Sorry guys but checked my finances and cant go ahead rigth now .
No worries @andro - probably best for my finances too - a second Cyclone would tempt me to bite the bullet and get a second Reo!
Big thanks in any case to @Andre for going out of his way to help out and try and make the sale happen.
GLWS @PeterHarris - very surprised this Reo/Cyclone combo is still available!
@PeterHarris i like your red door. I have a black lp/sl. Maybe you just need a change in colour. Like my black reo door on your red. Nudge nudge wink wink
once upon a time reos wouldn't last so long in the classifieds , times have surely changed as this is a steal
How is this possible.

This is a top of the range reo with nomness attys and its still up for sale.

Longest Reo for sale