Out and about with my awesome regulated mod!

Avo.... :sick:

Looks like someone with a really bad cold coughed on the toast and tried to cover it up with delicious things so you wouldn't notice.
...Id still eat it :D
You know, when I met you I thought to myself, "This guy is pretty dodgy, I bet he eats avos!"
Dude you have a be a PshykickMindreader Guy!! That is Very accurate, I do Eat them, but only on special Sacrifice offering Nights
In Abuja for the weekend


Sent by iDad's iPhone
One can not help but do a double take when seeing prices like that. I see the exchange rate is about 30:1 which puts things in perspective. Seems their meat prices over these are lower than ours!


Generally beef is cheaper than in SA, but unless you buy from Shoprite, the meat quality is not great. Chicken is more expensive than beef.

Sent by iDad's iPhone
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