Piece of hardware that you will never let go

Not sure if such a thread exist...

What is that piece of hardware amongst the vape family that you will never let go of? No matter the age, quality or condition. Can be atomizer or mod.What about it does it make it irreplaceable or invaluable to you?

Mine is the OG avo 24 RDTA. Still set him up every so 2 months for a week or two to just bring back those old nostalgic days from when i started out vaping..
Probably my SX mini Q class,it just outright performs.The quality warrants the price.
I am one foot in this camp. Currently considering trying out a new dripper. Looking for some recommendations..#flavourchase
@Sash ,the sxk Hadaly is a great single coil rda for flavor and bang for the buck, trust me or check out the forums thread.

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Mine would have to be my Subtank Minis! I haven't used them in a while, and chatting to @baardbek this weekend inspired me to try it again, although I got distracted by the bellcap and the ease of a commercial coil...


Subtank love is for life!
Mine would have to be my Subtank Minis! I haven't used them in a while, and chatting to @baardbek this weekend inspired me to try it again, although I got distracted by the bellcap and the ease of a commercial coil...

View attachment 112015

Subtank love is for life!
I would love a setup like this - timeless, especially the ST with Bell Cap, always wanted the combo:h:
I would love a setup like this - timeless, especially the ST with Bell Cap, always wanted the combo:h:
No can has!!! :-D

It is funny how some pieces are timeless though, the things I have got more recently almost have a disposable quality to it, or maybe that's just because I've been making bad decisions!
Gear comes and goes but we do form bonds with some items. For me my subtanks are what got me off smoking, I am very sentimental about them. My OBS Crius tanks paved the way to "advanced" vaping and the OBS Engine Nano's signify me reaching a level of stability and an end to searching for "better" atomisers.

My Skar, Therion and Lavabox represent the same in mods as the Engines do for tanks. A VTC Mini being the Subtank level mod.

I have various other tanks and mods which I hoard because that is what I do but the above will stay for sure. If i were forced to only keep one setup it would be the Therion with an Engine.

And then along came the BB...

No can has!!! :-D

It is funny how some pieces are timeless though, the things I have got more recently almost have a disposable quality to it, or maybe that's just because I've been making bad decisions!

Defs some things seeming disposable. I enjoy customizing the attys a little. The first to go are the screws. Not sure why the whole "heat treated" hype makes a difference, the screws still tend to give in fairly quickly on past attys. So what i do it get rid of it, take a walk to the hardware store get me some real screws. Next are the orings.

These small things tends to make my percieved lifespan of an atty much longer.. right now my all day atty is a peerless SE.. yeah budget atty right! But actually a vrey pleasurable vape and would be lasting me a lifetime.
@Sash ,the sxk Hadaly is a great single coil rda for flavor and bang for the buck, trust me or check out the forums thread.
Hey @kev mac
Yes it was suggested to me by someone else as well. Any idea where I can find it?
Mine would have to be my pharaoh rda, just absolutely love the thing....

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Gear comes and goes but we do form bonds with some items. For me my subtanks are what got me off smoking, I am very sentimental about them. My OBS Crius tanks paved the way to "advanced" vaping and the OBS Engine Nano's signify me reaching a level of stability and an end to searching for "better" atomisers.

My Skar, Therion and Lavabox represent the same in mods as the Engines do for tanks. A VTC Mini being the Subtank level mod.

I have various other tanks and mods which I hoard because that is what I do but the above will stay for sure. If i were forced to only keep one setup it would be the Therion with an Engine.

And then along came the BB...


So true @Raindance
The "attachment factor" is strong on my side too
And for me its also the pleasant memories of vape meets etc with particular devices
Hey @kev mac
Yes it was suggested to me by someone else as well. Any idea where I can find it?
I bought mine at the local B+M,@Sash .I think @antonherbst may own one and maybe he or one of your local forum pals can guide you to one,I also like the G series a lot but don't know it's pros and cons. Plus since the Q is just about a year old you may get a good price on one as I did.Good luck,i hope you can find one,keep us posted.
P.S. I googled it and a few notable retailers in the States have stock for about $149.USD if you can't find it locally. If I can be of service in that respect please feel free to PM me.
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@Sash and @kev mac i have just read your reply threads and Sash i am not sure what you want? Is it the sxk hadaly or the sxmini qclass? The sxk hadaly i do not own but the sxmini qclass i do. I absolutely love it. I like the sx so much i decided to sell a dna board mod over it. Now i am busy boing a custom paint job on the panels to make it absolutely mine forever. Sash all i say is you will not be disapointed. It feels great and performs like a monster. It is a stunning mod. Ask in the wanted thread maybe an owner of one would sell his to you.
I bought mine at the local B+M,@Sash .I think @antonherbst may own one and maybe he or one of your local forum pals can guide you to one,I also like the G series a lot but don't know it's pros and cons. Plus since the Q is just about a year old you may get a good price on one as I did.Good luck,i hope you can find one,keep us posted.
P.S. I googled it and a few notable retailers in the States have stock for about $149.USD if you can't find it locally. If I can be of service in that respect please feel free to PM me.
Thanks @kev mac , I didnt even realise you were in the states. I will definitely give you a shout if I battle!
@Sash and @kev mac i have just read your reply threads and Sash i am not sure what you want? Is it the sxk hadaly or the sxmini qclass? The sxk hadaly i do not own but the sxmini qclass i do. I absolutely love it. I like the sx so much i decided to sell a dna board mod over it. Now i am busy boing a custom paint job on the panels to make it absolutely mine forever. Sash all i say is you will not be disapointed. It feels great and performs like a monster. It is a stunning mod. Ask in the wanted thread maybe an owner of one would sell his to you.
Hey @antonherbst Ill message you. Was looking for a lekker RDA/RDTA
It's funny cause the rx200 got a lot of flack over the 510 issue and such,but I got mine when they first came out and it's been a horse.

A rather large and bulky horse in my view @kev mac :giggle:

Mine has behaved, thankfully no 510 issues but i havent put on and off too many atties
It has had my Avo24 on it for ages and is home bound

Not too happy with its battery life though
Oh, and it somehow damaged one of the wraps on one of my LG chocolate HG2 batts...

Anyone here prefer to keep an atty or mod simply on aesthetics over performance?
I was looking at my collection this past weekend, and realised I'm a bit of an antique collector :D

The ones I hope to never do without:

  • Reo Grand OG LP
  • Viscous Ant Cyclone (Cyclops) Gold with that Drip Tip they were paired with in Silver. A real beauty of an RDA, and such a great vape for my style.
  • Odin RDA (clone, but outstanding quality)
  • Snow Wolf Mini

And I have "a thing" for Geek Vape RTA's.