I've had some time to test the newly mixed juices and gave them time in case some of the icky ones would get better.

Anyone who loves grapefruit flavour - get the Passion Chiller. All I could taste was bitter grapefruit and I hate grapefruit as a fruit.

The Cool Grape was actually very nice!!! The only whinge I have about it is it did not have enough ice in it. I had to add some and it was not a lost cause, it was bloody lovely. @Adephi take note of the english lol

The Cool Black Jack was what we were looking for - it's perfect.

Errrm, the Medusa I did not really like at all.

Ok, onto the strawberry and watermelon on its own, the strawberry being just strawberry and as usual, not enough ice. I had to add to both. It's not bad but it's not the best. I mixed the two together - 1/3 watermelon to a ratio of 2/3 strawberry made it a bit more pleasant. It could have done with some more sweetner in it to make it really nice. I'll do that in a bit and see how it goes.

Of the 5 I got, the winner jackpot would go to the Cool Black Jacks and Cool Grape.

And I discovered something. On my previous purchase of the Cool Orange, Cool Mango and Cool Pineapple. I decided impulsively to mix the 3 together with the pineapple being 1/3 of the total mix as it's a really strong flavour. Amazingly I achieved a nice fruit punch flavour and I really like it.

As usual, some of these are not as cold as I like them to be so I have had to test and add WS23 to some of them. Overall, Freezing Point flavour concentrates are not bad, and it's mostly what I was looking for flavour-wise, just add and mix as you go while it's still a concentrate and you'll come out with a winner - even combinations work and they are a great way to add more flavours to my collection.

I now have 9 flavours to choose from - both single flavours and mixed combinations.

It's not a perfect world but it is something to look forwards to.
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I have just tested the fused staggered fused clapton coils. They are great with the flavour - crisp and on point but I only have one problem with it - the ramp up time is slower than you would get with 3 core fused claptons.

I switched out with the 3-core parallel fused claptons coil. I rewrapped it to 4 instead of the usual 5 (original comes at 0.45 and I wanted at least 0.3). I got a perfect 0.3 with just 4 wraps which was a good call. My old coils are wrapped at 3.5 with a 2.5mm ID.

So I personally prefer the 3-core parallel fused clapton coils over all of the other coils I've tested in the past - I have had aliens and I just remembered I had the same issue with the ramp-up time to heat the coils.

I am not sure if I ever tried a 2-core parallel fused clapton, I might have made a few years ago but I can't remember.
Speaking of this, I have tried many different coils (all fused claptons) - none of them were right for me. Even the quality of them were not good. I could see the uneven wire work and the ramp up time for some of them was terrible, plus a lot of spitting and popping, even though I've done it right and I've also done a couple of them different ways, it's just not working out for me.

I guess I am stuck to finding someone to wrap me some 3x30ga / 38ga coils or even a roll of it. It's the only one that actually appeals to me the most and I can't find any. not even a roll of 38ga N80 wire.
Great to see @RainstormZA
happy that you have found some good juices you like from your recent purchases!
Great to see @RainstormZA
happy that you have found some good juices you like from your recent purchases!
Thank you and yeah well I got to be honest, after vaping some of the juices for a while, I find that the Mango loses its potency over time and becomes rather muted so I'm giving that up as well. The pineapple I'm keeping on side for when I'm really wanting a pineapple flavour.

I'm back to where I started with the one shots, Blackcurrant is still a good flavour to go back for an ADV. I've finished all the mango and not buying any more of it.

Now I am wanting to try a custard flavour, maybe something baked like a custard tart with strong custard and vanilla tones. I also am still in the search for a good donut flavour. @Timwis any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you and yeah well I got to be honest, after vaping some of the juices for a while, I find that the Mango loses its potency over time and becomes rather muted so I'm giving that up as well. The pineapple I'm keeping on side for when I'm really wanting a pineapple flavour.

I'm back to where I started with the one shots, Blackcurrant is still a good flavour to go back for an ADV. I've finished all the mango and not buying any more of it.

Now I am wanting to try a custard flavour, maybe something baked like a custard tart with strong custard and vanilla tones. I also am still in the search for a good donut flavour. @Timwis any ideas or suggestions?
Chefs are stopping doing single flavours and moving just to one shots and shortfills, selling off all single flavours and on top of the sale prices at checkout can get another 40% off with code "40OFF" although my email says that's for today only!

Chefs are stopping doing single flavours and moving just to one shots and shortfills, selling off all single flavours and on top of the sale prices at checkout can get another 40% off with code "40OFF" although my email says that's for today only!

Oh well, I wasn't planning on getting any til I get paid, I'm not sure if tomorrow or Friday plus I'm working my shifts tomorrow and Friday and I have the weekend plus Monday and Tuesday off.

I have always bought from Vapable - I'm sticking to them as they are usually good, free shipping for anything more than £25 and sometimes you get good deals or freebies thrown in. BTW I did have a look at the link - they don't have Capella plain doughnut or raspberry V2. Searching the site is a bit of a minefield too.
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@RainstormZA , maybe try getting a few commercial juices and mix them up a bit ?

I find tobaccoes go well with desserts
@RainstormZA , maybe try getting a few commercial juices and mix them up a bit ?

I find tobaccoes go well with desserts
Actually I'm off tobacco flavours now. I saw some commercial custard juices - one is Sicilian Custard and the other is a plain one, thinking of trying both as they both are on offer and come with a free nic shot.

On another note, I found some CAP Sugar Cookie and CAP Vanilla Custard in my concentrates box - they are old so I decided to mix up a 30ml tester to see what they are actually like on their own. I've not used them for months so might as well try them now while I can.

I finally got my new concentrates, along with some Freezing Point Blackcurrant.


My gods, the INW Custard is amazing!!! It reminded me of a cannoli recipe that @lesvaches send me about a few years ago. This is really a nice custard flavour - the best I've had, to be honest.

Steeping a CAP Glazed Doughnut at 3% and added 0.5% CAP Super Sweet, a mix of CAP Raspberry 1% and 3% CAP doughnut, INW Custard at 5%, INW Creme Brulee at 5%. I'll leave that for a week and see how they are.
So it's been a while since I posted here.

It took me 4 bloody years to find someone to custom-make me the coils I wanted.

I was introduced to a coil maker based in Scotland and he made a deal with me to make me some strips of 30awg*3+38awg (3-core fused Clapton) so that I can wrap my own coils and set them up in my Dead Rabbit V2 RTA. Only £10 for a couple of strips and he normally charges £3 for a pair of coils, this is truly a good deal. The price includes the postage so hopefully I will get the strips soon.

I go into a new job as soon as my DBS clearance comes back, they are hoping that I can start training a week or two before the end of August to start for September when the kids go back to school as this is part of my job transporting kids to school and bringing them home after school.

I got myself a cheap coil jig with some cotton off Amazon.

I left my awful job at McDonalds - it's a very toxic environment and I am glad to be out of there. It's funny the day I left, 2 weeks later McDonalds in the UK was all over the news for sexual harrassment, abuse and bullying. I've been bullied twice, have had to endure unfair treatment and just having to deal with rude or nasty colleagues.

So over this now.

I will post the new coils as soon as I get them in.

I've also found some 30awg and 38awg wire online and will purchase them as soon as I can afford to get the reels.
Wow that was fast. I definitely would recommend Danny at The Kilted Devil Coils - https://www.facebook.com/kilteddevilscoils

He's been brilliant and accommodated my request to have 30ga*3+38ga coil strips made and posted to me. For those who are living in the UK, he ships out from Scotland. This, after an hour back and forth chatting about coils, mods, tanks and juices, he realised that I knew what I was doing and he was more than happy to supply me with the request and send a sneaky extra for free to try - 2 strips of 28ga*3+38ga fused Clapton wire.

Here's some coil porn from TKD

28ga*3+38ga coil - 6 wraps at 0.38ohms (I think 3mm id, might be 2.5mm)



And the rest is history.




I am still waiting for my coil jig to come through from Amazon - that'll teach me to read the fine print, it's being sent in from China so I'll probably get it in about 2 weeks' time.

So far, I am getting 100% improved flavour on a single coil, compared to the factory-made junk coil reel I was using. Nothing beats the quality of a proper hand-made coil that was made with love and care. I am definitely recommending this guy and supporting him.
I have been given two extra mods - the other one in the house has given up vaping due to his illness. He has not fully recovered, 9 months later.

I now have two Lost Vape Thelema Quest mods and two Lost Vape Thelema Solo mods, extra batteries and a 4-bay battery charger. All mine now but only one Dead Rabbit V2 RTA. I will get rid of the crap that's been accumulated which will not be used by me - I am no longer entertaining the cheap crap anymore. I deserve only the best, after all the crap I have been through in the last year.


I have been eyeing the Dead Rabbit V3 RDA for a while now. When I have the money, I will get it.


I also had to take apart the red mod due to it not being looked after very well and had juice inside it. Good thing I did as there was quite a lot to clean up. I need to take apart the other red one and clean it as well.
I changed my coil today to the 30ga*3+38ga fused claptons and did the usual.







I know the coil looked wonky at the end and I straightened it out a bit, after seeing these photos.

I have to say I am not surprised that I am so stuck on these coils. I am getting massive flavour on this - the flavours just come out to play and it's really a nice cool vape, to be fair I've always liked a cold vape opposed to having an hot one.

I hope you have enjoyed my vaping pron. Lol.
Nice to see @RainstormZA
Wishing you all the best
Have a lovely vaping weekend
I also discovered something else that I had forgotten about. It only came up after I needed to clean my coil and rewick.

I present you this


I only paid £4.99 for a 2-pack which was a bloody bargain and I was a bit sceptical of the quality as I have never seen this before.

Boy, I have never been so wrong in my life!!!

Compared to Cotton Bacon, Cotton Bacon Prime and Octo Cotton, this has to be the best flavourless cotton for me from the start of a newly rewicked vape. I was amazed. I'm normally used to the cotton taste for the first few vapes but this on the first vape and virtually no cotton taste.

I got it off Amazon.
I know it's been a while since I last posted. Life just gets in the way but it doesn't stop me from mixing my own juices and coming up with some new recipes.

I just hope the sweet tangerine is worth it and I've been wanting to try the Fruit Circles by Capella Silverline.


Recipe for the sweet tangerine below

Screenshot 2024-03-07 200829.jpg

FYI, the fruit enhancer concentrate is the Vapable brand in the UK - this actually helped bring out the litchi flavouring that I had been battling to enhance. However too much can actually kill or overpower the subtle flavouring so you need to take care and start from the lowest which is usually 0.5% to 1% depending on what flavour you are trying to enhance (it's mostly used with citrus fruit but it works on the litchi with a low percentage).
I went and bought this





My last RTA was leaking every time it laid down on its side or upside down. I assume by now the seals need replacing and I don’t have replacements on hand so I got the Dead Rabbit 3 RDA to replace it for out and about. It’s smaller and less bulky plus I can drip different juices when I feel like it.
I got to say, the RDA is a game changer for me. I seem to be spending more time dripping different juices as I like to have a variety and it's a great little RDA, takes up little space and the airflow is adjustable too.

Now to find a Lost Vape squonk to go with it. There is one but it's way out of my budget so I will wait a bit longer for the price to drop or if any cheaper ones come on.
Time for another update.

I left my job at the council when I received an offer for a better job working with deaf people as a support worker. It's still new, I've only been in training for two weeks then started my shadowing shifts about a week ago. I started my first official shift yesterday and it was mostly quiet with only two incidents that were reported. So far it's been going ok

I also moved out of Selby to Leeds to be closer to the job and am staying with a friend for a while until I hear from the Home Office on my settlement application - their ETA was aimed for the end of October so not long to go before we find out.

So a whole new chapter for me to start afresh. I have been in the UK for 5 years now. Amazing how time flies.

I was encouraged to test an Oxva Xlim Go that a colleague at work uses and I thought that it was really great so I did some research online to find out more about the pod kits. I saw an Oxva Xlim Pro 2 and asked him about it. He said that those are better than the Go as it has more battery life which I naturally agreed on that so I ordered 2 of them from Vaping101 in Aberdeen, Scotland, where I ordered my previous Lost Vape mods from along with juices. I get 2 free 10mg nicotine salt juices with it plus an extra to get free shipping, oh and a pack of replacement pods. I hope to get them later this week before Wednesday as it was getting pretty expensive relying on disposable vapes as I kind of got tired of the big vape train - l want to be able to carry with me everywhere in my pocket and my Lost Vape mods were a bit too bulky for travelling around as I have to take the clients out if they have planned activities as well as my bag being heavy with a large powerbank and a water bottle, I don't need to be adding extra weight to it.

I think it's my age showing, I am no longer into pulling a massive cloud of vape and settling for smaller vaping as with the smaller ones, I won't be fogging up the house so quickly.

Screenshot 2024-09-23 091857.png
I didn’t have time to post this but wow this Xlim Pro 2 pod kit is amazing!!!

Battery lasts me a lot longer than expected and the same goes for the juice too.
