Thank you for this. Was wondering about the RBA deck - never seen it mentioned in the pre-launch this is not a video review, as i dont have one...but i sure want one
Today i was at Vapeking, and @Stroodlepuff & @Oliver Barry handed me a kangertech NEBOX, nogals a red one like a Ferrari
I saw them at the vapemeet on Saturday, but i didn't pay them much attention, due to the fact that it is a single unit. TANK & MOD in one.
Anyways, they hand me this NEBOX and I take a toot. Needles to say i was immediately BLOWN AWAY, by the vape i got of this thing.
The vape is identical to the subtank, in some points even better.
So I started asking some questions and taking it apart to see what goes where and what the possible pro's & cons might be.
1st up, this is a 60W mod, crazy right, and on top of that is is also a temp control mod with SIX preset temp and wattage settings.
coils - it comes with its own little round coils, but the normal subtank OCC coils fit in there this time i was just thinking to myself, wow this is just getting better and better.
Not only does the OCC coils fit, it freekin comes with a RBA deck. YES, you can rebuild this mofo!
Then they tell me, that this tank holds 10ml, TEN MILLILITERS!!!! and its made of plastic, so it wont break easily.
the mod uses a standard 18650 batt, that you can remove to charge or just use the USB pass through.....
the airflow on this is just 100% where i like it, nice and un-restricted.
then looking at the aesthetics "looks" of the NEBOX - its just a little wider than a pack of 20's, but because the tank is sort of next to the battery and not on top, this is a very short mod.
you know if you have your vape in your jean pant pocket and you sit down, it sticks into your hip, or maybe you have a fear of snapping the tank right off the mod.... well with this little beauty you will never have that fear. The NEBOX will never stick into your hip, it will also fit nicely into your shirt pocket.
what was also surprising for me was how discreet it is when you hold and vape it, and i am referring to the device, the clouds are definitely not discreet, this thing chugs like a choo-choo train....
so apart form the pro's already listed above, i am going to make a little pro / con list below in my view:
can use normal OCC coils
has a RBA deck
uses standard drip tip size
holds 10ml juice
great shape for comfy pocket carry
temp control
airflow is not adjustable - might not be fr MTL (mouth to lung)
battery door is not magnetic, its one of those coin turn hatches, but this could not even be an issue for you
tank is not removable, so might be tricky to rinse and wash.
i don't have a NEBOX <--- MAJOR CON !!
so my recommendation is you get over to vapeking, before these little monsters are sold out and pick one up. i think they where like R1200
@Rob Fisher @Silver @Yiannaki @Gizmo
Another con I picked up on ECF is that it does not have temperature protection.