Quick short post, in the hopes it can come in handy for any fellow members down the line....
Saturday was flying to Cape Town from Port Elizabeth, going through security got stopped and was told no e-cigs allowed in carry on baggage and would need to be checked in. Obviously we all know this is not the case. The staff had no clue what an e-cig/vape really was and the supervisor was not budging that i would not allowed to be let go until i go back and check it in. I am a licensed pilot and fully aware of the regulations in regards to air law and dangerous good allowed on a commercial airliner. They started taking my claims a bit more seriously when i whipped out my SACAA Pilot License book, staff from Flysafair even plead with the security supervisor that she was wrong but this made her even more defensive. Eventually a gentlemen also from security found an IATA document outlining the rules and i was let go. Obviously a mistake with the best of intentions to ensure rules are followed, so no harm done, but if anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation just request the IATA cabin baggage security screening protocol sheet, it will quickly clear you and get you on your way with your vape in your possession.

Saturday was flying to Cape Town from Port Elizabeth, going through security got stopped and was told no e-cigs allowed in carry on baggage and would need to be checked in. Obviously we all know this is not the case. The staff had no clue what an e-cig/vape really was and the supervisor was not budging that i would not allowed to be let go until i go back and check it in. I am a licensed pilot and fully aware of the regulations in regards to air law and dangerous good allowed on a commercial airliner. They started taking my claims a bit more seriously when i whipped out my SACAA Pilot License book, staff from Flysafair even plead with the security supervisor that she was wrong but this made her even more defensive. Eventually a gentlemen also from security found an IATA document outlining the rules and i was let go. Obviously a mistake with the best of intentions to ensure rules are followed, so no harm done, but if anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation just request the IATA cabin baggage security screening protocol sheet, it will quickly clear you and get you on your way with your vape in your possession.