Out and about with my awesome regulated mod!

Mykonos Baby.

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We are about to leave port and Christos the tug has come to help again. Farewell Mykonos. You were pretty but cold but still very welcoming.

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On route to the South Coast. Traditional stop at Harrismith Wimpy.

Only problem is the Wimpy is closed for renovations. Damn!!! I love Wimpy.


@Silver Yep! There's nothing to beat Wimpy - especially their coffee. I often "vape" at the one in the mall, but what I use then is the Vinto Vape e-cig, my go-to for stealth vaping as it releases very little vapour.
Beach bums

Spot the BB and Reo Red!

They get prime seats on the beach. Lol

Beach bums

Spot the BB and Reo Red!

They get prime seats on the beach. Lol

Ah so jealous right now, it's been far too long since I had beach sand in my shorts. The last time I was on a beach I was rocking 24mg in a eGo/CE4 :eek:
Lol @BumbleBee. Using that as a time marker doesn't work too well for me.

Still have some 18mg menthol nitrous oxide in a Evod.

Beach companions today:

Lol @BumbleBee. Using that as a time marker doesn't work too well for me.

Still have some 18mg menthol nitrous oxide in a Evod.

Beach companions today:

If I recall correctly that was December 2013. Now put down the iPad and enjoy the lazy Sunday on the beach ;)
Ok thanks @BumbleBee
Will do! Lol. Don't have iPad on beach. Got iPhone.

Am thinking how cool it would be to have a beach vape meet. Lol