Out and about with my awesome regulated mod!

How was the tour for you? I went a few years back and was very disappointed. Ths guide was useless and got lost a few times

Really, really enjoyed it.
Not sure if it's the same now as before but they take you on a guided bus tour around the island with a final stop at the maximum security section where you jump off and have a guided walking tour inside by one of the ex prisoners.
On my way out to a Xmas Eve Rasta party... haven't put on my dreadlocks yet... maybe I should take the Green Stabwood Solar Storm out the display cabinet?
Rasta 003.JPG
Oppie plaas...

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Eish, then show us the food.
Im so hungry, wife is out, so the kids want Burger king. To ashamed to post pics
But Burger King is awesome.

You’ll have to wait for pics of my food. Wife will murder me if I open it before I get home.

It’s chips and cheese and mutton curry gravy wrapped in a huge oversized roti. Healthy deluxe :clap:
But Burger King is awesome.

You’ll have to wait for pics of my food. Wife will murder me if I open it before I get home.

It’s chips and cheese and mutton curry gravy wrapped in a huge oversized roti. Healthy deluxe :clap:

Waiting to see a photo of that @Paul33
Sounds amazing

We havent got much food in the house at the moment - need to go shopping again - so when I see that photo its going to make me drool
Will have to wait longer

Got hungry and then got grumpy hungry so forgot to take a pic before it got inhaled o_O

My bad

No probs @Paul33 - was better actually that you didnt post because it would have given me hunger pains
Next time...