Pioneer rta with dropping resistance

Leven Naicker

Experienced Vaper
Hi everyone, I'm currently rocking a pioneer rta and the resistance keeps dropping.
After installing a new coil the resistance reads 0.79 after being wicked and primed. After a few hours the resistance begins to drop to 0.73 then within an hour down to 0.69 and shortly to 0.65 where it remains. The vape is awful tastes as if there are hotspots which there are non, 510 is firmly in place, all insulators are perfect, posts not touching, screws tightened firm and the build isnt touching the chimney neither are the leads. I have tried various different mods to no avail. I have taken the tank apart completely cleaned everything and put it back starts off fine but ultimately ends up doing the same thing. I have also tried different coils but they all do the same thing.
Any one have any idea what's the cause for this ?
Maybe something simple I may be missing
I can quite often get similar drop with builds around what you are using, constant jumping around would be more abnormal but you say it settles at 0.65ohms to me that's what's your build has come out at and it would only be further movement of note that's unusual behaviour. @charln expects his new MTalien Hybrids to be at 0.80ohm when initially heated up but then drop and settle in at 0.60ohm that's a far bigger drop than you get!
@Timwis I understand what you're saying 100% but my issue is the constant changing in resistance I didnt leave it in long enough to see that it actually does not settle
I had a similar issue on my Expromizer RTA after a thorough clean and later realised that the positive post had come slightly loose when I got in there with a screwdriver. Felt tight, but was able to give it a good one and a half turn with a screwdriver. Problem solved after that.
@Timwis I'm certain it's the coils because I took the same coils and installed them in my Gata RTA and it's doing the exact same thing, resistance starts at one place and keeps decreasing
Can only be the mod I think.. that doesn't sound like a RTA or wire fault.. have you tried a whole different tank with new standard wire?
Sometimes you get loose wraps or when you crimp your coil into the grub screws the cores may break, so inside the outer wraps the core will shift around making all different kinds of contact.. that's what it could be as well
Just my 2c to add here,
I use the same coils as OP @Leven Naicker and I have noted the same strange behaviour of jumping resistances, specifically the White Collar MTL coils.
I always assumed it was due to the heat changing the resistance of the coil based on the ambient temperature of the coil itsself, but i dunno...
im using an MD MTL RTA on an old Twisp Vega