Samsung 25r/Sony VTC4/5

Yusuf Cape Vaper

Elite Vaper
Cape Town
So I'm a subohmer. Super subohmer. I can't live on and always trust these efest batteries. Are there any vendors in South Africa that stock the Blue Samsung 25r batteries, it still have stock of the AUTHENTIC vtc4/5? Authentic batteries only please. I know the batteries limit and I wouldn't want a battery venting on me coz it's fake.
You shouldve posted this in "Who has stock" section, so that vendors can actually respond...
Thread has been moved

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WELL, I was asking JUST the same question. WHO HAS VTC5 or any super sub ohm quality stuff please.....!!!!
WELL, I was asking JUST the same question. WHO HAS VTC5 or any super sub ohm quality stuff please.....!!!!
As far as I know, vtc 5's are no longer available locally.

You can purchase vtc 4 ' s from @KieranD

I have been using my vtc 4's from him for a week and a half and I am very happy with their performance. I've been running them on a .33 Ω build.

They have a continuous rating of 30A. The only downside vs the vtc 5 is that the 4 ' s are 2100 mah vs 2600 mah on the 5's.
Does anyone know what the taxes (other than VAT) are should one import some 18650 batteries?
My VTC5's didn't cost much when they arrived.

Sent from my REO filled with VM Menthol Ice with a drop of coconut!
i just found out 5 minutes ago that [one of] the best sellers of the 25R, ILLMN, is now out of stock - while i left it in my cart for 2 days. :( ohh what a fool.
(Very highly regarded by many on ECF and the flashlight forum, CPF.)
i spent a lot of time looking at others there, all the various Panasonic and LG, nothing is as suitable as the 25R.
And btw, he no longer stocks VTC5 and VTC4, obvious reason. He was that leading supplier that found that the had been supplied with fakes and "quite high up in the supply chain." And then sent email to customers and did refunds. Same applies to VTC4, they are not immune to being faked. If you get lucky, your fakes could turn out to be rewrapped Samsung 25R.
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I've ordered a few 25Rs from Fasttech, they should be here by the time Eskom can supply the power to charge them :rolleyes:
omw! Slow boat from China. i tried that, first they changed it to surface mail andremoved Philippines Post from the options, then after a while they opened a support ticket and did a refund. So i figured all the East Asian postal services got strict about batteries.
omw! Slow boat from China. i tried that, first they changed it to surface mail andremoved Philippines Post from the options, then after a while they opened a support ticket and did a refund. So i figured all the East Asian postal services got strict about batteries.
Nah, I'm not worried, my order went straight to the harbour in Hong Kong.... and he's making progress :)

I have 3 or 4 orders long time outstanding from Fastech... I have almost given up hope of them ever arriving! :(
The PO backlog is major. Their 3 to 4 weeks to clear it is nonsense. Even the EMS is still not cleared and up to speed. . ...Or we'd have heard from Mike and VandaL today.
Yeah I figured it's going to take a while, made peace already that it will probably only get here in February next year, but the sooner it gets ordered the sooner it gets here. For $12 a pair I can wait a bit.
$12? i thought $10 at the place that Rob posted a link to was bad. (Although i checked ebay a few days ago and even from China they are well over $12.) Edited my post about ILLUMN to add the link...(show all, order by Name)...
If fasttech was a walk in store it would be perfect. But as for them sending goods. Lol the wait continues. I doubt I'll. Ever put myself through that
Dont know if any 1 has seen this , just found it now while looking for batteries myself

Not sure if its legit but i just started laughing when i saw the prices...
Those prices are down right ludicrous! $30 for a vtc5? Hulle is laf!

I think the samsungs are going to be a winner, I am curious why our local vendors aren't stocking them though :wondering:
Dont know if any 1 has seen this , just found it now while looking for batteries myself

Not sure if its legit but i just started laughing when i saw the prices...

The LG's have been on my radar for a while now.
It's the same (i believe) being bundled and sold inclusive with Vaporsharks nowadays.

Reasonable price, depending on what import fees apply after VAT...