Should I Get A Mech?

The theory "if it breaks u are stuffed" may be right....but tbh, everyone will eventually have more then one device. I bought the relatively cheap cloupor mini just as backup.
I think it all depends on a budget. If you get something that will suit your needs. There are so many options out there if a budget is tight start with something that gives you options then upgrade from there.
O cool never saw that. Just reading all the posts.
Wow, that is a huge task. You certainly are serious in doing your research - well done. Do not hesitate to shout if you have any questions.
Wow, that is a huge task. You certainly are serious in doing your research - well done. Do not hesitate to shout if you have any questions.
I will thanks. I hope you weren't being sarcastic I may not know everything yet but I'm reading all the time and I was around an experienced vaper just after I started reading up about everything. He gave me a few pointers. He showed me about 5 different settups and apparently he had more at home. So I guess this can become a collection hobby. I could easily see myself collecting myself. I would also like to build my own mods and many even my own dripper. My buddy has his own lathe so we may play around one of these days. Enjoy thanks.
I think you should ask yourself if you want to go bottom fed? If yes, then you have little choice but to go mech and I'd advise it. I love my KUI with Marquis bf for the dripper experience.

If not, then there's very little or nothing the newer regulated mods won't do that a mech can. I wouldn't advise it. Here arey reasons for regulated: consistent vape without reduction as the battery level drops, controlled vape by choosing how much power you want versus very hot on a fresh battery and hunting for more on a lower battery, able to see remaining battery power at a glance instead of guessing how long it will last, makes use of all the battery capacity by regulating power upwards when power drops below about 50% instead of changing the battery when it's only half depleted, easy to swop atties and coils and adjust the power level to match your requirements instead of building a coil specifically for it and possibly only being able to use it with that paired mod, most mods now have usb charging so no need for additional charger, a lot also have very high capacity so no need to carry spare batteries everyday, additional safety measures with battery checking and protection, atomizer checking and ohms readers let's you know what is wrong versus guessing and opening the whole atty up to figure it out.
I will thanks. I hope you weren't being sarcastic I may not know everything yet but I'm reading all the time and I was around an experienced vaper just after I started reading up about everything. He gave me a few pointers. He showed me about 5 different settups and apparently he had more at home. So I guess this can become a collection hobby. I could easily see myself collecting myself. I would also like to build my own mods and many even my own dripper. My buddy has his own lathe so we may play around one of these days. Enjoy thanks.
No, not being sarcastic at all. Researching is part of the journey. As long as you enjoy the journey.
No, not being sarcastic at all. Researching is part of the journey. As long as you enjoy the journey.
O it is a journey I can't wait for all my products so I can truelly start the journey. Once I get it I will know more than enough to get going. In the meantime I will do shopping so I can get different guages of wire better batteries and a nice mod for all day use. Then I will keep the mech for dripping and cloud chasing to show off or juiceTesting.g
I think you should ask yourself if you want to go bottom fed? If yes, then you have little choice but to go mech and I'd advise it. I love my KUI with Marquis bf for the dripper experience.

If not, then there's very little or nothing the newer regulated mods won't do that a mech can. I wouldn't advise it. Here arey reasons for regulated: consistent vape without reduction as the battery level drops, controlled vape by choosing how much power you want versus very hot on a fresh battery and hunting for more on a lower battery, able to see remaining battery power at a glance instead of guessing how long it will last, makes use of all the battery capacity by regulating power upwards when power drops below about 50% instead of changing the battery when it's only half depleted, easy to swop atties and coils and adjust the power level to match your requirements instead of building a coil specifically for it and possibly only being able to use it with that paired mod, most mods now have usb charging so no need for additional charger, a lot also have very high capacity so no need to carry spare batteries everyday, additional safety measures with battery checking and protection, atomizer checking and ohms readers let's you know what is wrong versus guessing and opening the whole atty up to figure it out.

@Ashley A - your points are all valid
One thing i will add though - although you can vary the power on a specific coil when using a regulated, you still need to buiild the right coil for the range you want. And that range in my view turns out to be similar to the power you would get on a mech.
Experienced vaper, i don't know about that.

To be honest, I went through a fanatical phase with vaping, buying all sorts of RDA's and liquids, etc, but I have now settled down. The most important thing here is to quit the cigarettes. Vaping is the best alternative.

I've settled into an ipv v2 and the Kanger subtank mini. This does what I need it to do - keep me of the smokes. I don't even carry around a rebuilding Vape kit with me anymore. Also, at this point I don't carry around a spare battery because I know how long a given battery will last me and I know I will be back at home long before then. To speak of backup devices, I don't own any other form of power delivery except for two ego style batteries. With vaping becoming so popular and the great service from retailers, I don't need to own backups as shipping is so speedy. Actually, when I thought I lost my IPV, i called up @BigGuy from Sir Vape - on a Sunday - and arranged to pick up a new VW mod a couple hours later.

All of this is just what works for me, and all is subjective, just like any other hobby. I also see this with my other hobby - angling. People swear by certain equipment and nothing else works for them, but you will find many other people using different equipment and still get the same results. A prime example of this is a plume veil v2 that's sitting in my drawer, collecting dust. People on this forum, youtube, and all over the world swear by it. I don't think I've read a single negative thing about it, yet I did not find any joy in using it.

Your setup needs to work. It needs to keep you off the smokes. It doesn't have to be the best or the most expensive setup.

Anyways all of this are just my opinions on the experiences I've had thus far. Hope I've not trampled on anyone's toes.

Sorry guys. dont mean to hijack the thread but i too am looking to get into the mech mods. asap. but whats the deal with the magnetic buttons?
Magnets in the firing button reduces the voltage drop on a mech mod
Magnets in the firing button reduces the voltage drop on a mech mod

Not at all, as it doesn't form part of the current path and is only keeping the contact points away from each other as a spring will do.
Anyone got a sketch I can look at? Maybe a wiring diagram? For educational purposes?
Anyone got a sketch I can look at? Maybe a wiring diagram? For educational purposes?
but can be more dangerous as there is no spring to act as is fuse for shorts etc.
@johan i think he means that a spring can be a point where voltage drop occurs.

I can't find a decent picture on the web of a switch mechanism, but in essence it is basically 2 main parts, kept away by either a spring or 2 magnets (opposing each other). When you press the switch, you basically force the 2 mentioned parts against each other to complete the circuit. In a Nemesis for instance, neither the spring or magnets are safe when it is accidentally fired continuously. Mechs like i.e the Reo, have a collapsible spring on the negative side of the battery.
Thanks for the explanation. I just wanted to get an understanding of how the switching mechanism works. I have one more question. I mean no offence to reo owners but what is it that attracts people to the reo mods?
Thanks for the explanation. I just wanted to get an understanding of how the switching mechanism works. I have one more question. I mean no offence to reo owners but what is it that attracts people to the reo mods?

No offense taken at all. Very difficult to answer you question objectively, but if you skim-read through the Reo threads you will understand:
I mean no offence to reo owners but what is it that attracts people to the reo mods?

As @johan said no offense taken as it's a perfectly normal question... and one I asked a few times before I got my first REO. I was very sceptical that a pure mechanical device could be better than my fancy regulated mods and fancy tanks... I actually ordered my first REO just to check if the guys were making this all up or there was something really good with the REO.

It's now a year later and I own a few REO's and have owned and bought and sold plenty others...

There are a host of positives but my number one positive is the pureness of the vape... I have it set with a 1,1Ω Microcoil with a Cyclone Atyy on top with Rayon wick and Tropical Ice in the juice bottle... and no device or juice has ever come close to the perfection of the vape for me...

And then there are the normal positives like it's really reliable, easy to clean and maintain etc...but all that you can read in the REO threads.
As @johan said no offense taken as it's a perfectly normal question... and one I asked a few times before I got my first REO. I was very sceptical that a pure mechanical device could be better than my fancy regulated mods and fancy tanks... I actually ordered my first REO just to check if the guys were making this all up or there was something really good with the REO.

It's now a year later and I own a few REO's and have owned and bought and sold plenty others...

There are a host of positives but my number one positive is the pureness of the vape... I have it set with a 1,1Ω Microcoil with a Cyclone Atyy on top with Rayon wick and Tropical Ice in the juice bottle... and no device or juice has ever come close to the perfection of the vape for me...

And then there are the normal positives like it's really reliable, easy to clean and maintain etc...but all that you can read in the REO threads.
Thanks Rob. I get what you're saying. I haven't vaped on one yet but what is it in your opinion the reason for such a good vape?
Thanks Rob. I get what you're saying. I haven't vaped on one yet but what is it in your opinion the reason for such a good vape?

I really don't know... it's not a question I have been able to answer... if I had to guess it may be the pure voltage to the coil but this is just a guess and it's a standing joke for me saying how can such a simple device beat all the technology in the world... I just don't know.
I think it is the bottle which can store more juice than a tank. Then a squonk wets the wick as much is needed. So you have a dripper with tank convenience. Once you are good with knowing what coil suits you there is no more need for regulated.
I like that answer.. Im even more intrigued to get one..
I really don't know... it's not a question I have been able to answer... if I had to guess it may be the pure voltage to the coil but this is just a guess and it's a standing joke for me saying how can such a simple device beat all the technology in the world... I just don't know.
The "pureness" from the Reo is very difficult to put into words. Except to say that every juice just tastes so much better. Of course much of that improvement is due to the nature of the rebuild able dripping atomizer.

The distance from the coil to your mouth is much closer, and often the small chamber helps to intensify the flavour. The pure raw power delivered from the battery to the coil is unimpeded. I can definitely taste a huge difference.

But to get that "perfect" vape requires much effort, practice and dedication. Basically all the things I needed to help me quit smoking.

To answer your question then. YES. You should get a mech. It's not as easy, but you'll learn a few things.

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