Thanks for sharing @Rob Fisher
So glad i finally saw the porcupines at the modmaster's place
What an incredible thing and it adds so much character to the whole Reo experience
Strange but amazing
@exodus ill warry more about the scotties than the porcupines haha.they dont take shit.i grew up on a farm in thabazimbi all my life until 2 years ago when i moved hear.they dont take shit of anything.
@Rob Fisher, I have 2 large porcupines if you want. All you have to do is catch them. They are quite a nuisance at 3am when they set my alarm off.
Albeit I have grown fond of their visits and often wake up at 3am and sit on my balcony in the hopes that they will visit and I can catch a glimpse of them.
What can I leave out for them to eat so they will stop attacking my shrubs?