Riptrippers, is actually a Ripoff

lol, Busudron will make me fall asleep, lol the only vid i did like from him was the "cloud chasing" vid, where he chases around a Photoshop'ed actual cloud in his yard, LOL
I way prefer our local written reviews to most youtubers ;)
I think there is something important that most people aren't seeing/hearing.

Rip is VERY specific about the words he uses. At least that is my opinion.
Having watched the whole thing and replaying it in my head a few times...

Rip very clearly and on multiple occasions states that he does not take, request, or accept money for his reviews.
But the key part everyone misses every time he says that?


I am pretty sure he is so specific about his words for a reason.

So, yes, he might be taking money from distributors (unlikely), vapeshops (likely), or other such involved agents.
The reason he might be taking money from shops is quite obvious. If multiple shops sent him the same item, who would be the one (or two) shops that ends up in his "where to get it" section?
Obviously the ones that pay gets the bigger/better plug/promo/mention.
Plain and simple advertising of that store/outlet/website.

All that said, I find it perfectly reasonable. The store has no interest in the outcome of the review, but a large interest in having their name put out there to a million+ vapers, as a "nice place" seeing that it sends it's products for review for "our benefit".
Added bonus if their prices and stock is good...

I'm pretty much done with this overhyped drivel form Mr.Twisted anyway. He blew this way out of porportion (like some spoiled child) because he is butthurt about Rip refusing to parttake in promoting someone's app, unless he is paid to do so.
I find nothing wrong with Rip wanting to be compensated for it, neither do I have any problem if the above situation of taking money from stores/websites to promote them alongside his reviews.

And that's all i really have to add to all this...

PS-edit: Just to clarify, I don't even like Rip all that much... But as of right now, I like twisted far less for his behaviour and handling of this.
Just found this. Hope it hasn't been posted before. He upped this yesterday.

Money from vapeshops is easier to swallow i guess. but its still highly dubious in my books.

If you get a device from a vapeshop and tell the world that the product they're carrying is crap... guess who's not going to be sending you any more stuff to review. Adding money to that equation only further skews the situation.

I looked into reviewing some stuff for some local dudes. I got a feeling that I wouldn't be able to do it without compromising my view point. I didn't say "NO" to them, but I just kinda let it languish into a thing thats not going to happen. My right to call something a piece of Poo, publicly. Is really important to me. As such I'll only review stuff I've paid my money for. I'm still on the fence about wether to treat juices like this too.

I might be a pariah for taking this viewpoint. But for me, it feels like the right thing.

Twisted is kinda childish, but its kinda who he his. Hence my wanting to see him and Rip go at it a bit. But Rips kinda boring :p
The reviewer gets paid by the medium his review is published on. Do you think BMW pays CAR magazine to do a review on a new car?

The magazine makes money by selling copies, they then pay their writers (Reviewers). It works the same when publishing reviews on Youtube, where the person gets paid for the views generated by the video. As with a magazine everything is paid for by advertising, more views (or physical copies of a magazine) the higher the advertising cost, and the more money is made by publishing.

If the content of his videos are good enough (close to a million views per video says it is), then he is getting paid, by Youtube. There are people who live of making Youtube videos...
um yeah BMW pays the reviewer either by giving them a car to drive or other sweetners
Think we all agree that if some form of capital can be gained from doing something you enjoy, provided your reviews etc are not biased then its all fair gain. the company's that endorse people in any community whether it be vaping or sport get a major income from the products endorsed by the person they sponsor. so its only fair if they get a small share for the time etc they put in.
No problem with reviewers getting paid ... problem is that Rip said outright in a vid that he does not get paid.
I don't see the fuss really.. in the end, its the viewers can watch what they want too..and ideally..should be forming their own opinion on reviews etc.. Youtube (or any other form of media) should never replace the need and requirement for a person to think for themselves. As for Rip, if he is making money out of reviews, then thats good for him (almost every professional athlete makes money from sponsors for doing something they love...and i doubt that any sponsor deal was done in the best interest of the product or the public)...

Top 3 internationals that i'd continue to watch,,, Rip, Grimm and Twisted (for that opening dance sequence)...irrespective of them getting paid or not, coz in the end, i will vote for the product on my willingness to spend my hard earned money on it...and not because some peeps on the net 'do it'....

my 2cents worth.