Pink Stubby
Clear panels
Pink panels
Gunmetal Buttons
Black Stubby tank
Pink drip tip
Age: Unknown
Price: R1550
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT
Warranty: None
Packaging: Yes
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: Good
Location: Roodepoort
Reason: Funding
Shipping: collection or Pudo Locker to Locker included
Pink Stubby
Clear panels
Pink panels
Gunmetal Buttons
Black Stubby tank
Pink drip tip
Age: Unknown
Price: R1550
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT
Warranty: None
Packaging: Yes
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: Good
Location: Roodepoort
Reason: Funding
Shipping: collection or Pudo Locker to Locker included
