suffer terribly with my sinus so eager to here any solutions (have tried the nose sprays and sinus washing but nothing)

Exactly this

I suffer from pretty bad sinuses, especially around this time of the year. I find that with vaping you tend to blow out your nose alot more often due to wanting maximum flavor, and this also tends to dry out my sinuses very quickly. I honestly believe it is just that, the hygroscopic nature of both PG and VG, the amount of vapor produced by sub ohm tanks and blowing this vapor out your nose alot more often then you would while smoking.

Running a humidifier in the evenings seems to work wonders for me.
The only nose bleeds I've had since I started vaping was from a nasty staph infection I got in my nose. It cleared up and came back again, so I started worrying it was my DIY. Then I read a story on reddit about a guy who had reoccuring chest infections and realised I had been putting off pit-stopping my daily use atties. Stripped and cleaned them thoroughly and the infection hasn't been back. I'm guessing that the heat condenses enough water in the air to produce a medium wherein bacteria can grow. Tell facebook to stop buying from dodgy people and clean their atties out.
I have serious sinus issues but I exhale only through my mouth out of habit so no ill effects at all EVER. Thanks all for putting my mind at ease again, gonna go fill me some carts with concentrate :)
sheesh this has never happened to me, but its pretty hectic if it is happening to people. I've been vaping for more than 2 years and diy-ing for almost a year. I've read about bad PG/VG like when adding PG/VG the juice discolors significantly. Then it is obvious dont vape that.
Never had a nose bleed in 9 months of vaping. I do get a headache if I vape a lot, but I think it's because I am not watching my fluid intake. I am not a "six glasses of water a day man", I must be honest, but having read a lot about dehydration and vaping on the web, I try to drink more water now.

They say if your pee is yellow by 11am, you are dehydrating. It must be white, then you are sufficiently hydrated.

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Coulerless urine could indicate that you may be drinking too much water, "normal" urine should be a clear-yellow or straw in colour. With all this talk of extra hydration one must also keep in mind water intoxication which can be damaging.
Rip Trippers ranting aside, has anybody used those electrolyte mixes he was punting? I drink quite a lot during the day but it's mostly coffee. So I pee as much as I drink and am not sure if I'm hydrating enough. Then, at night, I switch to wine which also isn't good for hydrating. I don't want to drink Coke and flavoured soft drinks so much, and plain water is very boring for me. Are these high-tech mix drinks any good or is it just MSG in a packet and rots your insides while proclaiming to save you?
Wow. Nice to see this thread. I stopped vaping about two years ago because I got bad nosebleeds. (started smoking cigs again) I never had nosebleeds in my life, only when vaping. I started vaping again 5 days ago, no cigs since :) wow the tech has gotten better! anyway, whenever I told any people that vape that I got nosebleeds they would look at me funny, nice to know that I am not alone and that there could be a cause to the problem.
Coulerless urine could indicate that you may be drinking too much water, "normal" urine should be a clear-yellow or straw in colour. With all this talk of extra hydration one must also keep in mind water intoxication which can be damaging.

@FeliksKarp Point taken, but you have to drink a hell of a lot of water to get water intoxication, which can even be fatal. Too much water can also cause one to excrete medication or vitamins, rendering it useless. I guess the key is "balance".

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Rip Trippers ranting aside, has anybody used those electrolyte mixes he was punting? I drink quite a lot during the day but it's mostly coffee. So I pee as much as I drink and am not sure if I'm hydrating enough. Then, at night, I switch to wine which also isn't good for hydrating. I don't want to drink Coke and flavoured soft drinks so much, and plain water is very boring for me. Are these high-tech mix drinks any good or is it just MSG in a packet and rots your insides while proclaiming to save you?

I think having some might be a good thing. Too much and this will certainly cause other problems.
I drink a lot of water and sometimes I put a squirt of lemon in.
When I used to smoke, I had bad sinus as well, and I had to carry a Nazeen spray bottle with me permanently, the nose sprays work and opens your sinuses very quickly, but the more you use them the worse it is in the long run, now that I vape I have no problems at all. So I think the nose sprays can be a big culprit to the nose bleeds as well.