Here is our latest Reo Roll Call - setting out the number of Reo households in South Africa (not the number of Reos in total). Some of the Reos are still on their way for delivery. Correct me if wrong, but think those are the ones on the way to @Lyle Abrahams and @zadiac. We are waiting with them and looking forward to their reporting for duty in the Reo Mail thread. Badges will be awarded then - by our official badger @johan.
Matthee = @Andre
Vamoman = @Cape vaping supplies
mgfza = @Mikey
Tw1st3d = @Tw!st3dVaP0r
McJuicebottle = @Vapey McJuicy
Wayne = @Silverbear
Not members of ecigssa: JO GSA, notdanielbutdaniel, Yusuf Wyngard, Elmarie, Shea Martin, Mitch, JohanDuToit, HRHDoC.
Not Reonauts anymore: @umzungu, Elmarie, @PeterHarris, @VapeSnow
Reonauts in the making: Not that I know of?
does every reo you own count or does you name only qualify once?