Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
It the continual quest for the perfect tank the latest acquisition of mine is the OBS Crius RTA.

It's a good looking tank... the build is so simple and was a piece of cake. I forgot to close off the juice holes and airflow when filling the tank the first time so that was a bit of a fail. The first tank went down really fast and I guess that's why the flavour is as good as it was. Unfortunately it seemed to leak badly... I'm not sure if it was because of the initial fail or this is just a leaky tank... time will tell. I have refilled it again and this time I closed off the juice and air holes and so far so good.

I have dual coils in it (used the coils it came with) and the resistance is 0,3Ω and I'm firing at 40 watts. I have wicked with Rayon which is pretty much all I use these days.
Crius1.jpg Crius2.jpg

I prefer my own drip tips and find that the vapour flow is concentrated across my tongue and gives a better flavour... and this is the same in all the tanks I have tried.

Not sure if the fact that the wick is brand new but the flavour is right up there with my other favorite (the Bellus) and maybe be even better.

This is just the first few hours with the Crius... let's see how we go over a few days!
OK I'm off to read the manual and watch some reviews because this tank leaks like a bastard! :eek:
I guess I should have read the manual first... it appears the wicks need to go INTO the juice holes and not hover above them...

Take 2.
Haha yep, and thats something i liked about this tank above the Bellus. They have a place where you can tuck your wicks into.
I found that a 2mm ID coil seems to have the right amount of wick so you wont have to trim it thinner.
There does seem to be some juice coming out the seam between the AFC and the body but it is very little and i suspect it is just the condensation from the airholes.
But im loving this tank so far, like you said it is VERY simple to build on and refill, and the flavour is on point.
Oh, what did you think of the standard drip tip?
I see you replaced it but i must say i really liked it. It makes the draw so smooth.
Damnit, i was getting so amped until the dreaded "it leaks"

I'm on a mission for a flavor tank but refuse to deal with leaky tanks.
The leaking that Rob is talking about is because of a wicking fail.
OK the manual says close the juice holes when filling and when not it use... and so far no leaking after I rewicked it and stuffed the wick INTO the juice holes. I must say the flavour is excellent!

OK there are three of us testing the Bellus, Arctic Turbo and the Crius all with Milky Way... different coils and the Arctic has commercial coils which I assume is japanese cotton.

At the end of the day the flavour is really good on all three and while I'm liking the Crius the best at the moment my daughter has the best palate of all of us and her favourite is the Arctic... maybe I should try Koh Gen Do again in the Bellus and Crius.

Leaking issue appears to have gone.
Rob this tank is awesome..should never leak if you wick into holes...


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Just make sure cotton doesn't stick out off juice holes..

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I believe different wicks are good for different flavours.
Rayon is good for things like menthol and fruits.
Japanese cotton is nice for tobacco and dessert flavours.

Also another thing with the Crius is to not pack the wick too tight into the holes otherwise you might choke it and get dry hits.
Best coils build I have for it is..
Dual 26g kanthel 2.3 mm ( sub tank little blue screwdriver) 7 wraps

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Thanks guys... the Crius is vaping like a boss now... all I need a pipeline feed for my juice now. :D
Close juice holes a bit I run.mine half open with no dry hits

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@Rob Fisher , great pics and desriptions of the typical day in Robs vape cave with a new device

Rip it open, put in coil and wick and vape

Then read the manual and figure out how it should work

Love it Rob! You just go in full steam first thing. No wasting of time!

Glad you got it sorted. Looks great. How big is the tank capacity?
@Rob Fisher , great pics and desriptions of the typical day in Robs vape cave with a new device

Rip it open, put in coil and wick and vape

Then read the manual and figure out how it should work

Love it Rob! You just go in full steam first thing. No wasting of time!

Glad you got it sorted. Looks great. How big is the tank capacity?

Manuals are for whoosies! :D

Or rather manuals are for those dorks who can't work it properly and have to then open the box and find the manual.

4.2ml juice capacity it is Hi Ho @Silver.
Working like a boss, 22g 5 wrap dual Kanthal on a 2mm bit image.jpeg coming in at .14ohms. Sucks juice like crazy
This is 1 mother of a brilliant tank. I swear i wicked it like a absolutely hooligan just mushing cotton into it. And not 1 dry hit or leak ! Winning!
OK so seems Mr Fisher has found my new tank ...... how does it do with pure VG (seems I developed a PG sensitivity over the past few weeks :( ) ?
OK so seems Mr Fisher has found my new tank ...... how does it do with pure VG (seems I developed a PG sensitivity over the past few weeks :( ) ?

Not sure but at a guess I would say that of all the tanks this one should do pretty well because it has HUGE juice holes.
Still loving this tank... however one negative... the open and closing of the juice holes is a bit loose and you suddenly get a burnt hit and realise the juice holes are closed. :eek:
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Still loving this tank... however one negative... the open and closing of the juice holes is a bit loose and you suddenly get a burt hit and realise the juice holes are closed. :eek:

Good to know! Luckily I'm used to checking before I start vaping on the tanks anyway so not too much of an issue for me.
Biggest issue is no stock in black at the moment :p

Might need to start looking at drip tips as well.
This thing is a beast. Wicking is not for the feint hearted. 2.5mm id 4 turns 24 gauge. A little bit of shaping here and there. Scottish roll wick and I had to stuff the whole wick into the holes lightly and completely. getting 0.15 ohm and vaping at 42.3 watts and oh boy she chucks. Good tank this OBS Crivs. Bloody good!
Great review Rob, I've been using mine for a couple weeks, I also use the eleaf Ijust2 and the subtank mini.
I've not been getting as much joy as you it seems I've rewicked a few times this last time is better than the others two times but I'm not getting the same flavour as the Ijust2 also I find the ijust2 gives denser clouds than the CRUIS, it's probably my poor coil and wicking skill but at .4ohm highest watts is 35 and then the get pepper taste this is on 24g kanthal.
I'm gonna try my first Clapton build and see how it goes