Show us your builds - Drippers (RDAs)

Credit to the inventor,i would be lying if i said @PieterShaun's build video of your coil wasn't at least part of the inspriation;)
Tomorrow brings this in dual coil,possibly using ribbon,havent decided yet
Thanks man ;) great to see it being used and adapted, so much creativity among forum users, who knows what could happen. Glad you're enjoying it.

Ps. I think you meant @PeterHarris
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Thanks man ? great to see it being used and adapted, so much creativity among forum users, who knows what could happen. Glad you're enjoying it.

Ps. I think you meant @PeterHarris
I deed i deed.
wrong bloody forum :p
lol,corrected it and then saw your post
Sorry @PeterHarris
need to lay off the after work beers before posting.
actually have an idea for a slinky(if i may use the term) coil jig
Seem to have run out of twisted 32g,recycled some pre loved twisted coils.
GREAT improvement on the 69 vs the MVP.
currently have the coils flat to see how it performs,will slinky them later and see if the performance changes.
Currently vaping Vm VM4 9mg
dual 1.jpg
dual 2.jpg
dual wicked.jpg
Dual juiced.jpg
dual action shot.jpg
Lol.that setup was short lived...running a single vertical micro coil.28g,7 wraps on a 2.25mm screwdriver.1.5ohms of goodness.
Trying Pbusardo's coil method, lets see






Twisted 26 triple 3d coil 3-4 wraps per coil.

sent from my telegraph machine using Tapalalk stop
Why you ask? Wouldn't you like to know;) Just me and @BansheeZA messing around.. maybe it was the "Vuil Coke" that motivated us...that dear friends is a tripple twisted 26ga sleeper with 2mm IDIMG-20140802-WA0039.jpg
As crazy as we are...hmmm... YUP.. but that's rough let me tell you.
My first build that I have been happy with on my quasar clone.

I really struggled but with some guidance from other members of the forum I am getting there.

Dual micro coils 28 gauge 12 wraps each. Light wicking!!! I originally packed way to much cotton in there and I think it was choking up and burning the cotton.
My first build that I have been happy with on my quasar clone.

I really struggled but with some guidance from other members of the forum I am getting there.

Dual micro coils 28 gauge 12 wraps each. Light wicking!!! I originally packed way to much cotton in there and I think it was choking up and burning the cotton.
View attachment 9213
That looks perfect to me. What is the resistance?
It is reading at 1ohm on my hana clone so I am guessing it is actually around 1.2 ish based on the reports that they tend to read .2 ohms lower.
It is reading at 1ohm on my hana clone so I am guessing it is actually around 1.2 ish based on the reports that they tend to read .2 ohms lower.
Now you are more than ready to test the waters below 1.0 ohms. A good start would be between 0.6 and 0.8 - juice up with your favourite tobacco or dessert juice and taste the difference.

Made some "crazy" wire. 5 wraps on 1/16 drill bit putting out 0.5ohms. Clouds are huge surprised with the amount of flavor I'm getting as well.
Intricate that crazy wire. How do you make it?
Started off with 0.5x0.1 ribbon kanthal twisted it as you would for the mundy wire. Then once done and torched. Reverse twisted it with 26g kanthal (could you tell I had nothing to do today lol)
Started off with 0.5x0.1 ribbon kanthal twisted it as you would for the mundy wire. Then once done and torched. Reverse twisted it with 26g kanthal (could you tell I had nothing to do today lol)
Well done, far above my pay grade. Mundy's wire is known for giving awesome flavour, but I took one look at the process and decided not for me.