I'm just sitting here vaping on Old Avril and thinking just how perfect and satisfying the vape is... I'm so grateful to @Andre for forcing me to try the REO... I must say I have bought more than a few devices, tanks, mods and general vaping stuff on my journey... but nothing comes that close to the perfection of the REO Grand with a Cyclone on top.
I know those without a REO will think "That okey is a loon with his archaic mech mod" and I also know that those with a REO will nod their heads and understand exactly where I'm coming from.
Quite often I sit quietly at my desk and vape on a REO and get a really warm and fuzzy feeling of contentment... and that's not a feeling I get from any of my other vaping devices.
Yes I will keep buying new devices because I love testing new bits and pieces and a couple of devices worthy of mention of being a cut above the rest are the SX Mini M Class, the Billow 2, the new Subox, the Authentic Russian 91% (yes I still have it in use) on the Sigelei 20W... and last I do still rate the Atlantis Tank with the extended glass.
I would be really interested to hear what your REO happy place is... mine is below...
REO - Grand
Atty - Cyclone with slightly enlarged air hole, Fusion Drip tip or my US Flag tip
Coil and Wire - Single Coil 28g Kanthal
Coil Diameter 1,5mm
Resistance - 1,1Ω to 1,4Ω
Wick material - Rayon