Name: Red Hot Chili
Nicotine: 18mg (1.8%)
Price: Got it from @devdev but if you want to buy US$10.99 / 15ml for the flavour boost version, excluding shipping etc.
Label: Warning printed (black on yellow
Equipment used: (1) Kayfun Lite + clone / 1.0 Ohm - single coil + cotton / Nemisis + 18650 battery and; (2) Ithaka clone + bamboo yarn / 0.6 Ohm - dual coil / K.T.S + 18650 battery
Review: The first vape on both devices are extremely overwhelming, but as soon as your taste buds get used to it, or should I say; the sensitive parts of your taste buds are fully tamed and domesticated, the strong cinnamon settles down. It is not HOT like in CHILI at all. On system (1) its actually very creamy and almost too sweet for my taste. The other spice/s in this flavour variant balance nicely with the cinnamon. On system (2) the sweetness is less as well as some unidentified spices almost disappear, the creaminess on the other hand is unaffected. I can not identify the spice/s - if I use my imagination it could be something like a slight musk, definitely not chili. Maybe someone else would be able to identify this. Someone on this forum mentioned "Fireball Bubblegum" - that's exactly what it reminds me of. Throat hit was subtle on system (1) and low to medium on system (2). I couldn't experience any harshness on any of the used systems. edit (thanks @Justin223): I doubt that its mixable with any other e-juice.
Caution: (a) If you like cinnamon, vape it with respect (don't overindulge). (b) Don't do too many lung inhales, it will cause a sore throat. (c) Don't use it in any plastic tanks due to the cinnamon content. (d) Watch yourself and read (a) above again, don't chain vape on this - I couldn't stop myself when I vaped it the first time.
I will definitely buy it, if it becomes locally available. It is definitely not an All Day Vape. Thanks for this e-juice @devdev, it will definitely make the rounds for others to evaluate and hopefully reviewed.
Note: This is my subjective taste of this flavour, and please keep your e-juice locked far away from kids, pets and stupid people!
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