Have a couple of new combo contenders for a "top" list in a small package: a Pico paired with an Avo G and a Pico paired with a Serpent Mini 22. The Pico's won me over immediately for my wee hours of the night errand runs. So did the Avo G's on them and 24's on the dual batt mods. The Avo's are my favorite tanks for the TC mods. The SM22 was a fail at first due to leaking, but acquiring a stock of Cotton Bacon V2 fixed that.
The Pico/SM22 runs one of my favorite DIY's exceptionally well, maybe even well enough to unseat the Reos I normally run it in.
The king of the Pico/Avo G's is the black on black that runs quad coils at 0.15Ω. The ramp up is quite slow on the first pull or so, but my long slow lung hits gets it up to speed. It shines after that for a few pulls. The build uses up joose and VTC5A batts pretty fast, but not so fast that I can't use it for the shorter errand runs just tossed in a shirt pocket.
Made some pictures of the combo and build...
The Pico Squad on line...
The Pico/SM22 runs one of my favorite DIY's exceptionally well, maybe even well enough to unseat the Reos I normally run it in.
The king of the Pico/Avo G's is the black on black that runs quad coils at 0.15Ω. The ramp up is quite slow on the first pull or so, but my long slow lung hits gets it up to speed. It shines after that for a few pulls. The build uses up joose and VTC5A batts pretty fast, but not so fast that I can't use it for the shorter errand runs just tossed in a shirt pocket.
Made some pictures of the combo and build...
The Pico Squad on line...